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Prince of Persia 2 - New Screens


I can't wait for this game. Looks great.
I just hope there's a little more freedom in platforming.




















I thought the first one to be the most overrated game this gen but this one looks pretty hot. Just hope the combat isnt as awful as the first in execution and not just screens.


Is he slicing off that guy's head in the 5th screen?! They weren't kidding about this one being more mature.


Meier said:
I thought the first one to be the most overrated game this gen but this one looks pretty hot. Just hope the combat isnt as awful as the first in execution and not just screens.

Wind Waker got my vote for that.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
StrikerObi said:


Heaven forbid they try something new. If this game has a decent story you're gonna get a nice TESTICLE PUNCH from me, I swear.


Wipeout: Get the xbox version, nicer image quality and more stable framerate.

Anyway, this game looks HAWT. I just hope the framerte is locked this time.


From the run through I saw, it does retain a bunch of it's platforming roots - it's just more "streamlined." I mean, it definately has platforming, some of the prince's new moves come from it. Even the early levels they showed had some fair platforming and switch puzzles...


Graphics look great, but the interviews have made me extremely skeptical about the game itself -- it sounds like they're trying to downplay what was best about the first game.
FoneBone said:
Graphics look great, but the interviews have made me extremely skeptical about the game itself -- it sounds like they're trying to downplay what was best about the first game.



graphics-wise..... we're not ready to take a leap to the next generation. the gamecube and xbox are untapped power-mongors!


I kinda had my fill of killing Flaming Undead In The Dark already.

What about a game where you slack in your gorgeous palace, eat great food, buy stuff you dont need, go sightseeing and after women, watch people get really excited for the chance of talking to you? I think it would get the "prince" part better!


I dont buy this new "arrr, I am the gungho prince of pirates Persia" look to the game so far. The first one was a great game, but somehow I am not as excited for this sequel. Hopefully its good.


I haven't played the first PoP yet :O.

Anyway, the game looks gorgeous, and the fighting looks slick. Hope theres more to it though.


Didn't anyone really read any of the GI interviews? The game will have platforming, but also, combat will be blended into the mix, like using your sword to cut down on a curtain to slide safely down to the bottom, etc etc etc...............etc etc etc.
Mareg said:
I've own both GC and XBOX version. Definitely Xbox over the GC one.

I've read that the GC version is more colorfoul and has better textures and that the xbox has fingers in the prince and better effects......is this true, at least i think i've read it in the ign head-to-head i think.....


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Bluemercury said:
I've read that the GC version is more colorfoul and has better textures and that the xbox has fingers in the prince and better effects......is this true, at least i think i've read it in the ign head-to-head i think.....

The GC version took some major hits to the bloom lighting...which is why is may appear more vibrant. Really, it almost comes down to opinion. I love the bloom lighting effect, but I know plenty of people that do not. The lighting is the main difference between the two versions.

The GC version also features slightly better textures in certain areas while the XBOX version features slightly fuller models. Those differences really don't mean a whole lot in comparison...
As Striker and I were saying in the last PoP2 thread: Prince, you are dead to me.

Seriously, I would not be surprised if they just dropped platforming from the game almost entirely. Come to think of it, I don't think we've seen a single screen or second of movie that shows platforming.

Those saying that they are trying something new must be forgetting about the bazillion other angst-driven fighting games on the market. While I didn't love Sands of Time, the platforming was definitely in the spirit of the PoP legacy. This game just looks like generic fighting game #23467.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Come to think of it, I don't think we've seen a single screen or second of movie that shows platforming.

They have only shown very specific areas in each screenshot...so I'm still hoping for some platforming.
I am too. Though looking at the quotes I posted in that other thread leaves a lot of doubt in my mind. Almost every answer was "focus on combat and action." When he was finally asked what percentage of the game was platforming he said something along the lines of "well, the last game was about 70% platforming and 30% combat. I don't want to give percentages for this new one but it's going to be all about combat. Genre shift!"


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yeah, that's upsetting...

I didn't even care much for the combat in SoT...so I can't say I'm thrilled about this new focus. Now, post Ninja Gaiden, I really doubt I'll be able to dig into the combat...so focusing on it just seems like a terrible idea. We want PLATFORMING guys!

There is a part of me that believes this "genre shift" has less to do with being a "mature" game and more to do with development time. Creating a game based around combat is likely much easier than designing those complex, acrobatic levels found in SoT. Considering how fast they are pumping out this sequel, one can't help but wonder if the reason revolves around time. Of course, rather than admit this, they would obviously try to hype what they ARE doing...
I'm adding this to my games to get list.
I doubt they'd just ditch the platforming since SOT's approach to that was brilliant and made the game the critics darling it was.
The graphics have been changed quite a bit. I like the change. I wasn't crazy about SOT's aesthetics, sorry to say, and I suspect that's partially why it underpferformed.
Improved combat and nifty in appearance boss battles don't hurt this one's prospects either.
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