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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast

So you are upset about him somehow stereotyping women but you stereotype all the people who are on a different viewpoint than you do?

Absolutely right. Based on actual actions (their comments on his twitter feed) not based on what gender they happen to be. But I'm sure you got that.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Yes manufactured by Colin to feed his rabid fanbase of angry, stupid and sexually frustrated youths.

Would their fanbase be similar to PDP's? Tbh the whole 'best friends' thing seems a little creepy to me, but then I don't know much about them.


I'm astonished at Greg's and Tim's silence whenever Colin shows his ass.

Btw, can someone explain to me the Dave Lang tweet aha? People are saying it's a sick burn and I'm missing a reference lol.

Also, I don't understand how you can make an awful joke then expect no blowback, then play the victim. It's like you're seeking it out at this point just to gauge a specific reaction so that you can later play on it etc and then it becomes a cycle. Disgusting.

I also think the type of fans he's gathered on Twitter speaks volumes. You don't attract that crowd out of thin air.


Btw, can someone explain to me the Dave Lang tweet aha? People are saying it's a sick burn and I'm missing a reference lol.

Also, I don't understand how you can make an awful joke then expect no blowback, then play the victim. It's like you're seeking it out at this point just to gauge a specific reaction so that you can later play on it etc and then it becomes a cycle. Disgusting.

I also think the type of fans he's gathered on Twitter speaks volumes. You don't attract that crowd out of thin air.


The joke was in poor taste. Many of us have been there where we said something that didn't go over well. The best thing to do, if you're sincere, is to apologize. Problem is I don't think Colin has it in him to do that.

Well, "didn't go over well" doesn't necessarily mean you should apologize for it though. You could have a minority view on an issue that wouldn't go over well with the majority, but that's not to say you shouldn't stand up for for what you believe in.


Btw, can someone explain to me the Dave Lang tweet aha? People are saying it's a sick burn and I'm missing a reference lol.

Nah, It is just Lang being brutally honest. It is as straight a diss as you can get.

Well, "didn't go over well" doesn't necessarily mean you should apologize for it though. You could have a minority view on an issue that wouldn't go over well with the majority, but that's not to say you shouldn't stand up for for what you believe in.

So basically it isn't even a joke, he actually holds these reprehensible views? Either he is trolling, which makes it perfectly understandable that people get pissed. He doesn't get to act the victim in that case. Alternatively he believes that shit and thus he has no moral grounds upon which to stand, it is a nice hill to die upon though.


Taking bets on when Colin will do a video with sadgon of Akkad?

Next year? This year? Next month? Tomorrow?

To think I almost contributed to the patron when it started
Man that "humorless sacks of shit" tweet is something else, what a special snowflake Colin can be. He's everything he hates but doesn't realise it.


I liked KindaFunny back in the day, but it has been a long time that Colin was really a problem to me.

His video on mobile gaming was disgusting and his views on diversity in videogames such as "why can't people relate to an white man?" (not going to discuss here, huge arguments) as if it wasn't something to really give the care of understanding.

It was awkward as hell to watch the "diversity in videogames" that they made some days ago.

Anyway, there are great and kind minds in the videogame industry.


So basically it isn't even a joke, he actually holds these reprehensible views? Either he is trolling, which makes it perfectly understandable that people get pissed. He doesn't get to act the victim in that case. Alternatively he believes that shit and thus he has no moral grounds upon which to stand.

Not referring to Colin's tweet. I was responding to the general sentiment that if you make a comment that doesn't go over well with people, your immediate response should be to apologize no questions asked.
Thanks for posting the tweet of Tim. I'm glad he at least responded to a tweet.

And the response I would expect from Greg or Tim would be along those lines of, I don't want/support these vocal fans responding to my colleague AND I do not support the flat "joke" of my colleague.

I don't see how his actions are good for business. I started watching KF because of Colin and Greg and I voiced my concern for Colin when it seemed he was going through a large depression spell. But then he just kept on being an ass and shouting about outrage culture. He plays the victim after he stirs up shit on social media. I don't understand why he would keep on acting this way but maybe each time there is a bump in that sweet, sweet Patreon money.

One problem is that Tim was vague (not sure if deliberately) in his response, and people can read it how they want. It's hard to say if he's upset people are getting offended and tweeting bad things at Colin, or if he doesn't like the joke and subsequent defense force for Colin.
Nah, It is just Lang being brutally honest. It is as straight a diss as you can get.

So basically it isn't even a joke, he actually holds these reprehensible views? Either he is trolling, which makes it perfectly understandable that people get pissed. He doesn't get to act the victim in that case. Alternatively he believes that shit and thus he has no moral grounds upon which to stand, it is a nice hill to die upon though.

Yeah. Essentially, these are the options:

1. It's a joke
This is bad, because it's one of the laziest, shittiest, most dated, least funny "jokes" I've ever seen, and on top of all that it perpetuates the harmful stereotype of women as loud or 'shrews' or something equally bad. He claims it was a joke so most likely it's this, because as much as I think he's a problematic dude, I don't know that he's Mr. Burns.

2. It's trolling
This would be bad, because trolling is a selfish douchebag thing to do. Make others feel shitty just for a smug sense of satisfaction? This is a bad thing done by bad people, and is worthless in a utilitarian sense.

3. He actually believes this stuff
This is the least likely option, but also the worst. Not much explanation needed.


Well, "didn't go over well" doesn't necessarily mean you should apologize for it though. You could have a minority view on an issue that wouldn't go over well with the majority, but that's not to say you shouldn't stand up for for what you believe in.

He should stand up for believing a day without women would be a relief?


In reality, this was likely a tweet aimed at his girlfriend as a joke. I'm amazed at how many people were offended by it. Is it even that bad?

I think it was a bad joke. Not ill-intentioned, malicious or spiteful. A dad joke, neither funny nor amusing.
Yeah. Essentially, these are the options:

1. It's a joke
This is bad, because it's one of the laziest, shittiest, most dated, least funny jokes I've ever seen, and on top of all that it perpetuates the harmful stereotype of women as loud or 'shrews' or something equally bad

2. It's trolling
This is bad, because trolling is a selfish douchebag thing to do. Make others feel shitty just for a smug sense of satisfaction? This is a bad thing done by bad people, and is worthless in a utilitarian sense.

3. He actually believes this stuff
This is the least likely option, but also the worst. Not much explanation needed.

It's pretty clearly number 2 and makes the level of discourse within the community worse, and that's my issue with it, along with his personal history on these kinds of topics. It's a bad, lazy joke, but I'll defend people's rights to tell bad lazy jokes.


It's either a really awful joke (in both content and context) or sexist. In both scenarios, it's not any good.

But it's a real pattern for me. I was on the fringes of their content for a while now, this just cements that they aren't for me anymore.


Amazing that someone can have the gall to use the term "manufactured outrage".

What Colin did is patently obvious. HE is the one blatantly hoping to manufacture outrage and play the victim.

In fact, he did so on RECORD TIME.


In reality, this was likely a tweet aimed at his girlfriend as a joke. I'm amazed at how many people were offended by it. Is it even that bad?

I think it was a bad joke. Not ill-intentioned, malicious or spiteful. A dad joke, neither funny nor amusing.

Well, his girlfriend was next to him when he tweeted that. So he probably could've just said it to her directly and avoided this whole fiasco.
The really strange part to me is that Colin tweets these kinds of things (i.e., that he knows will get a rise out of people), often sends a couple replies to double down on it, then disappears. Erin typically rises to his defense, but otherwise he just seems to avoid the backlash rather than address it.


This is what happens when none of the other members ever call Colin on his bullshit during the podcasts or otherwise.
Accusing somebody of sexism for making that joke is an affront to people actually affected by sexism.

There's different levels on the spectrum of sexism.

Obviously, he isn't saying they shouldn't be able to vote and that they should be auctioned off as property. It's still a joke that propagates existing harmful stereotypes, and as a result, is harmful.

What magnifies his relatively minor and dumb offense are the size of the following he has and the viciousness with which he talks about any detractors. They act like skulls in Halo, amplifying the damage of his whack words like they were Fusion Rods.


In reality, this was likely a tweet aimed at his girlfriend as a joke. I'm amazed at how many people were offended by it. Is it even that bad?

I think it was a bad joke. Not ill-intentioned, malicious or spiteful. A dad joke, neither funny nor amusing.

In which case you could have said, "sorry about this, it was a private joke between me and my girlfriend, I meant no offence".

Done, finished. Situation diffused. Instead he doubled down on it, making it clear that it wasn't private and he was just trolling.
Accusing somebody of sexism for making that joke is an affront to people actually affected by sexism.

It's either a really awful joke (in both content and context) or sexist. In both scenarios, it's not any good.

But it's a real pattern for me. I was on the fringes of their content for a while now, this just cements that they aren't for me anymore.
These are both good points that illustrate the nuance of today's discussion.
Her tweets are pretty bad too.

It's a match made in heaven that's for sure.

She is something else indeed. I shook my head so hard. She is to women as Ben Carson is to Blacks. I question who Colin keeps in his inner circle that actually stands up to his antics.
In reality, this was likely a tweet aimed at his girlfriend as a joke. I'm amazed at how many people were offended by it. Is it even that bad?

I think it was a bad joke. Not ill-intentioned, malicious or spitefully. Simply not funny by any metric. A dad joke.

As an isolated body of text, the tweet is a joke that isn't particularly funny or clever. It is what it is.

When you put it in context, it looks worse and that's why people are upset. If you follow a number of games media personalities specifically, you'll see that many of them have been tweeting their support for women in the industry today using #InternationalWomensDay and #ADayWithoutWomen for context in their tweets. Colin took that and made a lame joke with it - which is fine in and of itself - but the joke he made subverts the context he released it in by adding the hashtag he chose.

Personally, I don't think the tweet makes him a bad person or a sexist person or anything like that. It's just a joke that didn't land...one he's likely using to troll a bit, which brings me to what actually bothers me about it all...him digging in and calling those who were vocal about disliking that joke used in the context he chose "humorless sacks of shit."


I mean, bad jokes can also be sexist. It's not rocket science. You can "be joking" and make a sexist joke. It's no less sexist.


For me, it boils down to exclusives. Always has. I had the OG Xbox before getting my PS2 and, even though it was more powerful than the PS2, it never really had the games that kept my attention (aside from Halo/KotOR, obviously) like Sony games did. Getting the PS3 and PS4 only made me realize how different of a gamer I am compared to most of my friends (i.e. not a Call of Duty/Madden guy).

I'd have to agree when it comes to the TotS, my console of choice boils down to which exclusives I can play. And the exclusives are typically the only ones I buy anyways. Third party games are becoming less and less interesting to me so I'm really glad to have the PS4 at the ready. That said, I think the Xbox One still has a chance to bring back people (hopefully with E3). I'm really wanting to get an Xbox One S, actually, but only because of the 360 BC and their amazing lineup of exclusives that I missed out on.

Edit: Fuck me, we talking about tweets again...
You guys really have to stop getting worked up over a random internet douche. Let it go. Stop watching.

It's hard not to get worked up over something you're emotionally attached to.

Many of us have been fans of these guys since the early days of Beyond. A significant part of some of our lives.

Compounding that is the fact many of us also contributed hundreds of hard earned dollars to help them realize their dreams. So it's both difficult and a little painful to come to the slow realization that you're being pushed away.


Thanks for posting the tweet of Tim. I'm glad he at least responded to a tweet.

And the response I would expect from Greg or Tim would be along those lines of, I don't want/support these vocal fans responding to my colleague AND I do not support the flat "joke" of my colleague.

I don't see how his actions are good for business. I started watching KF because of Colin and Greg and I voiced my concern for Colin when it seemed he was going through a large depression spell. But then he just kept on being an ass and shouting about outrage culture. He plays the victim after he stirs up shit on social media. I don't understand why he would keep on acting this way but maybe each time there is a bump in that sweet, sweet Patreon money.

I don't think this will affect their patreon money tbh, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if they get more patreons, there are a lot of people who are ok with this. Maybe Palmer Luckey becomes a patreon or something...
In reality, this was likely a tweet aimed at his girlfriend as a joke. I'm amazed at how many people were offended by it. Is it even that bad?

I think it was a bad joke. Not ill-intentioned, malicious or spiteful. A dad joke, neither funny nor amusing.

Making an ironic dad joke you know isn't funny is the only way this is slightly acceptable.


It's hard not to get worked up over something you're emotionally attached to.

Many of us have been fans of these guys since the early days of Beyond. A significant part of some of our lives.

Compounding that is the fact many of us also contributed hundreds of hard earned dollars to help them realize their dreams. So it's both difficult and a little painful to come to the slow realization that you're being pushed away.
They don't owe you anything mate.
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