Astoria has been gone for ages now.brooklyn is long gone and queens is next, especially astoria.
Astoria has been gone for ages now.brooklyn is long gone and queens is next, especially astoria.
It's true though. I live in the area and violence is met with a good ol' fashioned shrug. Obviously that doesn't encompass the entire population of the area, but still. What the lady did is shitty but there are better things to put a protest effort towards in a not-so-great area.
Different restaurant my dude. She did the wine in a paper bag. Not much better.
Yup, I remember reading this.
brooklyn is long gone and queens is next, especially astoria.
I'm more offended by the $6 Miller Lite. The Colt will at least get you drunk.Paying $15 for a 40 is called getting mugged.
Bronx is safe
Fucking gross. Glad the owner's getting shit for it. I hope she puts serious effort into alleviating the harm she's caused and to support the local black community instead of gentrification.
I thought the name choice was interesting. And then I read she was from Toronto and it made perfect sense.....For those that don't know, Summerhill is a very wealthy neighbourhood of Toronto, and where the restaurant owner came from.
Different restaurant my dude. She did the wine in a paper bag. Not much better.
I thought the name choice was interesting. And then I read she was from Toronto and it made perfect sense.....
Gentrification is the effect of rampant NIMBYISM, not the cause.
She's clueless for certain. But I do think that it's been blown out of proportion. People were talking about burning her store down. "This is a problem a little gas and a match can't fix." Others said she deserved to die. Come on now.
white people left the cities
minorities gave the cities "flavor"
now they are taking cities back.
Right.Watermelon cocktails, 40z in a paper bag, fake bullet holes.....There is a word for this and it's not gentrification.
That's the last place in NY I thought they would've aimed for.
I just moved from Bushwick, on the side that bordered with East New York. So, the shitty non-trendy part of Bushwick. They were trying to raise our 1 bedroom apartment to $2,300. So we moved out and over to Crown Heights (in a much nicer area, for cheaper). It's fucking insane how quickly rent has been climbing here lately.Because it's easier to get upset and protest a stupid shop opening than it is to actually fight for policies to ameliorate rising housing prices.
They've already "lost" Crown Heights and most of Brooklyn; row houses in my shitty part of town are already nearing $1 million. East New York and the Bronx are next.
If you buy the common tale of gentrifications minorities don't make the areas desirable, artists looking for cheap rent do.
You are paying for the experience, don't knock it.
It's definitely sarcasm.For the experience of getting robbed of your money legally due to your own incompetence.
I really hope you were being sarcastic here...
I just moved from Bushwick, on the side that bordered with East New York. So, the shitty non-trendy part of Bushwick. They were trying to raise our 1 bedroom apartment to $2,300. So we moved out and over to Crown Heights (in a much nicer area, for cheaper). It's fucking insane how quickly rent has been climbing here lately.
I have to move all the time whenever the rent spikes.
I'm actually closer to Ocean Hill than I am to the Fanklin Ave area. I'm pretty much right across the Brooklyn Children's Museum. It's quiet over here, I like it. I don't think rent should spike too crazy over here yet. But good to know if we need to bump out again.Come to the no-man's land of Ocean Hill, which neither Crown Heights or Bed Stuy people want to claim (but it's not Brownsville!), and you can get a 2BR for $1500.
I'm sure in five years you won't be able to find anything larger than a studio under $2K though.
I just moved from Bushwick, on the side that bordered with East New York. So, the shitty non-trendy part of Bushwick. They were trying to raise our 1 bedroom apartment to $2,300. So we moved out and over to Crown Heights (in a much nicer area, for cheaper). It's fucking insane how quickly rent has been climbing here lately.
I have to move all the time whenever the rent spikes.
You talking bought the Bronx lol, guess you ain't heard of SoBo. They coming slowly but surely, just like east ny.Bronx is safe
Hah, yeah I'm hopeful mine won't but we'll see. Things can change rapidly. I remember moving into Ridgewood 8 years ago (Myrtle-Wyckoff area) and being one of the only non-latino people in the area. It was pretty much all families that grew up there. It's insane going back there now, feels like a different wold, especially when you go down Wyckoff towards the Dekalb and Jefferson L stops.I live in a rent controlled apartment in Crown Heights and our rent went up ten dollars in the past three years.
Hah, yeah I'm hopeful mine won't but we'll see. Things can change rapidly. I remember moving into Ridgewood 8 years ago (Myrtle-Wyckoff area) and being one of the only non-latino people in the area. It was pretty much all families that grew up there. It's insane going back there now, feels like a different wold, especially when you go down Wyckoff towards the Dekalb and Jefferson L stops.
Los Hermanos was my shit!! Now there's like super long lines to get a god damn taco.ha!
I used to live right off of the Jefferson L stop ten years ago above the Wyckoff Star coffee shop (LOS HERMANOS WAT WAT!), and it's insane how much the area has changed. I grew up in Williamsburg, most of my fam is from the Williamsburg-Bushwick area and it's insane what has happened there. Moved to Crown Heights because my wife loves the area but it's totally changing.
Nieghbor who grew up here was hanging outside of the building and was like "Damn man, I never seen so many white people in this hood. Shit done changed." Not angry about it but just like fuck, what is going on.
I just looked it up, is it Video Revival?Also noticing a lot of Crown Heights folks in here and ya'll should support the local movie theater.
I remember the day the Panera Bread moved into my home town. I saw VW beetles driving around with factory installed flower holders, bikes with baskets on them and the jogging group that would avoid my house I knew that it was over...
The neighborhood had gone to shit. pretty soon bike lanes were desgnated in our already cramped street, and the crossing guards no longer kept baseball bats near their lawn chairs. The corner store owned by the chinese lady went from "Sunny Liqour" to "Sunny's Bodega" .....
Then the pop up art galleries appeared....they came and went like a bad rash, they would appear anywhere, near the 99 cent store and clog up the sidewalk with hipster themed mid thirties couples trying to be hipster themed younger twenties couples trying to look thirty. The men wearing suspenders unironically with full bushy beards riding down the street on their unicycle to go to the coffee house that used to be a taco place. (They still sell Tacos, only more expensive and a discount on the coffee with two soft tacos)
People even felt safe to walk their dogs now, ( and not pitbulls on chain collars, like actual dogs that people owned for like....comfort and shit) and the colors of these people were the lightest of shades I have never seen before as child....they varied from from pink, to sometimes a bright red and some were as pale as the 1% milk they would give us in the school cafeteria, you know the stuff with barely any calcium, or vitamins and lacking any sort of substance or nutritional value? these people were like 1% milk and they invaded my home.
I weeped for my childhood home, my tears rolled down my face and collected in compost bin situated near every trash can, and walked off like the rest of my neighbors (because the mortgage refused to let me refinance and forced us out our house and by then the property value had skyrocketed and we were the last of the "old ones" left) .
Los Hermanos was my shit!! Now there's like super long lines to get a god damn taco.
And yeah, I can tell I'm one of the new white people in the area. Just how it goes.
This part of Crown Heights though has been INSANELY welcoming. People telling me "welcome to the neighborhood" and our neighbors actually talking with us, being friendly. Same neighbors helped our roommate move in that didn't have a lot of help. People on the block looking out for each other. I haven't had that experience here before as a transplant in my 11 years.
I just looked it up, is it Video Revival?
Astoria has been gone for ages now.
What does the paper bag mean in a historical context?
HAH. Yeah. I really don't like Astoria. I have some friends out there, but it's too far to go for a neighborhood I hate being in. It's where I first lived when I moved to New York. It's super boring unless you are a bro or are into Euro Trash.or as I call it BROSTORIA!
Where fratboys go to die but you have Sunswicks!
This is giving me life
I just moved from Bushwick, on the side that bordered with East New York. So, the shitty non-trendy part of Bushwick. They were trying to raise our 1 bedroom apartment to $2,300. So we moved out and over to Crown Heights (in a much nicer area, for cheaper). It's fucking insane how quickly rent has been climbing here lately.
I have to move all the time whenever the rent spikes.
Yup, I remember reading this.
Fucking hate these stupid ass "fusion" restaurants that rip off other people's culture or make fun of it.
They gonna be selling crates on the corner as an experience soon at this rate.
Welcome to racist stereotypes?How is this still a thing? How do people stil think that using a fruit eaten by people all over the planet, as a stereotype to negatively paint a particular group isn't one of the most idiotic things ever? You have to be stupid beyond comprehension to use watermelon as an insult and stereotype in the 21st century.
"Haha you watermelon eater!"
You eat them to, and so does he, and she, and those people over there...
"Ah, but it's funny when I make it seem specific to you! Haha!"