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Prince of Persia Warrior Within boxart

chocoholic said:
This image could make a good box cover too:


Is it just me or does anyone else think that the Prince is a really cool looking character?

I love those photoshops effects displayed as they are.

Goin back to Ubi Next week, I hope I can give the art director some hindsight.


The Bookerman said:
I love those photoshops effects displayed as they are.

Goin back to Ubi Next week, I hope I can give the art director some hindsight.
But that doesn't showcase the badass tribal tattoo!


Banstick Emeritus
"They should be more careful what they're advertising because transit caters to kids as well," said Transit Windsor bus rider Betty Riley. "And they wonder why our jails are full and where these kids get these ideas from."
All this from a POP ad? stupid Canadians


Junior Member
Newbie said:
Here is my version of the cover


The logos are too close to eachother... but still looks much better than the original...

Plz make another cover with the second art from this thread,,


Newbie I like your version.

That said I like the one posted intially. I think it is good. I thought the original cover was lame looking for POP the sands of time. It is darker, but the tone of this game is darker. I must say I don't understand the hate though wasn't the original really highly regarded by this board.


Lol. He looks more like a ninja than a prince. With the flowing red cloth ala Shinobi and from far away it looks like he has arm scythes or something but its just the way he's holding the swords. It's okay, but like someone else said it's the typical box cover for a "look @ me!! i am teh mature" ps2 game. Not saying thats bad or anything but ummerah...yeah it's kind of getting old.


wipeout364 said:
I must say I don't understand the hate though wasn't the original really highly regarded by this board.
Yes it was, that's exactly why this is being hated on. Since from the promotion of the game it seems like everything that made the atmospher of Sands of time so unique, beautiful and compelling is being dumped in WW.


Newbie said:
Here is my version of the cover


Your version of the logo is much better. Seriously, the "official" cover looks like it was made in Photoshop in 10 seconds.
...wow, that is WORLDS better. I thought that WAS the logo until I went back to the first page and looked at the (by comparison) total POS that adorns the official box. That is some amateur-hour shit, right there.


I actually like the original cover the most, even though those custom made are pretty good. What makes them good is the character art though.

Because what we're seeing here is GOOD Western character art! There is hope! ;)
Newbie said:
Here is my version of the cover



I agree with someone else in the thread that the official boxart looks too "tryhard". OMG I'm am teh mature! It looks very amaterish too. Your's however is worlds better.
Here's my version. I know it's not exclusive, it was the only Gamecube template I could find. ^^;

I much prefer text that isn't too cheesy and awkward. I also despise the purple Ubisoft logo, as it almost goes with nothing, so I changed the color. I think this is something Ubi should do to match box art covers. Sometimes a box art doesn't need to jump right out at you with a main character, subtle covers always work best.

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