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Prince of Persia Warrior Within Review


Mrbob said:
The PoP: POSW love is strong in this thread.
Piece of Shit W___?

In any case, I enjoyed the first game, and I'll probably end up buying this eventually (though I'd have much rather seen BG&E 2 -- that's another matter entirely, though). But I resent being told that this is what PoP:SoT fans want. Bullshit.
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
Not a particularly well written review.

"The Prince Of Persia range isn't going to drop into the packed out action/adventure genre and remains faithful to its platform roots, this just adds a fresh edge that should excite old and new fans alike."

Someone care to translate? :)
I went to Babelfish and this is what I got.

Translating from English -> Japanese -> English:
It is plugged from the genre of action/adventure falling this Of Persia " which is faithful to the root of the platform which goes; Oji's of The range isn' T and the fan alike. " where the remnant exactly is old, is new; The new edge we should stimulate, is added

Translating from English -> Korean-> English:
The action/adventure in order to fall in order from style to be packed thin it phul Rae thu this it is complete in the groove root, Of Persia " The Hwang Tae sleeping scope isn' The t and the remains become and only long the pan alike. " It adds the freshness one edge must be excited

Translating from English -> Dutch -> English:
"The the prince of the pallet isn't that of perzië in the wrapped up action/the avonturengenre and the vestiges decrease religiously to its platform carrots, this joins only a fresh edge shuts which old and new aerators alike." would have arouse

Translating from English -> French-> English:
the chain isn't of prince Of Perse of "The going to drop itself in packed out of the d'action/adventure kind and the remainders faithful to its roots of platform, this adds just a fresh edge which should excite the old men and new ventilators alike." (WHAT??? - Mike Works)

So there you have it. The groove root should stimulate the new edge which should excite the old men and new ventilators alike.
Guys, the demo was back in like even before e3.... It was rushed like anything. Its just Ubi's PR trying to attract more casual gamers after the dismal POP SOT performance of just about 4 million across 5 platforms(That is pathetic for a multiplatform AAA/AA game).
Deepthroat said:
Me neither, but then again GAF always hate good games.

nah. not that. I bought the game based on GOOD/GREAT GAF love for this game. Maybe I missed it but I never read a negative comment about POP from GAF before I bought it. The hate came naturally cause it was an overhyped 8hr game that wasn't challenging, fun.. etc. I can only imagine the ire of the fellows who paid full retail for this EXTREMELY short and honestly unreplayable game.


ZA Pages said:
Its just Ubi's PR trying to attract more casual gamers after the dismal POP SOT performance of just about 4 million across 5 platforms(That is pathetic for a multiplatform AAA/AA game).
No, it's not.
I bought and loved the 1st game and will gladly purchase what looks to be the superior sequel.

sidenote: you people that keep insisting on judging games based on demos haven't figured out by now that that's not very smart? I know that's why demos exist but how many times have games had insufficiant demos not representative of the final product?


TheGreenGiant: 93.3% @ Gamerankings is what I call a AA-game. Dunno your criterias though :p

New screens.




Deepthroat said:
TheGreenGiant: 93.3% @ Gamerankings is what I call a AA-game. Dunno your criterias though :p

New screens.





well.. needs to be more than 8 fucking hours. or have great replay value (great play value in the first instance).

The game is overrated. Everyone was just too fucking reliefed that it was done right int the first instance.


TheGreenGiant said:
well.. needs to be more than 8 fucking hours. or have great replay value (great play value in the first instance).

The game is overrated. Everyone was just too fucking reliefed that it was done right int the first instance.
I do agree that it's overrated. I'd give it 8/10 myself. And there really is no replay value at all as you say. But (BUT!) Warrior Within seems to have all that. It's supposed to be around 18-20h long, have multiple side-quests and 2 different endings. Also, when you replay the game you'll have a special weapon that's related to the story. I mean, how cool isn't that? :)
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