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Propose a new mascot for Nintendo




Tag of Excellence
Jumpman said:
Awesome new tag Drinky!
Pathetically one-sided when compared to other member's tags but there is absolutely no suprise there.

I'd throw a vote into giving Kid Icarus more importance for the hell of it. That or Mr. Game & Watch for pure absurdity.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
TekunoRobby said:
Pathetically one-sided when compared to other member's tags but there is absolutely no suprise there.

It's almost like...*cue look of wonder as realization dawns*...like that was the point.


Tag of Excellence
Well thank god I made it clear that I understood that, hell I would have been in a world of wonder-filled realization if I didn't thanks to you. Then again that doesn't sound like a bad idea, it would make the GA Forums a fantastic journey of irony and ad hominem.

Another idea: Give the Pikmin another shot at character fame by introducing them in a DS title (I would personally like to see this but another sequel wouldn't be bad). They aren't exactly brilliant creations but their cute looks and odd personalities would make for a very marketable franchise if they pushed it right. Expanding them into the traditional retail sectors would certainly see some sales.

Edit: I guess I'll add in a smiley face and a "ha ha" at the end next time in order to make sure that I understand it according to your logic. It's funny and witty but the points I brought up are also true, negating the humor of it somewhat.

You're not even making sense anymore. You could have just said "don't take things so seriously" instead of this manhandling of logic you have now.
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