Well, it wasn't a joke, and that's really annoying. I take suggestions.
There's good online courses and ressources, there's books I like for other "targets" (I enjoyed Dive into Python, but that's definitively not for anyone), but I'm at a loss when someone wants me to suggest a book for beginners.
It's just that a bunch of bad books don't become a bunch of good books just because you can't find good ones...
Since Python is now an nationwide official language for high-school studies, there's many new books appearing, but they're often not that good.
I mean...
Chapter on stacks
"We will implement stacks using lists
Pop is done by L.pop(0)
Push is done by L.insert(0, elem)" (sic)
Way to go... Let's have a push/pop that's O!
Sometimes, you wonder where editors find their writers...
I've seen people give up and learn a different language because they spent too much time worrying about what the "optimal" book is instead of just getting a damn book and opening it. I mean, I don't think it really matters. Go to amazon, type "python programming", sort by relevance, and choose one of the top 3. They'll all be "good enough", the important thing is that you just do it instead of finding excuses to postpone the learning.