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Programming |OT| C is better than C++! No, C++ is better than C


bitch I'm taking calls.
It's likely just been assigned to get in practice for when it makes sense to actually use it. And I do remember in class the instructor mentioned static_cast use but I can't recall the context. Both circle and square are assigned 0 and 1 by default given their order in my enum function. But for some reason Visual Studio is still throwing up a "type name not allowed" when your if example is implemented.
It's likely just been assigned to get in practice for when it makes sense to actually use it. And I do remember in class the instructor mentioned static_cast use but I can't recall the context. Both circle and square are assigned 0 and 1 by default given their order in my enum function. But for some reason Visual Studio is still throwing up a "type name not allowed" when your if example is implemented.

That's because my C++ is getting rusty D"

I think it should be just

if (static_cast<Shape>( usershape ) == Circle)
//do circle stuff
else if (static_cast<Shape>( usershape ) == Square)
//do square stuff


It's likely just been assigned to get in practice for when it makes sense to actually use it. And I do remember in class the instructor mentioned static_cast use but I can't recall the context. Both circle and square are assigned 0 and 1 by default given their order in my enum function. But for some reason Visual Studio is still throwing up a "type name not allowed" when your if example is implemented.

You don't want to compare the type with integers anyway. Not sure about the syntax, but it should be something like narf == MyEnum.Something.

Instead of two ifs you could also do one switch (to make it clearer that you can't have both cases at the same time.

If you have to make the same distinctions multiple times you might want to use inheritance (polimorphism).


bitch I'm taking calls.
Latest edit here.

Okay so I finally sorted it out by simply translating the int values using static cast via GD's suggestion. The only thing left that is troubling me is why on user input it doesn't recognize the first value entered. After typing the value and pressing enter, nothing happens. For some reason you have to type it again before it is recognized by the console.


I think it has something to do with my getRadius and getLength function implementation but I'm not sure.


By the way, I really appreciate the help guys, thank you. I'm kind of finding out the hard way that I really need to bump up my study and practice efforts if I hope to continue learning to code.


                length = getLength();
You're not doing anything with the first call. You're asking for a value, then throwing it away, then asking for another value and properly assigning it to the "length" variable.

Edit: May I suggest some basic tutorials in C++ on the internet? Just going through some basic examples on how functions, types, and later on, pointers work can give you a lot of experience in how to structure a program.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Aw man. For some reason I had it in my head you had to call it before you could assign the return value to a variable. It gets really confusing when you jump back and forth and don't really understand which parts are needed or not. Kind of like putting together an engine without full knowledge of all the working parts. So I should definitely go back and do some studying and practice before my next class session to upgrade my knowledge.

Thanks again everyone and sorry for spamming up the thread with such basic problems, noob derail has been concluded.

Nelo Ice

^ School is great. Like you said, you get a degree, but not only that you're also forced to do all the exercises and forced to learn how to explain all the terms and stuff. It's also really motivational. My C# course was really intense; 8-10 hours of studying almost every day, but it was fun because we were working together and I felt that I learned a lot in just a month. Codeacademy is amazing too, I'm using that right now to learn more.

It's definitely possible to learn how to program without going to school. However, being a good developer requires more than just pure programming skills, and I think a lot of that can sometimes be difficult to learn on your own. Maybe it doesn't matter so much when you're working on projects alone at home, but when you're in a team with 20 other people, things get a little more tricky.

If you only learn alone, you probably won't be a solid, productive solo programmer either. The value of many practices and techniques in programming is not obvious before you are exposed to them, and they take a lot of work and time to learn, so without someone to push you it's unlikely you'll struggle through the initial pain of adopting them. The risk is that you end up just skimming the surface. Don't become the stereotypical "web developer" who knows and kind-of uses ten different languages and messes with databases at a full-time job, but fundamentally sucks at programming in ways that even an introductory computer science course would correct.

Not saying you have to go to school, but either you need to somehow interact with others, or you need the kind of ironclad motivation that 95% of people do not have.

Thank you all for your input. I slightly panicked yesterday since I realize of all the 3 CS classes I registered for, only 1 mattered and it was the C++ one. The were just to help me prep for the C++ class and just a basic how to use the internet class lol. Then looking at the schedule I got I was like fuuckk please don't tell me I have to take a math next semester then 2 more to get the 2 calcs just to move on along with the 2 other programming classes that require me to finish the one I'm already in.

Just hoping whenever appointments are available that I can set one up with a counselor to help ease my mind. I've had my heart set on programming since last year. Trying out code academy and doing that coursera class briefly piqued my interest and it definitely felt like something I wanted to. Also helps everyone tells me I should be doing something with tech and apparently I do think like a programmer.


I got an assignment to hand in tomorrow and I have all day to complete it. Issue is that I want to get it done ASAP so I can revise for an exam I also have tomorrow (I can start that at midnight).

My first program is pretty simple. I have a .txt file which has data such as "Red #FF0000 255 0 0"

I am currently reading that text file into an array of objects, but I am a bit clueless when it comes to modifying my next command so that it reads other information.

static File File;
        static Scanner ScanFile;
        private String ColourName;
        private String HexTriplet;
        private int Red;
        private int Green;
        private int Blue;

This is what I have just done to prepare for it.

String theWord [] = new String[11];
                int i=0;

This is what I have so far, which is just putting every word as an object atm.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
Use Strings .split method to parse the line from a file into different elements of a string array.

If the file has multiple lines, then remember to use an array of arrays.

(Better yet, use a List instead of an array! :p)


String stringToSplit = "String1-String2-String3";
String delimiter = "-";
String[] result;
result = stringToSplit.split(delimiter);

for(int i =0; i < result.length ; i++){


Just remember to change the delimiter to whatever delimiter is in use in your file.


Use Strings .split method to parse the line from a file into different elements of a string array.

If the file has multiple lines, then remember to use an array of arrays.

(Better yet, use a List instead of an array! :p)


String stringToSplit = "String1-String2-String3";
String delimiter = "-";
String[] result;
result = stringToSplit.split(delimiter);

for(int i =0; i < result.length ; i++){


Just remember to change the delimiter to whatever delimiter is in use in your file.

It can't be an ArrayList unfortunately.

I'm a bit confused.

I edited the file so that it shows

Test Red;#FF0000;255;0;0

I changed my above code slightly to this:
String theWord [] = new String[11];
                int i=0;

Using the delimiter would simply do the same thing in this example?

Just to be sure, the specification says (I paraphrased to save space):
Objects to have atts and dif types foreg string, double, Boolean,etc. Testfile should between 10 and 20. As the program reads entries (strings) it should split it intofields in order to form an object 'n' store it in array.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
Firstly, this line:

String theWord [] = new String[11];
is not the way to declare a string array, change it to:
String[] theWord = new String[11];

Secondly, let's clear up the confusion before moving forward, what do you think your while loop is doing?


Firstly, this line:

String theWord [] = new String[11];
is not the way to declare a string array, change it to:
String[] theWord = new String[11];

Secondly, let's clear up the confusion before moving forward, what do you think your while loop is doing?

Currently it is reading each line and storing those as individual objects until there are no more lines left.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
Currently it is reading each line and storing those as individual objects until there are no more lines left.

Ok, good, as long as you understand that by "individual objects" it is taking each whole line of the file read and is storing that in an array element as one string.

Now you need to parse each item in each of those lines, and to store each item in a new array.

So you're going to need to use another array for this, or in the case of multiple lines in the file such as you have you are going to need to use an array of arrays.


// Replace [I]x[/I] with the number of lines in your file and 
// replace [I]y[/I] with the number of [I]items [/I]in a line

String[][] resultsArray = new String[[I]x[/I]][[I]y[/I]];


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
No worries, sorry if it seemed I was leading you through it a bit piece by piece, I find it's better to help someone how to understand how to do what it is they are trying to do rather than just posting code and saying "here's how you do it", as that makes for a better coder in the long run.

I have a bit of a pet hate for both "Copy and Paste Programming" and "Cargo Cult Programming", where people develop via other peoples code without actually understanding what it is the code does. The rise of the internet has seen this practice increase substantially, and is probably the source for my irrational dislike of StackOverflow :p
No worries, sorry if it seemed I was leading you through it a bit piece by piece, I find it's better to help someone how to understand how to do what it is they are trying to do rather than just posting code and saying "here's how you do it", as that makes for a better coder in the long run.

I have a bit of a pet hate for both "Copy and Paste Programming" and "Cargo Cult Programming", where people develop via other peoples code without actually understanding what it is the code does. The rise of the internet has seen this practice increase substantially, and is probably the source for my irrational dislike of StackOverflow :p

This is a very common thing now a days, and your pointing it out leads to this question.

Do you think that people going into Programming and Computer Science are less prepared for these programs in school even though there is more information out there now?

What I mean by this is that there are a lot of people that have learned the basics and can even possibly be somewhat good but do not have a understanding of theory or why things work the way they work.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
I wouldn't say "less prepared", more "badly prepared".

You know the saying. "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing".

The problem is that a lot of unlearning of misunderstood basics has to be done before you can properly learn and understand them if your understanding of them is faulty. Your brain skips over things you think you have learned, even if you've learned them wrong :p

There is also an aspect of "immediacy" expected due to the speed at which things happen today, people expect more instant results than years past and the ridiculous "Learn C++ in 24 hours" and similar books give a really false level of expectation for the actual amount of time needed to learn to program and to learn a language.

There's also the fact that many now equate "Learning to program" and "Learning a programming language" as the same thing, when they really are not, Syntax has become king, Semantics has taken a back seat. (Although colleges are good at undoing this particular issue).

Learn to program and any language becomes easy to learn the syntax, learn a language first and syntax becomes ALL you know.

This is why so many students and hobbyists have an issue with application architecture, no thought goes into it before they sit at an IDE, and even if they did give it some thought, the knowledge necessary to architect systems is missing so stuff gets kludged together, and that is with the ease that OOP has brought to systems design, how some of these coders would have been handled the "Top Down" years I dread to think. Abstraction, (not just in the Abstract OOP context but in the wider context of the word) is a rarer skill as well, the ability to think of your system in a more holistic overview is important because again, it helps with the design and architecture of your application.

Master these and programming really does because a simple matter of building components and making them interact, skip over them and your code forever throws surprises at you. It's supposed to be "Design, Code, Analyze", Not "Code, Google, Punch Monitor" :D

I was taught Systems Design for about 2 years before I wrote a line of code and I am so so grateful for it and this was at a time that OOPs was what you said after a failed overnight compile and "Design Patterns" were what you called the wallpaper in the tape room :p

That said, the tools are so much better that even a bad coder can now produce an application, that's a move forward even with the above drawbacks, finally the goal of 4GL's is realized :p, because if even a bad programmer can produce now, imagine what the tools do in the hands of someone who can program. :D


This is why so many students and hobbyists have an issue with application architecture, no thought goes into it before they sit at an IDE, and even if they did give it some thought, the knowledge necessary to architect systems is missing so stuff gets kludged together, and that is with the ease that OOP has brought to systems design, how some of these coders would have been handled the "Top Down" years I dread to think. Abstraction, (not just in the Abstract OOP context but in the wider context of the word) is a rarer skill as well, the ability to think of your system in a more holistic overview is important because again, it helps with the design and architecture of your application.

Master these and programming really does because a simple matter of building components and making them interact, skip over them and your code forever throws surprises at you. It's supposed to be "Design, Code, Analyze", Not "Code, Google, Punch Monitor" :D

While good program structure helps at any level, it isn't fundamentally required for the vast majority of programs students and hobbyists write. These are people who struggle just to get simple programs to compile and run. Learning something they don't absolutely have to it just not going to happen.

There are a lot of things that aren't obvious in the 200 line program that become obvious in a 200kloc program. There's just so much more complexity to manage, and so many more opportunities for reuse.

It actually might be nice if a required course had students contribute to a fork of a large open source project. That would be quite a learning experience... Of course, an internship could also provide that sort of experience for many people.
Someone posted this (microcorruption.com) in the programming thread on Team Liquid. It's an online challenge in which you have to unlock a series of virtual locks that are controlled by a simple 16 bit computer (the CPU is a TI MSP430, so it's an actual architecture) and a program that takes a password and given the correct password, opens the lock. You get the disassembled program, a debugger and you can step through the program while watching how the registers and memory change. You basically need a way to exploit the program in a way that allows you to go through the password check. (buffer overflows, smashing the stack, corrupting the heap etc. although the first few examples don't seem to require that yet)

I've tried learning to read an actual assembly language a few times (in school we learned Micro16, which is a very simplified architecture which doesn't correspond to any actual hardware) but x86 or x64 assembly both always looked really scary to me. MSP430 seems to be a lot simpler and is also pretty well-documented.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
While good program structure helps at any level, it isn't fundamentally required for the vast majority of programs students and hobbyists write. These are people who struggle just to get simple programs to compile and run. Learning something they don't absolutely have to it just not going to happen.

There are a lot of things that aren't obvious in the 200 line program that become obvious in a 200kloc program. There's just so much more complexity to manage, and so many more opportunities for reuse.

It actually might be nice if a required course had students contribute to a fork of a large open source project. That would be quite a learning experience... Of course, an internship could also provide that sort of experience for many people.

I agree that in a large number of hobbyist use cases it doesn't apply and is probably overkill, however I'd counter that with the fact that an increasing number of hobbyists are also now attempting bigger, more ambitious projects involving inter-connected systems and networked applications where it does apply, and floundering because of the gap in their knowledge. I was also using architecture as one example among many of fundamental basics that are skipped over, don't even get me started on Android developers who ask "Do I really need to learn Java?" :p

Take for instance an Android project that I saw recently where the beginner behind it was having trouble getting it to work. Every piece of API documentation for the service he was trying to make use of warned him that the data returned would be as a SOAP object, and every piece of code he had written (or more likely cut'n'pasted') for handling the response was designed to handle JSON.

Not understanding the terminology is one thing which is solvable, but not understanding the fundamentals of the existence of different protocols, and the likelihood of incompatibility between them in the first place meant that he couldn't understand why he wasn't receiving what he was expecting to.

This is what I mean about syntax versus semantics. If he had understood that message passing systems have to speak the same thing he could have moved forward much quicker than he had, however due to missing even this basic point his eventual solution in his project was to use code to accept and convert the SOAP response to JSON, and then to continue to use his JSON handling code to convert it from JSON to a native object format. (I really wish I was kidding) :p
Question to those in the industry: if my gpa is at or like .1 off from the minimum in a posting would that be an issue? There's an internship I'm applying for and it never hurts to apply but will I get looked at?
Question to those in the industry: if my gpa is at or like .1 off from the minimum in a posting would that be an issue? There's an internship I'm applying for and it never hurts to apply but will I get looked at?

What's the harm? Post. The worst that can happen is that it gets ignored. That might be entirely likely, by the way, but you'll certainly not be considered if they never get an application.


doing Objective C and i'm stumped on how to perform a task:

i have a button. when the button is pressed, 2 things happen: an animation plays on the button itself, and a network request is fired.
what i want to do is to finalize the look of the button when both those tasks are done. kinda tricky because both tasks operated independently, with the animation being set for a fixed time and who knows what will happen with network requests.

anybody have an ideas on how to capture and join the 2 tasks together? just general threading techniques are fine; i need an idea to work through. thinking of having something to poll the result of the network call when the animation is finished but i'm not sure what the polling mechanism would be

to throw more things into a jumble, the button animation plays in a category, and that button and animation is used in like 6 different places in my app, with multiple instances on a screen. and you should know ui updates should only happen on the main thread...
Question to those in the industry: if my gpa is at or like .1 off from the minimum in a posting would that be an issue? There's an internship I'm applying for and it never hurts to apply but will I get looked at?

What's the harm? Post. The worst that can happen is that it gets ignored. That might be entirely likely, by the way, but you'll certainly not be considered if they never get an application.

Just get anxious about it. I had a bad semester and it's just recovering now and I've been worrying about it.

You need to post. I cannot tell you how many opportunities have opened up because I just took a chance even though I should not have had a chance in the first place.


Tiny Types

Does anyone here do this? It sounds nice, but having a 40+ line file for ints and strings might be a bit much.
He doesn't make a very good case for it. What's the benefit? Parameter order is easy to get right because you name them and your IDE shows the names as you're typing them.

I lean heavily toward the safety camp (strongly favoring static typing), but this is silly.

Also why does his Customer class have separate first and "family" names? That's not how people work.

In some languages it's much easier to alias types like this. I think it's great to do for readability purposes. But not for safety.



god I'm pissed right now... Visual Studio 2012 just bricked me laptop...

Microsoft has become piss incompetent. I have never seen a more backwards way of installation than with their student dream spark program.

I have to go through this awkward lengthy formal checkout of the product then I am award a download page.

But I have to download this 3rd party installer which might be the worst installer I have ever seen. It's fucked up a few times and failed to extract the file at the end of downloading the packages for 3 hours. But that here nor there. Nor is the fact that you have to know to use a 3rd party disk mounter for the image because windows won't handle that natively.

My issue right now is that the installation process fucked up my computer. Now I have to do a fresh install with my already extremely limited time due to classes and internship. Which involves me loading some 30 drivers onto this laptop just so I can have a clean install of windows and not some shit bloated version.

I love windows (7) for it's compatibility, it's interface, its software, gaming, etc.

But for fuck sakes Microsoft is it's own biggest enemy. I can handle low level stuff on linux, or high level user flare on Mac OSx but what I hate is having to deal with this middle ground that keeps fucking up on windows. Low level stuff is nearly non-existance because of how abstracted its whole kernel is. Fucking hell It feels like an alien planet that I don't understand despite using it all my life, where as linux I've barely used and I feel more at ease with it's engines.


But seriously. For how nice microsoft makes installation for others with .msi and how they handle .exe packages. They can't even fucking install their own stuff. Even Office Suite feels like a virus at times.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I think the part about him getting Visual Studio might have to do with programming. I used dreamspark several times without a hitch. You can get a program to mount the iso to a virtual disc or you can just burn it onto a disk before you install. The rest, I dunno. Sounds like an unfortunate crash, not really sure how it is Microsoft's fault.


It's just that every time I have installed something that uses the new Win8 gui on windows 7. It some how ends up fucking up my computer. I need VS2012 for a class.

I'm just also pissed because the download process also gives me a lot of grief, and fixing this whole thing is going to burn a bunch of my time.


I'm using VS2012 right now at work, in Windows 7. I also use it at home. Also I definitely didn't have to mount an iso to install it, or use any kind of non-Microsoft installers. And it's never broken any of my computers.

I'm not trying to discount your experience or be insensitive. It sounds very frustrating. I've just never seen that happen personally, and it seems odd.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I'm using VS2012 right now at work, in Windows 7. I also use it at home. Also I definitely didn't have to mount an iso to install it, or use any kind of non-Microsoft installers. And it's never broken any of my computers.

I'm not trying to discount your experience or be insensitive. It sounds very frustrating. I've just never seen that happen personally, and it seems odd.
I know what he's talking about. I remember specifically having to do that with a special program that allows you to download Visual Studio for free from the Microsoft website if you are a student. It's through an academic project that provides software for students called Dreamspark.


I know what he's talking about. I remember specifically having to do that with a special program that allows you to download Visual Studio for free from the Microsoft website if you are a student. It's through an academic project that provides software for students called Dreamspark.
Ah, I see. I did that once upon a time but I don't remember much about it. And I was still using XP.


I'm using VS2012 right now at work, in Windows 7. I also use it at home. Also I definitely didn't have to mount an iso to install it, or use any kind of non-Microsoft installers. And it's never broken any of my computers.

I'm not trying to discount your experience or be insensitive. It sounds very frustrating. I've just never seen that happen personally, and it seems odd.
It works for me too. But gotta admit, most all microsoft software installations are an utter mess. The visual studio installer, with virtually no options, installs an immense crapload of windows 'features'. Same goes for sql server.

Mostly I'm against the entire half assedness of it. Give the user full control of where files end up already, not this fake option crap. Where you get to choose the install location of programs, but oh there's also some stuff in appdata, oh and by the way, you have some new folders in documents, and on your c:, and a windows service, and a ton of data in your registry. It's just tiring and depressing. No matter what you do you end up with a mess. Oh yeah, and when you uninstall, we'll just remove the folder you chose, nothing else. Good luck removing visual studio from your system, haha.


Unconfirmed Member
Hey all, first time in programming gaf! don't eat me

Does anyone have experience in SAS? I'm a beginner and I was hoping I could get some help here with it. I'm trying to read the last 80 observations in a massive data set, and copying them over to a temporary data set. I know you can use the firstobs & obs options if you already know where the data set ends, but I'm pretty sure there's a more elegant way to do this than that.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
If you guys are talking about Secure Download Manager, I'm in the camp that hates it.

I've had it download stuff and then fail after several hours. It's terrible. Why can't they just give the ISOs, since they already give the key with a DreamSpark order.


Unconfirmed Member
Hey all, first time in programming gaf! don't eat me

Does anyone have experience in SAS? I'm a beginner and I was hoping I could get some help here with it. I'm trying to read the last 80 observations in a massive data set, and copying them over to a temporary data set. I know you can use the firstobs & obs options if you already know where the data set ends, but I'm pretty sure there's a more elegant way to do this than that.
Managed to figure this out myself, nevermind.

Also Secure Download Manager is a pain in the behind, it's so slow.

And just a random question, what do you guys mostly program in? C++? Or I guess if you're in mechanical/aeronautical engineering, MATLAB?


Managed to figure this out myself, nevermind.

Also Secure Download Manager is a pain in the behind, it's so slow.

And just a random question, what do you guys mostly program in? C++? Or I guess if you're in mechanical/aeronautical engineering, MATLAB?
I use mostly C# at work. 90%+ of the coding I've done in the past ~3 years has been in C#. I've done a little bit of javascript, go and rust. I haven't used java or C++ in a few years.

Hey ProgrammingGAF

I uh, have some potential summer computational modelling work, and basically they use fortran to do it, and I'm just wondering, could I pick up a good grounding in programming principles through fortran and then transition over to something like C++ or something afterwards (think 6 months ish).
If you're new to programming, then yeah anything you learn doing fortran will be generally applicable to any other programming you do in the future, even in other languages.


And just a random question, what do you guys mostly program in? C++? Or I guess if you're in mechanical/aeronautical engineering, MATLAB?
I've been working professionally (telco, graphics, some numerical analysis, and web dev) in Python for 15 years with a bit of C and a bunch of Javascript occasionally. Some Java when I can't avoid it (usually Android dev, or insanely stupid payment gateways that require Java clients even though they're exposing a SOAP interface). Used the scipy stuff for the number crunching, not MATLAB (which I have used in the past and was nice but screw that for a game of dice these days).

Anyone here do unit testing in Javascript? I've been working with Angular for a year and a half now, and still find writing tests for it mind-warping. Ugh.
Anybody here know AppleScript? I have a working script that I can set the bounds of an application window. However I am trying to set the bounds of a window within an application window.

A example would be iTunes. I can already set the bounds of the main window. But I want to set the bounds of Get Info window. How can I do this? I tried tweaking the script but no avail.


Unconfirmed Member
You can see what programming languages are the most popular with many different parameters, if that's what you're wondering. Like this or this.
Oh, I was just wondering what programming GAF were using personally. But these charts are enlightening regardless. Didn't expect Ruby to be so high, for one.

And to answer my own question, the only thing I have experience in is C++ and MATLAB, but I don't think either of those would carry me that far considering I'm still a student. I also did hobbyist web development when I was in middle school/early high school, if that counts. I keep up to date with that when I feel like it, haven't done anything with jquery yet though.

Unit testing is like a functional, self-contained bit of code right?


Oh, I was just wondering what programming GAF were using personally. But these charts are enlightening regardless. Didn't expect Ruby to be so high, for one.
That langpop site is great for showing you the input sources and letting your weight them yourself.

Ruby's high place is due to its strong representation in github repositories. It's listed higher than C++, PHP and Java if you only include github, which is definitely not representative in general.


Hey ProgrammingGAF

I uh, have some potential summer computational modelling work, and basically they use fortran to do it, and I'm just wondering, could I pick up a good grounding in programming principles through fortran and then transition over to something like C++ or something afterwards (think 6 months ish).
If you're a new programmer, experience with any language will help. However, Fortran and C++ are pretty different. Only broad concepts are likely to directly carry over.
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