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'Prisoners' Director Denis Villeneuve to Helm 'Blade Runner' Sequel, Ford Returns

  • Thread starter Deleted member 80556
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Ah man, I hope so.

I know opinions and all, but what? WHAT?

I never cared enough to look into who was responsible for what on Prisoners but it is a bad mystery with a clever hook (taking Dano prisoner). So leave what was bad about it on the lap of whoever wrote it..I mean, come on, a scene where the cop is one room away from making his discovery then his cell phone rings.

Villenuve is a very good shooter and he got mostly great performances..except for Gyllenhal..who should have been told to knock off the eye squinting, character trait shit. So hes qualified.

I wish Scott was directing. This is a sequel no one was asking for. It already has that cash in wiff. BUT...if Ridley made it and its good. Hero redemption.


I've had 'Memories of Green' stuck in my head all day. Go figure.

Wait a sec - first we find out that Blomkamp's doing another Alien movie, and now a sequel to Blade Runner is officially confirmed. Does this mean we'll finally get someone to film that sequel to Gladiator written by Nick Cave???
I've had 'Memories of Green' stuck in my head all day. Go figure.

Wait a sec - first we find out that Blomkamp's doing another Alien movie, and now a sequel to Blade Runner is officially confirmed. Does this mean we'll finally get someone to film that sequel to Gladiator written by Nick Cave???

Thelma and Louise 2 is first.

Red Comet

Harrison Ford has got to have some sort of record for number of characters reprised 30+ years later. Indiana Jones, Han Solo, and now Deckard.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise

I would be very intrigued to see Denis Villeneuve do some sci-fi, but I have zero interest in a Blade Runner sequel. That is completely and utterly unnecessary.


But the real question is, what brand Cola will they be going with this time? Coke or Pepsi?

This is damn great news.

I don't get why so many of you say Harrison Ford is bad news cause "he doesn't give a shit anymore", considering Deckard himself, as a character, is the kind of person who doesn't give a shit.

EDIT: We need Vangelis for the OST.
My jaw literally dropped at this news. Two things:

1. I'm still trying to understand Enemy, one year after seeing it but the fact that it's still in my head says something. Maybe one day I will decide that movie was bullshit but that day is not today. Note to self: buy Enemy on blu-ray.

2. I am proud of being Québécois right now.
I'm also curious if Scott's going to force a direct tie to the Alien universe.

Because it's the kinda shit I could see him pulling. Especially considering the motivation for Weyland was just Roy Batty's motivation: I want more life, fucker.
My jaw literally dropped at this news. Two things:

1. I'm still trying to understand Enemy, one year after seeing it but the fact that it's still in my head says something. Maybe one day I will decide that movie was bullshit but that day is not today. Note to self: buy Enemy on blu-ray.

2. I am proud of being Québécois right now.

I don't think there was anything to not understand about The Enemy
The spiders were just for the sake of "art" I think


Holy shit, Villeneuve?! Now I'm interested. Prisoners is an excellent movie, Enemy is an intriguing puzzle, and both of them are shot to perfection. I'm even cautiously optimistic about Ford returning -- given how much he loathed making the first one, I can't imagine he would have jumped onto a sequel unless he was legitimately interested.


I want to believe.

To be fair though the biggest question mark is the script. Hollywood seems to have such a hard time churning out a good big-budget sci-fi script these days.

A shaky, unsatisfying script would be par for the course for Blade Runner. :p

The original movie's lasting power in its audiovisual combo, not its writing or performances (which fluctuate from wooden to scenery chewing, depending on the actor). Blade Runner is more mood than story, and Villeneuve definitely has mood to spare.


Yes. This too, dammit.

Villeneuve, Deakins and Vangelis working on a Blade Runner film? Hnnng.
Did not even think about Deakins but he and Villeneuve have done two back to back with each other, Enemy was shot before Prisoners if I remember correctly.

I'll need to start taking heart medicine, my body won't be able to handle it.
I don't think there was anything to not understand about The Enemy
The spiders were just for the sake of "art" I think

I'm not saying every element of the film should necessarily be interpreted literally but I also think "for the sake of art" is an explanation Villeneuve himself would reject. I will have to paraphrase the following as I cannot find the quote but Villeneuve said that all the clues are present for the viewer to figure out the mystery. And after discussing and perusing readings of the movie I have found that there is little in the way of consensus.


Prisoners getting a lot of love but you guys should really check out Enemy. Great mindfuck of a movie that you will probably need to watch twice.


I'm not saying every element of the film should necessarily be interpreted literally but I also think "for the sake of art" is an explanation Villeneuve himself would reject. I will have to paraphrase the following as I cannot find the quote but Villeneuve said that all the clues are present for the viewer to figure out the mystery. And after discussing and perusing readings of the movie I have found that there is little in the way of consensus.

I treat it more as an experience than a puzzle, and the state of unknowing and information being withheld is obviously a big part of that experience. I have my own theories about the film, but I also think there's something of a futility in trying to "solve" the film—or any story or film, for that matter.

The Hermit

Star Wars
Blade Runner

And Jurassic Park and Twin Peaks

I said last week to a friend of mine that the geek culture from people who were born in the 70s and 80s are going full circle now and this is another proof.


Let me just add a few more to this list (and I'm sure there are plenty more 70s/80s franchises that are finally getting new entries in the next year that I can't think off the top of my head)

Great minds...
I treat it more as an experience than a puzzle, and the state of unknowing and information being withheld is obviously a big part of that experience. I have my own theories about the film, but I also think there's something of a futility in trying to "solve" the film—or any story or film, for that matter.

I don't know, playing around with the puzzle pieces was an integral part of the experience for me. It's the kind of film that I could see myself revisiting every few years, the question is would I get something different out of it each time or would a clearer picture slowly emerge? I will get back to you on that.
I don't think there was anything to not understand about The Enemy
The spiders were just for the sake of "art" I think
Enemy spoilers

The whole movie is for the sake of "art." It's all a metaphor, or set of metaphors, and the story is not literal at all, i.e. the on-screen action is not taking place. It's a great flick.
I've owned Blade Runner on Blu-ray since it came out, but have yet to watch it. This is something I do a lot, though, and the main reason why I stopped buying movies and so many games.

I plan to watch it soon, and hope the sequel will do it justice.

Prisoners was a very solid movie.
Huh. I'm actually rather optimistic about this. But human Deckard or bust. I have no idea how he could be in the movie, decades later, otherwise.



I would be very intrigued to see Denis Villeneuve do some sci-fi, but I have zero interest in a Blade Runner sequel. That is completely and utterly unnecessary.

He's still doing The Story of Your Life with Amy Adams, as far as I know...
huh, how about that. I enjoyed Prisoners and Enemy. Maybe this'll be good. I hope his vision doesn't get too hampered by the big budget and studio.

Gives me hope that Aronofsky will give Wolverine another go.

- J - D -

Villenuve likes working with Jake, so hopefully he'll show up in this. And hopefully it'll be another hit. Jake's sci-fi track record has been pretty solid, if one forgives The Day After Tomorrow.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
They got a decent director at least.

Now we wait to see how they explain Deckard's age.


With Blade Runner, Star Wars, a potential Indiana Jones reboot I get to experience nearly the same mid 20s as my father did.

Weird stuff.
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