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Pro Evolution Soccer 4 Impressions


Come on folks, show us your love with some thoughts on the beautiful game! PES4 was officially released today in Europe but seems to have been available since mid-week depending on location, got my copy yesterday.

Here are my positive and negative remarks after four hours play with England. I'm comparing the game to PES3 so no snobby WE8 types saying this was all in the latest Japanese game, thanks ;)


+ Simple passing is more intricate and subtle, you can pass to the player beyond the immediate short pass easily and have more angles to work with. Weaving that pass through the midfield to a deep lying striker can now be done in tighter situations.
+ The first yard of movement away from the defender is more crucial.
+ Even starting off on 3 star the computer ai can build some nice attacks, something they were incapable of in PES3.
+ Using L1 + square for a lobbed shot is more effective, similar to how it was in PES2.
+ One-twos are slightly sharper and easier to use, maybe just the difficulty I'm playing on at the moment though.
+ Better defensive ai for crossed balls, still not great but improving.
+ The double tap circle button for whipped in crosses is a nice new addition
+ Like the new throw-in method
+ refs aren't as card happy.
+ More detailed stats and graphical representations of the shots on goal.
+ Quicker loading
+ Better menu system all round. Not fundamentally different but a nice spit and polish.
+ The nets! more polys mean better ball nestling in onion bag sensation! Also different colours which is a nice touch I don't remember from PES3.
+ Spot sfx, ball hitting ad hoardings and a nice twang against the posts (too similar for posts, bar and the different angles tho').
+ New background music and even the tone of changing menu selection is a welcome relief. 12 months is too long for the same BGM and sfx, another 12 and I'd be cuckoo.
+ England have a C for zonal press, ha, KCET were obviously watching 'em play Portugal in the summer!


- Slowdown. With crowds & stadium effects on, ouch. It can be bad at corners and when the ball is put into a crowded area. Slow-mo when taking goalkicks with the camera behind the goalie and oddly in some cut-scenes. Another problem is the amount of slowdown also depends on the stadia so it isn't consistent. This is all at 60Hz, 50Hz is meant to alleviate the problem, haven't tried the mode yet.
- There seems to be a glitch with the v-sync again on 60Hz, nothing major but it is apparant.
- the black screen just before a corner can appear for a couple of seconds too long.
- Not happy with the on-screen representation for the ref. They don't interfere in the play to a great extent but when wearing a similar shade of sleeve or shorts to either of the teams it can confuse when they're in peripheral vision. Can't help with the slowdown either.
- The refs generally seem rather fussy. Able to get my player in-between ball and man quite legitimately and got called for a foul also could allow a bit more shoulder to shoulder action.
- Still don't think advantage works too well
- Couple of times now a central defender has turned 180 degrees to face up the field rather unrealistically and quickly when gaining possession of the ball.
- Damned Calamity James is responsible for three of the eight or so goals conceded! Okay I'm playing on three star but the goalie ai is flakier than PES3 seemed.
- The squads are still woefully out of date. Lampard and Rooney are finally in the England line-up and Bridge is back-up for Cole. However, King and Smith left out for Upson and Heskey, gah. No Defoe either while Scholes and Southgate are still in the squad. Konami had until early-mid September for roster changes this could and should have been fixed!

The game is easier to adapt to from PES3 than PES3 was from PES2. Defending doesn't seem so unfamiliar. Great stuff so far but surprisingly glitchy.


Not at all :( . His stats are consistently in the eighties with nothing in the nineties and only one special ability.


I pretty much agree with your impressions. The game is definitely good, but have many flaws. It's gonna take some time to live with all those slowdowns... they annoy me the most.

Oh, I beat AC Milan with 1-0 in my first game (5 stars) :D

> http://www.pes4.net

Watch trailers and the one with Henry. Hilarious! :)


Chili Con Carnage!
Yeah rooney sucks unfortunately.

I love PES4 but i must say that it seems like they fixed a load of problems but left in a load of new ones (the foul system is still totally broken for example), i swear they do it on purpose just so we have to buy PES5.

- Damned Calamity James is responsible for three of the eight or so goals conceded!

:lol thats actually a pretty accurate representation.

The good keepers are still very good.

Great game but if you have PES3 you really arent missing anything significant.


So, Deepthroat, win straight away on five stars, against Milan... I like to have some easy practice games to begin with :p. Hope the Henry trailer is on terrestrial TV, need to bludgeon the masses out of buying FIFA!

Ghost said:
Yeah rooney sucks unfortunately.

I love PES4 but i must say that it seems like they fixed a load of problems but left in a load of new ones (the foul system is still totally broken for example), i swear they do it on purpose just so we have to buy PES5.

- Damned Calamity James is responsible for three of the eight or so goals conceded!

:lol thats actually a pretty accurate representation.

The good keepers are still very good.

Great game but if you have PES3 you really arent missing anything significant.
Konami seem to have done a good job of updating the teams with the right players but their actual stats? Nah . The actual numbers are never going to please everyone of course and I've never really cared what Konami decided but they do seem out of date. On the flipside of underrating Rooney you have Owen who is probably overrated.

Not sure if I like the way the ai now seems to take into account the goalies line of sight. Great in theory but in practice it can be infuriating. Especially when you let in a dribbler from twenty yards, even seeing it late I expected James to save it!
Oh God! The Pro Evo 4 talk!

Must hold off for Xbox version. Must hold off for Xbox version. Must hold off for Xbox version.

Bah! Can't wait...

*dusts down PS2 and runs off in direction of nearest games shop*


could the game being on the Xbox help with the slowdown issue? anyone test the xbox version yet? is it out?


Rooney levels up really fast in the Master League.
Anyway, I don't like how the goal keepers are often rooted to the ground....


Most importantly though is the stupid stupid stupid hand ball rule still in?

There is nothing more annoying than giving away a penalty or losing a scoring opportunity because the ball just happened to bounce up at your hand, something you can do nothing about!


I've got it :D

Haven't noticed any slowdown in 50 Hz mode but there is a little in 60 Hz, so 50 Hz it is from now on. So far I've only had a couple of games so I can't say much about it, but it definitely feels better then PES3 in regards to the passing and movement. I’ve also had a poke round the edit option, and it is vastly improved over the crappy one featured in PES3... but I’ll wait for a memory card save to download with all the correct kits and names. :D

Some work with the edit mode (not mine)... FIFA owned! :D





Well, I'm snobby WE8 player - not by my choice, but it's easier to import JP game and play on my JP machine here in NY. ;)

Anyhow, the slow-down issue on JP ver of WE8, i could solve in many cases by setting the system setup-version-drive speed:fast and texture: smooth option. Also, playing in normal (not far) camera view also helps.



yeah, i can confirm that. i just played the Xbox version of PES4 all afternoon. a friend had a "demo". :)
only thing i hated was having to use the xbox controller. good thing there was a ps2->Xbox converter.
all i can say is amazing. never once saw any slowdown.


I agree with a lot of your positives/negatives, but I have to add that I think PES4 is significantly better than PES3. Give it time, guys. You'll come to appreciate it more and more, I'm sure. I'm fortunate in that I spent all of my adjusting time in August with WE8. [/snob]
Also, playing in normal (not far) camera view also helps.
I did change the crowd and other effects, but I preferred to deal with the minimal slowdown versus changing the camera. Don't you find it impossible to play on Normal? I don't even use Far anymore. Wide, for me, is the best.
cja said:
Not at all :( . His stats are consistently in the eighties with nothing in the nineties and only one special ability.
Sounds about right. ;)

Still, even with his stats, he's surprisingly useful. He's a very solid player, though a few attributes should be higher (shooting acc/pow).

And shit, it's so nice having everything in English now. I immediately went nutty over the Edit option, changing PES United to the soccer team I play for, changed the logo, jersey, players, and even gave them appropriate attributes. I might have been a little generous with my own, but I have no one to answer to. ;) Then I unlocked the Edit option for Master League, created four leagues (one Premiership, one La Liga, etc) and placed my team in. I haven't started actually playing yet, but it should be a lot of fun.


Do you know if all of the the dutch player names and clubs (Ajax/PSV instead of Leidseplein/Stadhuisplein) ar real this time?


Dutch CLUBS are real. Konami got the Dutch, Italian, and Spanish leagues fully licensed.

But the national team is not. For instance:

Ajax van der Vaart = van der Vaart

Dutch National van der Vaart = voon da Kaart (or something)

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
Socreges said:
I agree with a lot of your positives/negatives, but I have to add that I think PES4 is significantly better than PES3. Give it time, guys. You'll come to appreciate it more and more, I'm sure. I'm fortunate in that I spent all of my adjusting time in August with WE8. [/snob]

I did change the crowd and other effects, but I preferred to deal with the minimal slowdown versus changing the camera. Don't you find it impossible to play on Normal? I don't even use Far anymore. Wide, for me, is the best.

Sounds about right. ;)

Still, even with his stats, he's surprisingly useful. He's a very solid player, though a few attributes should be higher (shooting acc/pow).

And shit, it's so nice having everything in English now. I immediately went nutty over the Edit option, changing PES United to the soccer team I play for, changed the logo, jersey, players, and even gave them appropriate attributes. I might have been a little generous with my own, but I have no one to answer to. ;) Then I unlocked the Edit option for Master League, created four leagues (one Premiership, one La Liga, etc) and placed my team in. I haven't started actually playing yet, but it should be a lot of fun.

I dunno, my "demo" had slowdown. HVopefully it was a dodgy copy.

Can't wait for some Live play though, but gotta agree the XBox controller does feel a bit weird.


Chili Con Carnage!
Great King Bowser said:
I dunno, my "demo" had slowdown. HVopefully it was a dodgy copy.

Can't wait for some Live play though, but gotta agree the XBox controller does feel a bit weird.

Really? My friend says his friends 'Demo' has no slow down. Where did you see it? I'll get him to check...with his friend.

He also said his friend says its impossible to do most of the advanced things in the game with a Duke, as L2 and R2 are mapped to black and white and you have to press them in conjunction with another face button. On the controller S (my friend says his friend said..) its do-able but still very pretty awkward, at least chipping is still doable (3rd person apparently) with the trigger+X.
Is the GAME with a few flaws, but nothing important.

I think the difference between proevo 3 and 4 is very very big, so if you have pes3, yes, you are missing a lot without this one


Great King Bowser said:
I dunno, my "demo" had slowdown. HVopefully it was a dodgy copy.
PES4 (PS2) *does* have slowdown (around the 18 yard box). Where did I say otherwise?
Can't wait for some Live play though, but gotta agree the XBox controller does feel a bit weird.
Yes. I honestly think that every WE/PES fan would do themselves justice in getting a converter. Even though some people think the PS2 analog stick is poor (it's perfect for PES, imo), I'd still rather deal with that than have R2 mapped to the other buttons.

I've decided that I won't be importing PES4 Xbox. Too expensive and complicated to get it working over here. So Microsoft had better do the same for NA.
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