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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast

I am assuming these are the other Subtweets people are referencing:





Also, what always bugged me about Colin (and why I stopped following him/supporting them) is how he says this clearly just to get a rise out of people, but when he does that and people non-surprisingly get riled up, he plays the victim like people are out to get him.
It's a joke...

Understand why people are angry but Colin's not sexist because he made a joke. If Colin wasn't a Conservative, or an open one people wouldn't be criticizing this.

What if Colin was Liberal? Would you be laughing? Yes.
Trying to find out why people are losing their minds about what he said. Pretty harmless joke IMO.

Its a pretty dumb joke.

I think whats gets people is this isnt Collins first offense and maybe people are fed up with his bullshit.

It's a joke...

Understand why people are angry but Colin's not sexist because he made a joke. If Colin wasn't a Conservative, or an open one people wouldn't be criticizing this.

What if Colin was Liberal? Would you be laughing? Yes.

I think anyone else in a similar position would getting shit on similarity. Maybe the reaction would be a little more "Dude, not cool" and less "oh great this fuckwit is at it again" though.


It's not harmless to perpetuate the stereotype of women being loud, shrill, obnoxious, etc.

Doubly so when this applies:



I don't follow any of the Kinda Funny stuff these days but Dave Lang just now retweeted Colin's joke.


What a dipshit.

What a rebel. I'm really looking forward to some more knee slappers from Colin about upcoming days of celebration/protest like Cinco de Mayo.


It's a joke...

Understand why people are angry but Colin's not sexist because he made a joke. If Colin wasn't a Conservative, or an open one people wouldn't be criticizing this.

What if Colin was Liberal? Would you be laughing? Yes.

How many liberal members of the games media would tweet something like that? I'm going to say zero.


Neo Member
As a previous big fan of both Greg and Colin I always have a look when this thread resurfaces. I liked Colin because he was somewhat contrarian, but since maybe last summer, he has truly become an unlikeable person. Maybe I just didn't see it before, but the things he says now and the way he conducts himself on twitter or on podcasts is so unlikeable. I've stopped watching all KF content a while ago and stopped following the guys on twitter because they seem so toxic these days. I also think the other KF crew are just as culpable as Colin. They never pull him up on his shit and in many ways amplify his actions by their inaction. Its a pity to see the way KF has gone.


It's a joke...

Understand why people are angry but Colin's not sexist because he made a joke. If Colin wasn't a Conservative, or an open one people wouldn't be criticizing this.

What if Colin was Liberal? Would you be laughing? Yes.

Like I said, it's not the joke itself. It's how he's responding to it.


It's a joke...

Understand why people are angry but Colin's not sexist because he made a joke. If Colin wasn't a Conservative, or an open one people wouldn't be criticizing this.

What if Colin was Liberal? Would you be laughing? Yes.

Lol I don't even know how to respond to this, but a shitty joke that reenforces shitty stereotypes wouldn't make me laugh no matter who's mouth it came out of.


It's a joke...

Understand why people are angry but Colin's not sexist because he made a joke. If Colin wasn't a Conservative, or an open one people wouldn't be criticizing this.

What if Colin was Liberal? Would you be laughing? Yes.

Actually no, I wouldn't. A bad joke is a bad joke regardless of who tells it.
It's a joke...

Understand why people are angry but Colin's not sexist because he made a joke. If Colin wasn't a Conservative, or an open one people wouldn't be criticizing this.

What if Colin was Liberal? Would you be laughing? Yes.
No, I wouldn't be laughing. I follow a ton of people in this industry and none of them had the brilliant idea to post a "joke" like this at all, especially not on a day like today. This is the laziest argument ever.
To me, it's just that the tweet serves literally no possible benefit to anyone. Sure, it might make some of his followers smile for ~5 seconds, but outside of that the only possible outcome is exactly this - division amongst his followers/fans and creating an issue where there didn't need to be one. People get angry, and the KF community as a whole appears toxic once again. This is the kind of thing that drives people away.
Lol okay. PS4 and One had Assasins Creed: Blackflag, Battlefield 4, Call of Duty: Ghosts, FIFA 14, Injustice, Killzone: Shadow Fall, Knack, LEGO Marvel, Madden, NBA 2K14, Need for Speed Rivals, Resogun, Dead Rising 3, Forza 5, Killer Instinct and Ryse all in the first TWO MONTHS.

If you expand it to a 10 month window like Nintendo has until the end of the year, PS4 and One also had Outlast, Metal Gear Solid V, Infamous: Second Son, MLB 14: The Show, The Last of Us Remastered, P.T. and Madden 15.

Nintendo's current announced lineup through the end of 2017 is nowhere near the first 10 months of PS4 and Xbox One.

Metal Gear Solid V was released in 2015, almost two years after the PS4 and Xbox One launched.


It's not harmless to perpetuate the stereotype of women being loud, shrill, obnoxious, etc.

Also, the joke is bad, rote, and amateurish. And the fact that he chooses today of all days to tell this joke, when the majority of the men in this industry are choosing to use their voice to promote and thank the women around them, is just fuckery.

where in that joke does it perpetuate any stereotypes? Seems like you may be reading into it.


Other problem with this joke is that most of his followers know that this is a joke and will wait for the one unfamiliar person or doesn't catch it as joke so they could attack them and call them snowflakes, etc.


How many liberal members of the games media would tweet something like that? I'm going to say zero.

Even if they did, their credentials for pushing that "joke" would buy them some goodwill. Given his behaviour, Colin starts out with a deficit of goodwill.

Then the retweets pieces of shit like Rubin that have the nerve of calling others bigoted.
It's a joke...

Understand why people are angry but Colin's not sexist because he made a joke. If Colin wasn't a Conservative, or an open one people wouldn't be criticizing this.

What if Colin was Liberal? Would you be laughing? Yes.
No one would be laughing because it was the most pedestrian boring joke someone could make. If you're going to tweet taste less jokes at least make sure they're funny.


It's a joke...

Understand why people are angry but Colin's not sexist because he made a joke. If Colin wasn't a Conservative, or an open one people wouldn't be criticizing this.

What if Colin was Liberal? Would you be laughing? Yes.

That's what people don't get. Yes it does.

If you make a sexist joke, how does that not, at least in that moment, make you sexist?

And Colin isn't fucking Louis CK, the man is not known for a witty report. There is a way to use comedy as commentary, but Colin has never once shown the ability to do so.


where in that joke does it perpetuate any stereotypes? Seems like you may be reading into it.

He spells out the stereotypes that it perpetuates in the post you quoted. Sounds like you just aren't reading into it at all. Just because you don't see the stereotypes or they don't affect you doesn't make them nonexistent.


Woah, this guy just tells it like it is and doesn't give a shit! He really exposed those people who like social justice and empathy for others as the pansy snowflakes that they are.



Tim saying these aren't the fans he wants is interesting to me. I wonder what the other KF dudes really think of Colin's bullshit.
Other problem with this joke is that most of his followers know that this is a joke and will wait for the one unfamiliar person or doesn't catch it as joke so they could attack them and call them snowflakes, etc.
Everyone gets that it's supposed to be a "joke," but that doesn't make it any less harmful or shitty. Jokes convey meaning. Jokes have baggage. Jokes can express political or personal beliefs. "Just a joke" does not insulate Colin or anyone else from criticism.
I don't think Tim was very happy about that tweet.

Colin would be much more bearable and would probably get tempered a bit if he had a reliable foil, someone well versed in politics who is very liberal and outspoken on the show.

He has never been seriously challenged on his views.


I don't follow any of the Kinda Funny stuff these days but Dave Lang just now retweeted Colin's joke.


What a dipshit.

Im not offended, but I particularly find it funnier from the mindset that without a woman, its peace and quiet because Colin doesnt have anyone to brag about himself to.


Everyone gets that it's supposed to be a "joke," but that doesn't make it any less harmful or shitty. Jokes convey meaning. Jokes have baggage. Jokes can express political or personal beliefs. "Just a joke" does not insulate Colin or anyone else from criticism.

Like I said "other problem" not the only problem.


Is he married? Sounds like the kind of thing husbands say on a men only night out.

He has a serious girlfriend. I've said the same thing to my wife on many occasions. That doesn't mean I'm a sexist or she should be in the kitchen. The amount of uproar does not correlate to the joke IMO.


It wasn't a joke so much as it was a shout out to his followers that want to give each other high-fives over giving SJWs what-for. A joke would've had a modicum of effort.


He has a serious girlfriend. I've said the same thing to my wife on many occasions. That doesn't mean I'm a sexist or she should be in the kitchen. The amount of uproar does not correlate to the joke IMO.

You say it to her by posting a public tweet?


He has a serious girlfriend. I've said the same thing to my wife on many occasions. That doesn't mean I'm a sexist or she should be in the kitchen. The amount of uproar does not correlate to the joke IMO.

Then explain this:


Why is he retweeting scumbags?


He has a serious girlfriend. I've said the same thing to my wife on many occasions. That doesn't mean I'm a sexist or she should be in the kitchen. The amount of uproar does not correlate to the joke IMO.

It's not just the joke that's the issue. Colin is constantly building himself up for backlash. He acts like he does it on purpose to be funny but there's sincerity there as well. He's like the Kanye of games media but minus the extreme talent.
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