The rules encourage really bad coding if you're using Java.![]()
Is this just a dig at Java or can you elaborate?
The rules encourage really bad coding if you're using Java.![]()
The rules encourage really bad coding if you're using Java.And some of the challenges rely more on correctly interpreting the requirements (which can be a bit ambiguous or underspecified) than coding skills...
Is this just a dig at Java or can you elaborate?
Single file submission means you can't organise classes properly.
Oh my...why would they do that?
Head First is a decent book for beginners. I have never heard of APEX, but after looking at it, it just looks like Java.Hey guys and gals. I apologize for not reading through this entire thread, but here's my situation:
-I work in Sales Operations and therefore most of my job focuses on Salesforce admin duties
-I've had the job for a year and half, so I know my way around Salesforce
-I don't know APEX code (Salesforce's coding language), nor any type of coding language
-We keep running into issues or suggestions that require APEX/Visualforce
-Instead of continually asking around for code, I want to finally learn APEX myself
I was pointed towards this site:
The site provides easy instructions for APEX newbs, but the creator, David Liu, emphasizes that APEX is based on Java, so learning Java is advised.
David recommends this book, which supposedly teaches Java in a colorful, visual way.
1. Their online editor only handles a single file.
2. It's easier to test.
3. It's easier to review the code online, and the database structure for the site is simpler.
4. The first languages they implemented were probably fine with using a single file.
5. There's probably an assumption that most challenges are contained enough that you don't need a complex multi-class system to solve them. This assumption is wrong, if you're trying to write elegant solutions.
I've written a couple of nicely OO solutions, but with those constraints I find myself more pushed towards everything-is-static-methods C-programming-in-Java style code.
My initial take is that I wouldn't change the code until I knew more.
The interface of the function is awkward for most uses, but might be right for some very specific uses where you already have the temporary memory reserved. For more general use, there should be a convenience wrapper that handles memory.
Presumably some kind of optimization and fine control is required since one wouldn't write their own sort implementation otherwise. Upon learning what the actual requirements and data are, it's probably time to hit Knuth and others for good specialized implementations. I sure don't have advanced mergesorts memorized. Some usual improvements would include switching to insertion sort at a low enough N, and using concurrency. I'm a bit wary of the way the existing code fetches the original values at the bottom of the recursion, but am not sure if it's an actual problem. Moving the copy outside the recursion would at least save one recursion argument and clean up memory accesses a bit, but as with most optimizations, profiling would be necessary to see whether it actually matters and how much.
I've recently finished my CS degree, but I don't have a lot of actual programming experience. So before I go out looking for a job, I decided to first work a bit on my programming skills. I'm currently doing an internship for a couple of months and I've been reading a couple of programming books.
Currently I'm reading Clean Code, which is all about writing simple and understandable programs. It's a pretty good book, but it doesn't replace actual practice.
While looking at possible jobs I came across a company that has a little programming challenge for their applicants (cf challenge in German). There's this small, compact, and hard to read function, and the task is, to understand the function and to improve upon it.
Code:void m(int[] a, int[] b, int[] c, int p, int q) { if (p + 1 < q) { m(a, c, b, p, (p + q) / 2); m(a, c, b, (p + q) / 2, q); for (int i = p, j = p, k = (p + q) / 2; i < q; i++) { b[i] = (k >= q || j < (p + q) / 2 && c[j] <= c[k]) ? c[j++] : c[k++]; } } else { b[p] = a[p]; } }
What does the function do? SPOILER ALERT:It's merge sort, if you don't feel like deciphering it yourself
How can you improve on it?
I think you'd be better off buying a $30 book, that you can use to reference whenever you want and find things easier than spending $40 on a 4 hour video.
It's not an error. Look at the arguments to the two recursive calls in the original code; both take the same index. Therefore the range arguments to the function are inclusive-exclusive (which you should expect anyway; Dijkstra gives a rationale for it in this classic paper).Agreed. I wouldn't change the algorithm at all. But I would try (and have tried) to refactor the code to make it cleaner and more readable.
The algorithm might even contain an error. k is set to (p+q)/2, which for an array with two elements might translate to (0+1)/2 = 0; So k wouldn't be the start of the second half of the array. I haven't tested it and haven't given it a ton of thought, but these kinds of errors are hard to see in the code.
I looked at the first and last versions of your code, and I don't see an improvement upon the original, rather the opposite. You are obscuring a simple function by torturously splitting it into a bunch of snippets. The original implementation is pretty easy to read to begin with, and fixing the names, cleaning up the interface and adding a comment or two would make it more so. There's no reason to write any of those classes. You're burning far more memory, making memory access less regular and wasting performance compared to the original.
public void Sort()
I don't know. In books about refactoring they often tend to turn functions into lots of very small functions that by themselves are very easy to understand. In the book Clean Code that I've just finished the author surely would have criticized the original function for its readability. Especially the for loop is really hard to read.
If you jump into the sort function of my first version, it seems pretty readable:
Refactoring for readability has to be balanced against optimization for execution speed, function calls are expensive, and with something like a sort I would think that execution speed is a higher priority.
Refactoring for readability has to be balanced against optimization for execution speed, function calls are expensive, and with something like a sort I would think that execution speed is a higher priority.
That looks sorta like Java or C# so I'm not sure how those languages handle function calls. I'm used to C and C++, where functions calls would are cheap like borsch. And, on top of that, if the definition is available any half-decent compiler will inline small functions.
I kinda agree that the factoring was breaks things down a little too much for my taste. My bigger complaint is about the use of class member variables to pass data between internal functions. It's hard to follow what methods depend on what data because it's all implicit. The storage of a temporary buffer at class scope is particularly egregious.
I have a question regarding degrees. I can graduate with a BA in CS this semester and I kinda want to since I rather not spend more money(and that I really want to get out of my school). I heard a BS may be better, but it would require me to take an additional 2 CS classes and a physics course. I'm trying to get an internship this semester and I heard that's what's really matter.
That is kind of a dilemma eh? What are the CS classes? What would you be doing with your time if you're not in school next semester?I have a question regarding degrees. I can graduate with a BA in CS this semester and I kinda want to since I rather not spend more money(and that I really want to get out of my school). I heard a BS may be better, but it would require me to take an additional 2 CS classes and a physics course. I'm trying to get an internship this semester and I heard that's what's really matter.
Ok, I have VS ultimate 2013 installed, but I have no idea how to start an HTML or CSS project within the program. Do you have any idea how to do this?
1)The two classes I would consider taking would be:That is kind of a dilemma eh? What are the CS classes? What would you be doing with your time if you're not in school next semester?
If the choice is between a well-paying job and an extra semester for BS, that's a different tradeoff than if you'd be spending your time looking for a job. Also if the CS classes are useful for interesting, that's another thing to consider. There are a lot of classes I wish I had gotten to take before I left school.
And that, I have no idea.I guess it really depends upon what you want to do post college.
My general experience is that the ability to demonstrate your skills and knowledge is more important than what piece of paper you got.
If you talk to a recruiter or HR, mention that you're currently employed. Or make sure your resume says something like "March 2011 - Present". It's extremely rare that they would call your current employer and tip them off that way. Like, they'd be really bad at their job if they did that. I've heard this from multiple recruiters and HR people. It's a common question I've heard at job talks.So, my takeaway is that I need to get better at interviewing. I'm happy where I am, but one never knows what might happen. The obvious way to practice is to routinely apply for jobs so that I can get interviewed. The problem is, how do I do this, without risking having prospective employers call my current employer to confirm things on my resume?
Have any of you done this? If so, how do you handle that potential problem with your current employer getting wind of the fact that you're testing the market?
My general experience is that the ability to demonstrate your skills and knowledge is more important than what piece of paper you got.
This code tells me exactly nothing. Every mergesort splits, recursively sorts and merges. If I'm looking inside your mergesort implementation at all, it's because I want to know how it's doing things. You also haven't reduced the complexity of the code or raised the abstraction level with this, because all of these methods are messing with some hidden shared state, and aren't decoupled at all. So now I have to jump around the code to hunt for the detail that is swept under the rug; much harder to read. There's no reason for a mergesort algorithm to be a class with state. It's a function.I don't know. In books about refactoring they often tend to turn functions into lots of very small functions that by themselves are very easy to understand. In the book Clean Code that I've just finished the author surely would have criticized the original function for its readability. Especially the for loop is really hard to read.
If you jump into the sort function of my first version, it seems pretty readable:
Code:public void Sort() { if(OnlyOneElement()) SortOneElementList(); else { SplitArrayInTheMiddle(); RecursivelySortLeftAndRightHalfIntoTmpArray() MergeBothParts(); } }
char test = '4';
int tryNum = Convert.ToInt32(test);
char test = '4';
string test2 = Convert.ToString(test);
int tryNum = Convert.ToInt32(test2);
What is happening here?
I'm confused. If test is a string instead of a character, then it would convert test to 4, but if it's a char then it converts it to 52?
This works great:
But why?
What is happening here?
I'm confused. If test is a string instead of a character, then it would convert test to 4, but if it's a char then it converts it to 52?
This works great:
But why?
1)The two classes I would consider taking would be:
Operating Systems Design-which would also count as graduate credit but I have no intention of getting a masters really. I would have taken this instead of linear programming since I have the prerequisites to take it but I heard it's one of the toughest course you can take as an undergraduate. My friend advise not to take it, who's working for a good company atm so trying to follow his footsteps but he has a BS, with all the other courses I'm taking.
Internet Technology-I heard they create their own torrent client in this class which I think would be really neat to create.
2) Prepping for the JLPT and continue coding while looking for a full time job as a part timer.
But yeah, I definitely see where you're getting at. It's definitely something I should think over some more. Some interns/jobs seem like they don't care while some do like the big bank companies such as JP Morgan.
And that, I have no idea.
To a point. Initially, at least, that piece of paper gets you through the door so that you can demonstrate your skills and knowledge...
I remember Operating System as a very moderate module, both in terms of difficulty and workload.Let me just say from experience that Operating Systems is the kind of class that either makes a man out of you, or completely breaks your will.
Yeah, thus why my friend advise me not to take it if I was taking other a schedule filled with CS courses. He didn't even take it, took something with graphics which is what I wanted to take but it seems they dropped that course a while ago. What I could do is take the other physics I need and Internet and Tech in the summer and then take that one other CS elective class I need for a BS. It would either be the OS design class or software engineering in the fall. I want to discuss it with a dean first. Money is an issue. I definitely have to weigh the options out.Let me just say from experience that Operating Systems is the kind of class that either makes a man out of you, or completely breaks your will. My professor considered it the hardest class of any undergrad class at the university and he wasn't one of those hard ass professors either.
That being said, as someone who has worked off and on in the games industry, operating systems was probably one of the most valuable classes I took, both in terms of knowledge gained and just prepping me to handle horrible hours and work loads.
I remember Operating System as a very moderate module, both in terms of difficulty and workload.
If you only learn alone, you probably won't be a solid, productive solo programmer either. The value of many practices and techniques in programming is not obvious before you are exposed to them, and they take a lot of work and time to learn, so without someone to push you it's unlikely you'll struggle through the initial pain of adopting them. The risk is that you end up just skimming the surface. Don't become the stereotypical "web developer" who knows and kind-of uses ten different languages and messes with databases at a full-time job, but fundamentally sucks at programming in ways that even an introductory computer science course would correct.It's definitely possible to learn how to program without going to school. However, being a good developer requires more than just pure programming skills, and I think a lot of that can sometimes be difficult to learn on your own. Maybe it doesn't matter so much when you're working on projects alone at home, but when you're in a team with 20 other people, things get a little more tricky.
// Array of filepath strings.
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(this.OldFileDirectory.Text);
// Array of file objects.
SystemFile[] fileBatch = new SystemFile[files.Length];
// Fill fileBatch array with objects, using the file path strings.
If someone could point a beginner in the right direction, it would be very appreciated.
I have a class called SystemFile, which just takes in a string, which will be a file path and sets a bunch of properties based off that string. I'm wanting to now make an array of objects using that class, passing the filepaths gathered in the first line of code.
I have a feeling I'm going about this completely wrong.
List<SystemFile> fileBatch = new ArrayList<SystemFile>();
Your program should accomplish the following:
Use an ENUM :
enum Shape
Continue prompting the user for a shape type (0 or 1) until they type anything different,
and then display the total area output.
While the user continues to enter the correct shape type, prompt them for either the
length of the side of a square, or the radius of the circle.
Calculate and sum up the total area of the circle and square areas.
When the user has indicated they want to quit, display the total area.
Ugh that is definitely something I should have known. I took an intro course in C++ last summer (first programming language as well) and this is the first time I've come back to it with an Object-Oriented programming class this spring in C++. So I'm feeling pretty rusty. IIRC do while continues to execute until the argument is no longer true, at which point it exits the program. I'm not sure how complicated you can get within the do-while loop though. I'll start by pasting the two if's into the loop.First of all, you should move your two if-cases into the do-while loop. Do you understand how do-while loops work?
I figured as much. I'm not very good right now but I do appreciate the help.There are a lot of other issues with the code
IIRC do while continues to execute until the argument is no longer true, at which point it exits the program. I'm not sure how complicated you can get within the do-while loop though. I'll start by pasting the two if's into the loop.
Would anyone mind giving me a nudge in the right direction here? I'm a bit lost on where to go for this assignment.
Here is what I have so far.
The do while loop doesn't resolve to anything but prompting to be re-entered. Kinda confused and feel like I'm missing/ignoring something to do with enumeration. The way I am proceeding I would assign square or circle shape type by an int value of 0 or 1. Which is doesn't really make use of the enum type at all.