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Proud, positive GAF ✊ | What was good about 2023 for you?

Went to a resort with 2 friends, which for me is EXTREMELY rare as I almost never go out of town. Last time I left my city was like 8 years ago lol.

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not tag worthy
positive notes

I am at a higher level in French language than I thought, I managed to do a month intensive course. which is great and the teacher said i made progress, I would like to do another but time is the most important thing for me. still a way off the level I need, but I am closer.

spent time with the wife and kids. saw my friends and family. had family members come visit us.

took some nice short holidays, gotta love the price of some cheap flights in Europe.

Job Change, I was made redundant. while I was nervous about the uncertainty, I have some freelance work to tide me over.

using Stoicism to help ground me
also using this time to learn a new skill to help me in my job prospects.

will focus more on my health and saving money to build up more savings
also thinking of doing minimalism actually essentialism, just make sure what I buy is essential etc. just thinking of ways to keep out of debt as I no longer have a fully time job so need to be frugal etc. I will see what 2024 brings but for now I'm being upbeat
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I've lost 45 pounds since the beginning of the year. I've cut out most processed foods, and cut way, way down on stuff with added sugar. Started exercising more regularly. It's helped me start sleeping better too. I still have a ways to go on all of these things to get where I want to be, but I'm happy with the results so far.

I started a new schedule at work that is just four days a week, and I love it. I'm working longer days, but that means no "rush hour" commute home, and also an entire day's worth of commuting completely cut out every week. This gives me more free time overall throughout the week - and the additional evening hours also means it's cut down almost completely on after-hours calls.

I'm only a few games shy of finishing my 52 games per year challenge. This year has been really great for gaming for me. I've even finished about 10-15 super long games (Legend of Nayuta, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, Crisis Core, Dragon Quest X, etc.) I have a few more games I'm almost finished with, so I should be able to finish the challenge no problem.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Read one book a week.
Got a promotion
Had an amazing time in Poland visiting the in-laws.
Learned how to jack off with my feet
Started learning German (long way to go)
Finally took my dad and son to Dover Castle


I have pissed away many, many hours listening to the Horus Heresy on Audible, while painting space marines. Really been good to get back into 40k again big time, now I have the time to do it.

Also, I get to travel between my two home countries on a semi-regular basis, which I am always grateful for.
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Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
I kept my sanity despite all the rocks life was thrown at me. Still can't believe i was able to.

Stopped smoking and started to work out.

Made some major plans for my house to be implemented next year.

I visited a GAF member for the second time and slept on his couch.


Anything you want to get off your chest?
Thank you, I really mean it. But I don't think GAF's the right place (or the internet in general).

But it's good that others find fortune and happiness.

That being said, I know it may sound (or rather read) cringy as fuck. But I cannot deny that it helped me on two occasions, albeit indirectly. So it might help someone, too:
It's something written by Yoko Taro on Twitter, which someone has translated:

This is a serious topic, so I’m writing this while being sober.

For a while now, every so often through Twitter DMs or the like, I’d get messages like “I was depressed and thinking of dying, but I feel like I’ve been saved after playing your games”, or “I’ve always thought myself as kind of strange and not really fitting in, but now I feel like somebody understands me”. This isn’t exactly my intent while I’m making games, but, well, though it might just have been a coincidence, I’m happy to have helped in some way.

While staring at my Twitter timeline late in to the night, I do often see streams of messages saying things like “I want to die” or “Living is just suffering”. I don’t know if the people who are writing these messages are just messing around, or if they’re actually suffering, but I do get the feeling that among my fans there’s a large percentage of people with low self esteem.
Of course, I myself suffer from low self-esteem issues, so it might just be a case of like-minded people summoning each other.

Anyway, when I see these tweets saying things like “I want to die”, I’m reminded of something that happened more than twenty years ago.

I was on a training program for new hires for the game company, Namco. Part of the program involved us staying over at a facility somewhere.
Man, I remember it being pretty fun. It was like a bunch of youngsters doing dumb stuff together. Since there were a bunch of girls who were also doing the stay-over, I was pretty excited.
For the stay over, we shared rooms. Guys would share rooms with guys. After a particularly rowdy night, I was settling down to bed. A room mate came up to me with a really dark expression on his face, muttering things like “I don’t know what I’m living for”, and “I’m in pain”, and “I want to die”.
I really didn’t know what to say. Sure, we were batch-mates in the sense that we were both new hires, but I’d only known him for a few days. It wasn’t like we were that close, and I was just a young kid of 22 or so.
Even so, I at least had the knowledge to understand that saying something as irresponsible as “You can do it!” to someone who was really suffering was not a good idea. And so, since I didn’t know what else to say, I replied with “I really don’t know what to do in situations like this. I don’t know what I should say. But, if you’re really suffering, I think you should get some professional help.” He had come to me with a serious problem, and so I tried my best to be careful with the words I used.
That night passed without further incident. In the morning it looked like he had cheered up. And yet, about 2–3 months after the training program, I heard that he had committed suicide.
It’s not like I was overwhelmed with grief at his passing. In those days, new hires were hired together in large batches, and we never met again after the training program. We really weren’t that close. I had honestly done what I could, to the best of my abilities, so I didn’t really feel guilty either.
In any case, I’ve always highly valued personal freedom. Back then, I didn’t really understand to what extent one should get in the way of somebody who really wants to kill themselves. I honestly still don’t. Since everybody suffers in their own way, I can’t fundamentally disagree with anyone who honestly thinks “I would be better off dead”.

Still, I often thought about it afterwards. What was the right thing to say back then?
Even when I think about it now, if someone were to say to me “I want to die”, or “Living is just suffering”, there’s no way I would be able to show them how to solve their problems. After all, my Twitter followers are almost strangers to me. I’m not really close to them at all.
And yet, seeing these almost-strangers write things like “I want to die” and “Living is just suffering”, my heart begins to ache. “Is it really alright to just leave them alone?” I wonder. At the very least, the fact that they follow me on Twitter means that they know about me. Yes, we’re not exactly close, but it’s not like we have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
I still think the best thing to do is to seek professional help. And yet, instead of saying something like that, an answer that is appropriate for strangers, if I were to be asked the same question now I’d like to answer in my own way, with my own words:
“I would be sad if you were to pass away”.

Maybe those were the words that were really needed on that night more than twenty years ago.
I can’t even remember his name anymore, so there’s certainly some amount of hypocrisy about me writing about his death on Twitter now. And yet, since I do have over 100 thousand followers, I hope this can be helpful to at least one person. That this time around it might not be too late.
That’s what I think, anyway.
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Hold onto your panties
Pushed hard with the business during Q1 & Q2 before leaving operations in EV industry. July promoted to head of marketing. Re-established (defunct since 2018) a simple but effective ministry with my wife which focuses on those struggling with poverty, drugs and a multitude of other issues. Traveled a bit and finally got my passport renewed for greater future travel with my wife. Started riding bikes again and went on a 150-mile trek in August with some friends visiting from Dresden, Germany. Not all sunshine and rainbows but you asked what was good. That's the good.


Gold Member
Took a while, but my investment condo finally got registered so I got a mortgage for it. Everything went fine. Took more than 5 years from buying from the floor plan. It took over a year to get registered with the city. For those of you who dont know, you cant get a mortgage until the condo is registered. So when you get the keys and the building isn't registered you pay the builder rent and it doesn't go towards the value of the property.\

I've had a tenant for a year and I only boosted up her rent $50 for January (+2%) when I could had easily jacked it up $150-200 like every other similar unit in the area or same building. But I didn't really give a shit. Getting an extra $1000-2000/yr off her isn't the end of the world. After capital gains tax I'd lose a good 25% of it anyway to the government.

She's been a good tenant with zero issues on my end. So I think increasing it 2% isnt greedy at all especially when the mortgage is over 6%.

It's crazy how much rent is, so I kinds feel bad, but hey I'm in to make money. I'll be charging her $2500/mth in Jan. Back when I first started out and bought my first condo unit to live in, my monthly mortgage was about $1000.
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Gold Member
Retired in my 40s. Bought another house. Got solar panels and a battery installed. Finally got to try marijuana. Celebrated thanksgiving with my mom and siblings all together under one roof for the first time in 21 years. Probably the best overall year of my life.


Finally got my website for writers live, although to a flurry of crickets, I now need to work out how to get people to know it exists, and join.

With that out the way I can finally put more time back into my writing.

Otherwise work is going well, and kids are now getting to a good age where holidays are possible.

Honestly this year was a bit of a blur.


Quit my job and have been unemployed ever since. You may think it's a bad thing, but it hasn't been. I am 100% happier and in better shape than when I was while working. Working is not worth it and I will be staying out of corporate America until I absolutely must go back.

I have been doing a lot of volunteer and small jobs (I'll be part of a panel staff during Christmas for an anime convention in Orlando. That should be nice). Otherwise I'm going to the gym and studying for my security+ cybersecurity certification.

If I never had to work again, you better believe I wouldn't.


Thank you, I really mean it. But I don't think GAF's the right place (or the internet in general).

But it's good that others find fortune and happiness.

That being said, I know it may sound (or rather read) cringy as fuck. But I cannot deny that it helped me on two occasions, albeit indirectly. So it might help someone, too:
It's something written by Yoko Taro on Twitter, which someone has translated:
this actually brought me to tears. It's a great read.


Finally got my website for writers live, although to a flurry of crickets, I now need to work out how to get people to know it exists, and join.

With that out the way I can finally put more time back into my writing.

Otherwise work is going well, and kids are now getting to a good age where holidays are possible.

Honestly this year was a bit of a blur.
I'll look at the site. i've thought about writing things.


Perpetually Tired
Got a degree in the medical field, working towards a full MD-PhD and have a rough outline for the next 10 years. Learning two new languages, getting a new place, planned my first real vacation in over 20 years. Playing a lot of games and feel content and happy for the first time in a long while.


Seems like everyone else was up to much more this year (than I).
Job's going ok but not great. I have made more money in this actually professional position than I have ever before but I don't feel very fulfilled, or motivated. Mostly just squirreling away my money while I can to save toward a home purchase.
Other than that, I've played allot of games this year, solo and with friends, and had a good time.
Oh, I did travel a bit for business - that was neat.

If I never had to work again, you better believe I wouldn't.

Same. I was happier when I'd been furloughed from my last job than I'd been in many, many years. Staying at home and just doing nothing was so liberating. I don't think the feeling would have dissipated either if not for necessity - after a few months (this was peak covid) realizing that I should probably do something about my position to secure a better future.


Paid off the debt of my sister.

Went on a wonderful day hike in the mountain. Got a few pairs of really nice shoes.

Still biking.

Went to two bbqs.

My cousin got a baby girl.

Bought art supplies for my mom - her new hobby.

Went on a few coffee dates.

Lost around 3-4 lbs.

Mostly recovered from my arm injury and got back into working out. Then injured my chest on irregular dip bars but mostly over that as well. Managed to do 15 dips recently. Chins still lagging.
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not tag worthy
all the posters here in the this thread get a big love from me, we are doing great. keep hanging on in there. (i'm not good at the sentimental messages) but you are doing great :)


Gold Member
I got first place at my public administration exam, so im now a A grade civil servant, got a pay raise and im basically unfirable :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:



Gold Member
Paid off the debt of my sister.

Went on a wonderful day hike in the mountain. Got a few pairs of really nice shoes.

Still biking.

Went to two bbqs.

My cousin got a baby girl.

Bought art supplies for my mom - her new hobby.

Went on a few coffee dates.

Lost around 3-4 lbs.

Mostly recovered from my arm injury and got back into working out. Then injured my chest on irregular dip bars but mostly over that as well. Managed to do 15 dips recently. Chins still lagging.
You did a lot for your loved ones, that's admirable, i hope you'll give yourself a well deserved treat next !


SA winning the RWC... insane levels of emotion going throughout the competition. Literally up to the last whistle.

Still very hard coming down from that high.
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Went to Mauritius, went to Gdansk, going to Hohenwerfen Castle in December. Travelling is good for the soul they say, I just do it for the cheap duty free most of the time :messenger_tears_of_joy:

And if you live in the UK, everything's cheaper everywhere else, which helps..

I stuck up a boring video of walking along one of the beaches in Mauritius on YouTube. If you want to go anywhere in life, go there, it's pretty damn nice if you like that kind of thing. I'd live there personally. I just want a boat, drink rum, smoke cigs and catch fish. That'll do me



Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Went to Mauritius, went to Gdansk, going to Hohenwerfen Castle in December. Travelling is good for the soul they say, I just do it for the cheap duty free most of the time :messenger_tears_of_joy:

And if you live in the UK, everything's cheaper everywhere else, which helps..

I stuck up a boring video of walking along one of the beaches in Mauritius on YouTube. If you want to go anywhere in life, go there, it's pretty damn nice if you like that kind of thing. I'd live there personally. I just want a boat, drink rum, smoke cigs and catch fish. That'll do me

Nice i was also in Mauritius this year. My second time there.

Great place can be a bit of a culture shock if you are used to western/European type vacations but its great there.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Elevated my cooking skills. Genuinely surprised how easy it's been and how satisfying it is to make good food. Ate healthier as a result.

Personally, made some big calls on changing my life for the better, challenged my day to day life and my outlook on the world.

Professionally, attained some successes that would headline most CVs for my industry.


Nice i was also in Mauritius this year. My second time there.

Great place can be a bit of a culture shock if you are used to western/European type vacations but its great there.
It really is, we hired a car for the week but mainly stuck to the West side of the island, we'll be going back next year for a bit longer and hopefully do more of the east

Yeah the culture shock does hit you somewhat. Such a crazy place, one minute you'll be in the ritziest of shopping centres with lavish shops, people in nice clothes and money and two minutes down the road You're in a village, no one has shoes and goats cross the road

Did you go up north to see that red Christian church? The views there was something else



Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
It really is, we hired a car for the week but mainly stuck to the West side of the island, we'll be going back next year for a bit longer and hopefully do more of the east

Yeah the culture shock does hit you somewhat. Such a crazy place, one minute you'll be in the ritziest of shopping centres with lavish shops, people in nice clothes and money and two minutes down the road You're in a village, no one has shoes and goats cross the road

Did you go up north to see that red Christian church? The views there was something else


Both times we went we had a car and drove all over the island. I don't remember the church but we did go up north to a beach. First time we went for a wedding/vacation so we got a lot of tours from locals.


Both times we went we had a car and drove all over the island. I don't remember the church but we did go up north to a beach. First time we went for a wedding/vacation so we got a lot of tours from locals.
Having a wedding there would be something else! I bet it looked lovely. A bit better than mine I think.

I was dead set on a manual to drive, the hire company man who turned up was laughing that I wanted it, he never said why he was laughing. Two hours later I found out. Having a knackerd manual 1ltr up those mountains is something I won't forget in a hurry :messenger_tears_of_joy:


+deployed web site i had worked on for over a year.
+been going to gym from february
+gained lot of weight but have lost some of it.
+moved into better apartment


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Having a wedding there would be something else! I bet it looked lovely. A bit better than mine I think.

I was dead set on a manual to drive, the hire company man who turned up was laughing that I wanted it, he never said why he was laughing. Two hours later I found out. Having a knackerd manual 1ltr up those mountains is something I won't forget in a hurry :messenger_tears_of_joy:

It wasnt our wedding lol it was a friend of ours who is from Mauritius so him and his friends showed us around. My wedding was pretty shit dont worry :D
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