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Prince of Persia Warrior Within boxart


Junior Member



works for Gamestop (lol)
Prospero said:
That boxart says, "Wait for me to reach a $20 price point. You won't have to wait long."

I agree with this post, except I'll wait for it to come at $10


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Yeah, we haven't seen that shot before. :p

Why all the hate? I thought most people enjoyed The Sands of Time. Is everyone just afraid that the combat has taken back seat to exploration...or is it like the irrational hate I have for Nanobreaker and BloodRayne? Well actually I have my reason for hating both those games, but you know what I mean.


The text could be better, the background I'm a bit neutral on, but the character art is awesome. Hopefully they focused enough on the room puzzles.
It'll still sell more than the original PoP. And even if the cover art isn't that great (they should've should the close up of him with his swords crossed in front of him) it's still better than PoP's cheesy looking cover.


Grizzlyjin said:
Yeah, we haven't seen that shot before. :p

Why all the hate? I thought most people enjoyed The Sands of Time. Is everyone just afraid that the combat has taken back seat to exploration...or is it like the irrational hate I have for Nanobreaker and BloodRayne? Well actually I have my reason for hating both those games, but you know what I mean.

The PoP:WW hate crew shall arrive shortly and explain why this game is going to suck. Be patient.

SaitoH said:
The PoP:WW hate crew shall arrive shortly and explain why this game is going to suck. Be patient.

If the platforming sucks, the game will suck. I don't give a shit about improved combat in a series that was never about combat.


you people are insane. the cover art looks good, even if it's not particularly prince-y.

as for the platforming, i'm willing to give ubisoft the benefit of the doubt on this one. surely, they haven't completely forgotten what the series is about. just wait for the reviews before you start with the "wait for $10."
enjoy bell woods said:
If the platforming sucks, the game will suck. I don't give a shit about improved combat in a series that was never about combat.

The original Prince of Persia was more about platform puzzles and timing, but it had some of the best one-on-one swordfighting seen at the time. The parry->strike element of the combat was very unique in games at the time.

Prince of Persia 2: Shadow and the Flame had much more combat (not necessarily for the better). It was still fun, but it just lacked the grace of the first game.

I do think the art looks good overall, but the logo is weak and the shot looks too much like Bloodrayne.

I will greatly miss the cocky, naive young prince from the sands of time.

My main complaint is the subtitle: Is the warrior within the prince? He was already a fighter at the beginning of the first game. Perhaps the title refers to something other than the prince's improvement in combat, but the name still sounds very generic and rather weak. Ravages of Time would have been perfect, as it plays a role in the game and also ties it to Sands of Time (which Ubi may not want).


Unconfirmed Member
I like the art independantly, but as the cover, it just feels like they're trying way too hard.

"It's teh mature! We swear!"


works for Gamestop (lol)
SolidSnakex said:
This should've been hte boxart (maybe it will be for the US):


I agree. Here's a bigger version


But I bet some parent is gonna be angry when she finds her son getting scared by the box art cause the prince uses swords and guns :p


works for Gamestop (lol)
SolidSnakex said:
This should've been hte boxart (maybe it will be for the US):

You should really tell Ubi that, that would look amazing as a cover.

personally, I don't care if PoP: WW has less platforming elemnts, the game had a fantastic fighting system and if they make more of that I will love it.

Also, Are they using the same Prince from POP: TSOT or is he different.
PoP:WW hate crew reporting in for duty.

This game is going to suck. Angst and combat don't belong in a game about beautiful storytelling and platforming.


SolidSnakex said:
Now if this were Acclaims game, i'm sure they'd send a camera crew and guy dressed up as the Prince to that kids house. Have him ring the doorbell and then record the kids freaked out reaction to use for PoP2's eventual commercial.


and then to top it off, they'd crash into the kid's house with a tricked out car doing 130 mph, burnout style.
This image could make a good box cover too:


Is it just me or does anyone else think that the Prince is a really cool looking character?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Warm Machine said:
I really like those paintings. The prince should be in Pirates of the Caribbean 2.

Well Jerry Bruckheimer is actually gonna be involved with the PoP motion picture...


chocoholic said:
This image could make a good box cover too:


Is it just me or does anyone else think that the Prince is a really cool looking character?

Agreed, and that's a gorgeous painting. If any of you guys at Ubi are reading this thread, please lean on the powers that be to use it as the official box art (and possibly have the art department whip up a punchier logo, if they're in a giving mood). Your customers will thank you for it. :)


Yeah. Add some more drop shadow to the logo, bring out the R in Prince more and move the goddamn Vortex off of his crotch.
Yuck... looks like one of every other games on the Xbox or PS2 catalogue. Nothing really makes it stand out. Blank and red seems to be the color pattern of choice for "mature" games these days.


I like the piece of art they used for the cover. I don't like the "revamped" logo though, or the shitty subtitle. They should've just gone with "The Ravages of Time".
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