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Proud, positive GAF ✊ | What was good about 2023 for you?


It wasnt our wedding lol it was a friend of ours who is from Mauritius
:messenger_tears_of_joy: I know

I was saying I bet their wedding was lovely :)
so him and his friends showed us around.
Must of been handy having someone to show you around though, I just had pure fear, a dodgy sat nav and the missus saying 'I want the nicest beaches!

Oh, and the lad wanting shopping centres. Traveled all that way so he can look at shops, ridiculous :messenger_tears_of_joy:

My wedding was pretty shit dont worry :D
I bet your suit fit though! I ended up looking like a weird blow up balloon in the shape of a human.. 👀


Building my 2nd company. Getting to know some real cool ML/AI gurus. Met the most amazing woman who's influencing me to be a better man. Letting go of some haters who I thought were friends.


Finally visited some European capitols and countries. Athens and all Peloponnese, Budapest, northern France (Normandy with Omaha Beach, Mont-Saint Michel, etc.) and Paris.
Got a pay rise.


Ultimate DQ Fan
It's been a rough year, but things I'm grateful for:

- Started taking my writing more serious. I'm being more intentional about setting time aside to work on various projects. I currently have two things I'm working on; a sci fi fantasty novel and a DND adventure module I'm planning on publishing soon

- Working on being more present with my wife. She thinks I'm on my phone too much, and she's probably right. So when we're having dinner or chiling together, I don't pay attention to my phone as much

- Started going for walks before work in the morning. It's helped get my mood better before work. I haven't been getting as stressed.


New, better, bigger job at a non profit.

Its been keeping me busy and happy.

Only downside is that I dont have time hang out with people here : (


Ultimate DQ Fan
New, better, bigger job at a non profit.

Its been keeping me busy and happy.

Only downside is that I dont have time hang out with people here : (

How do you like working in non profit? I personally wouldn't mind getting out the capitalist hellscape and into something focused on helping people rather than getting as much money as possible.

Are there any logistics jobs in non profits?


Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
Went to a resort with 2 friends, which for me is EXTREMELY rare as I almost never go out of town. Last time I left my city was like 8 years ago lol.

Where is?


It's been a rough year, but things I'm grateful for:

- Started taking my writing more serious. I'm being more intentional about setting time aside to work on various projects. I currently have two things I'm working on; a sci fi fantasty novel and a DND adventure module I'm planning on publishing soon

- Working on being more present with my wife. She thinks I'm on my phone too much, and she's probably right. So when we're having dinner or chiling together, I don't pay attention to my phone as much

- Started going for walks before work in the morning. It's helped get my mood better before work. I haven't been getting as stressed.
Let me introduce a site to you. :messenger_grinning_smiling:

Finally got my website for writers live, although to a flurry of crickets, I now need to work out how to get people to know it exists, and join.

With that out the way I can finally put more time back into my writing.

Otherwise work is going well, and kids are now getting to a good age where holidays are possible.

Honestly this year was a bit of a blur.


Got a new job that pays more and allows me to travel to different places I would have never gotten to go.


I lost weight this year. I am currently 63kgs/138 lbs.

Used to be 95.
That's some good going bud, how did you do it?

I've been 112 Kgs for around five years now. It doesn't matter what I do or eat I always stay around the same weight. I don't look fat, maybe a bit of a gut but nothing major

It's really odd. I must have heavy bones on something :messenger_tears_of_joy:


All the good games this year have been life saver for me overall bad year been hospital on off for half the year on aections dying to play alan wake 2 and bg3


Gold Member
Did a bit of traveling. Went to Spain, France and Italy over the summer. Just got back from 11 days in Costa Rica. Amazing country. Planning my first trip to Japan in the fall.

Big layoffs at work, but managed to make it through with a new job.

Family doing great. Looking forward to 2024.


Started working out regularly August 1 and am still going 3x a week. Already noticed some nice gains and am starting to get the "guy who works out" look in t-shirts. Arms, chest, and shoulders have gained size and definition. I can also jog 2 miles quite easily now.

Also started really focusing on my marriage over the summer and, despite some ups and downs and initial resistance to change, my wife and I are doing really good now. We are prioritizing each other and opening up to each other more than we ever have.

Got through the phase of child-raising where we had a toddler and a baby at the same time. Oldest is now 3 and youngest is now 1. It's still difficult but my wife and I are actually getting sleep at night now. We like having kids but neither of us are "baby people," so we're looking forward to our youngest being a little older and more independent.

Raised my weekly rate 10% with one of my biggest clients and it was approved without any hesitation or pushback. I should have raised them probably two years ago, but better late than never.

Stopped drinking coffee and have started to get my GERD/acid reflux under control a bit more.

Got a lot to look forward to in 2024. My wife and I are planning our first vacation without our kids since June 2020 (oldest was born Oct. 2020). She's in the process of switching jobs to one that will pay more and have better work-life balance (a 4x10 schedule). And I'm going to spend the next year looking at career options for myself, whether it's getting a new job, going back to school, getting certifications, etc.


Really cut back on my drinking and I feel great. Eating better and working out. Recently cut out caffeine and I actually have more energy in the morning.
My son found a love of sports - especially basketball - and it's been great to see him so focused
My daughter is now driving, kicking ass in school, and I couldn't be prouder of her
My wife is still putting up with my bullshit. She is absolutely killing it in her new(er) job.
Bring on 2024! Might have to start looking for a new job as things are really, really slow at my company, but I'm not too worried
Over the last year I've lost 115 lbs naturally through hard work and diet from 300 to 185. Dramatically cut back my drinking to a few occasions throughout the year instead of binging every weekend. Improved my house and it's value significantly, painting and repairing shit I've neglected since we bought the place. Just generally been on a great path to uncomplicating my life. My wife and I are coming up on 15 years married and our daughter is happy and healthy. 2023 was a rough year for us financially, but just about every other metric has improved dramatically and I'm grateful to have gotten through the year better than when I started.
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How do you like working in non profit? I personally wouldn't mind getting out the capitalist hellscape and into something focused on helping people rather than getting as much money as possible.

Are there any logistics jobs in non profits?
Its great working for non-profit. I am able to get some perks like free Canva app, get my school loans cancelled(dont have any) and I do get to help and assist the people in need.
The non profit takes in about 20-40 million dollars a year in donations, grants, federal funding , etc.

I have 2 days work from home, which I just go into other centers, and the pay is pretty good.
Logistic wise since we directly help with people here there isnt much. They have cut the buses, cut cafeteria, and we mostly recruit teachers , social workers( who tend to leave after a 2 years)

I work in I.T. so it helps me in that I can move around, different centers, different cities, get paid to travel.
We're the same weight. My normal is around 71 kgs. Lost some extra from Summer hikes and bikes.
Good job bro and keep on pushing. I remember when I used to be this size in high school but I remained content with myself. I'm never quitting now. Probably because I learned the power of self respect. Some discipline is involved as well but hey, I'm much older now.


Hold onto your panties
Good job bro and keep on pushing. I remember when I used to be this size in high school but I remained content with myself. I'm never quitting now. Probably because I learned the power of self respect. Some discipline is involved as well but hey, I'm much older now.
Likewise. When I hit depression in 2013 and gain a ton of weight before losing it in 2017, I'd been to so many dieticians. They were well intended but none worked. Motivation (my wife) helped and a primary doctor who was very healthy (in his 80s) advice. The primary doc was no specialized dietician. He just put it like this: "If you're going to lose weight, don't do it to diet as a means of just dropping weight. Adjust portion sizes, what needs to be cut, drink water and exercise. Don't make your eating plans a goal; make them a lifetime." I think that's the key. We can drop weight but regain fast if the old habits are there or we bring them back.

Well self respect is big but also since we're getting older, the decisions made now will all determine how we'll be once we cross over into our 50s. That seems to be that magic decade where the body just says 'enough'. Thing is though, I didn't have the discipline to be consistent with anything when I was younger. So cheers to getting older too!
I finally hit 1k subs on youtube, been getting better at animating which is cool.

Otherwise its been kind of a nothing year
If it helps, we have a few art threads and haven't seen a post in awhile. You should keep sharing. I studied animation for a few years but haven't animated anything since about 2018. A well-known animator and friend of mine told me before getting back into comics to ditch the drawing tabs (he does use them). He said if I was a natural, then it'd work using just ink and paper. He saved me over $1K with that advice as I had everything picked out but took up his challenge.
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Quite a lot actually...
  • My kid said "I love you daddy" for the first time 🥹
  • Found out we have another baby on the way.
  • Joined the Hemvärnet (national guard?) and went through basic training as a signaller, that was a lot of fun. Ak4 (G3) ftw lol
  • A problem I'd been having with my leg went away.
  • Been feeling more emotionally stable lately. Having a family rocks.
  • Finally learned to fly a fighter jet properly in DCS. I wanted to play flight sims since I was a kid but never really put any effort into it.
  • Finished Fallout New Vegas and started playing BG3 and Aliens Dark Descent. Man what great games!
So yeah... I whine a lot but it's been a pretty good year!


ChatGPT 0.1
pencil crank GIF by shawy animation

2022 had a lot of attention on Covid, I helped myself to a new car and continued to help my dog, parents and community out. I’d say my 2023 experience was reasonably good.


Gold Member
I'm in my late 40s. When I was younger, from 21 to 23, I played drums in a band. We did a few gigs. It was fun. When I quit that, I honestly thought I would never step on a stage again. I though that part of my life was pretty much done.

Earlier this year someone asked me to do a gig and I accepted. It was so much fun. It was a night I will cherish for many years to come.


2023 was one of the worst years my family has had to endure but there were a few truly miracles. My mother in law was diagnosed with fatal liver cancer in January. She was given 6 months to live. There was no mincing of words. It was devastating. However, she undertook the treatments and frankly the results were nothing less than a miracle. Her cancer has essentially disappeared and is nearly back at full health. She isn’t totally in the clear but the drs are amazed at her recovery. We’re incredibly grateful for it. All the other bad news paled in comparison.
My parents survived another year and my child, my wife, and myself are all healthy and happy. That's the baseline. Anything else is a bonus.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Highest point for me was a trip I made to Maceió. It was perfect. Only thing that didn't work out was, I wanted to scuba dive, and it didn't quite work. I wear glasses, and the mask wouldnt fit with my glasses in it. Next time I'll wear contacts. Hopefully that will work.


I switched from part-time to full-time, tripling my income and sponsoring the premium ceramic version of my mom's teeth implants.
After losing 25% of my wealth in the 2022 crash, seeing markets stabilise made certainly for a better year.

But the best thing? Seeing our new home start to take shape.
Holy moly that looks gigantic! Whenever I see such large houses, I always wonder - what you will do with all the free space?


Perpetually Offended
It's hard to really think of what good happened this year... I'm having a really down year.

But one good thing that has nothing to do with me is that my daughter's mom is in a good nursing home now. And that we got to celebrate her 50th with her in person.


Gold Member
I switched from part-time to full-time, tripling my income and sponsoring the premium ceramic version of my mom's teeth implants.

Holy moly that looks gigantic! Whenever I see such large houses, I always wonder - what you will do with all the free space?

Yeah it will be big. But it breaks down to manageable chunks.

Main house (the one in the picture behind the lap pool) is only the master ensuite, lounge, kitchens (back, inside, outside) and wine room.

Second building is gym, cinema and technical space.

Third building is a twin guest house. Both rooms have their own ensuite.

Fourth building is our office, doubles up as a guest bed with ensuite.

Final building is garage with dive shed, knife workshop, electric car charger and car cleaning supplies.

We’ll rent it out when we are in Europe, so 3+1 bedrooms was optimal for the price point we were after.
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