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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast


the arguments of "but Free Speech!" and "censorship" only apply to the government.

private citizens can, have, and will continue to tell Colin to shut the fuck up and go the fuck away.
Correct. Watching him talk about free speech, and politics in general is like watching some random jabroni on the street babble about engineering. Dude clearly doesn't know a whole lot about law, history, philosophy, or economics so I don't know where he gets off acting like a smug dickhead.

Go back through the message boards, see twitter, it's all there.

So you don't want an apology, but an apology would be great, but he won't give an apology, but his co-workers did. Did you really follow-up, "WTF are you talking about?", with that?

Please go back and watch the video link I posted, because I think you will see where I'm trying to come from.

It's a good point, well made, despite who is making the point though, right?
So you want to censor the people criticising him online, is that it?


I love people are mad at the kf crew for not supporting their best friend. Fun fact, you dont support your friends when they are clearly in the wrong. You arent supposed to be a sheep.
If you take a look at the history and demographics where Colin comes from, it doesn't surprise me he is the way he is, an entitled, coddled, narcissistic, habitual line stepper looking to stir controversy because he is such a loser. That's why Greg said they are losing subs but Colin doesn't care because they are in the black.
What does that mean Where he comes from? Demographics wise?
I love people are mad at the kf crew for not supporting their best friend. Fun fact, you dont support your friends when they are clearly in the wrong. You arent supposed to be a sheep.
If I didn't support my friends over little things like that tweet, I would have zero friends. I have defended my friends over much much worse. They have defended me, you don't let people disrespect your friends because....They are your friends. It's like on the first page of the bro code
Check out this Bill Maher bit about "Stop Apologizing" (if you haven't seen it already). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaC1-U8LIY0
It's everything that we liberals should pay attention to if we wish to actually make progress.

Think of Bill Maher what you like, he's incredibly on point with his criticism and this thread is further proof. The country's institutions are being systematically dismantled from the inside yet people have nothing better to do than policing language and attacking each other over trivial distractions like this relatively harmless dad joke.

On Topic (the podcast, in case you've forgotten): I thought the rant of Colin (with full support of Greg) was perfectly reasonable and it is indeed refreshing that the developer defended their choices without apology. Attacking one of the most progressive games out there instead of the manifold truly problematic games is another symptom of the misguided mindset described so elequently by Maher.


Neo Member
People aren't as stupid as Colin thinks. This whole "It's just a joke" thing is imo a shield or more accurately a blanket he hides under in order to express his opinion and then play victim when people take issue with it and paint everyone else as "humorless" or make a point about "outrage culture" when truly the scenario he finds himself in is more akin to pissing in someone's cornflakes while they're eating them and acting hurt and victimized when they say "You're a prick for pissing in my cereal"

Anyone who follows or knows anything about him can accurately make the assumption that he likely doesn't think much for the Women's Strike, much like he condescendingly dismissed the Women's March. His girlfriend's tweets expressing her disdain for the Woman's Strike support this imo. Everyone knows it. Greg, Tim, Nick and Kevin have probably all heard him be dismissive about it off-air in their personal lives. And they know in their hearts it wasn't simply a harmless little joke that Colin made just to be cute or funny.

And so to anyone with a pair of eyes his "dumb joke" that he made TODAY was a belittlement of women around the country who are striking for something they believe in when faced with Government controlling their bodies, their healthcare and birth control, unequal pay, a populace that elected a man who sexually assaults women, and in general being treated as inferior to men. Rather than sit quietly Colin had to express himself. The joke itself doesn't matter. The intent behind is clearly to disrespect and make light of something very important to a lot of people

If it was just a "Dumb Joke" perhaps he could have tempered the response he received with any kind of expression of respect or even compassion for women around the country struggling to make an impact. Or since he likely doesn't care for the idea sit quietly and keep his fucking mouth shout for one day. But no, what's important is that Colin Moriarty, youtube personality gets to "make his dumb little joke" and have a laugh, a laugh in the face of people on a day where they are trying to accomplish something so they can be seen as equals to men. It demonstrates a clear disrespect for the struggles other people under go and is an just another in an ongoing display of a lack of empathy or understanding for others.

And while I'm here. "White Privilege" doesn't mean if you're white you have an easy life and your personal struggles and hard work don't matter or were any less hard. Newsflash, everyone has a hard life. Everyone has to work hard to survive and make something of their lives. It means that other non-white groups face an additional struggle on top of the normal struggle everybody goes through. Admitting that doesn't mean you didn't work hard or that you don't deserve what you have. It means you recognize an imbalance in the way we treat others.

Oh and guess what "Diversity for the sake of diversity" is a great thing. Think about the kid who gets to play a game or see a movie or read a book and see someone who looks like them. That matters. That's important. That's something we can never understand because there has never been a moment in our lives where we lacked that.

Amen. Don't think it can be described any better than this.


Neo Member
So you want to censor the people criticising him online, is that it?

No, but I would rather people, who are supposed to be on my side when it comes to the politics of the world, recognize that someone making a dad joke isn't actually a big issue and wouldn't get so flustered over something so trivial. Focus your energy on ACTUAL sexists.


No, but I would rather people, who are supposed to be on my side when it comes to the politics of the world, recognize that someone making a dad joke isn't actually a big issue and wouldn't get so flustered over something so trivial. Focus your energy on ACTUAL sexists.

Like, sexism isn't like a binary thing. We need deep systematic change and part of that is calling out bullshit where we see it.

I'd rather you, who apparently is 'on my side' recognise this shit shouldn't be acceptable. By thinking this isn't bad enough to be challenged you build a centre ground full of casual sexism just cos 'well it isn't blatant sexism'


No, but I would rather people, who are supposed to be on my side when it comes to the politics of the world, recognize that someone making a dad joke isn't actually a big issue and wouldn't get so flustered over something so trivial. Focus your energy on ACTUAL sexists.

The issue is not the joke, is the "Sacks of Shit" part for me, and the retwitting of assholes doubling and tripling down.
Think of Bill Maher what you like, he's incredibly on point with his criticism and this thread is further proof. The country's institutions are being systematically dismantled from the inside yet people have nothing better to do than policing language and attacking each other over trivial distractions like this relatively harmless dad joke.

On Topic (the podcast, in case you've forgotten): I thought the rant of Colin (with full support of Greg) was perfectly reasonable and it is indeed refreshing that the developer defended their choices without apology. Attacking one of the most progressive games out there instead of the manifold truly problematic games is another symptom of the misguided mindset described so elequently by Maher.

Did you miss out the multiple gigantic nationwide protests that have gone on in the last month and a half? It's possible to do both. And pushing back on woman-bashing on Women's Day is a component of pushing back against what's going on in Washington, not a competing interest.


something is seriously VERY WRONG with the world today so that a damn joke like this gets blown out of proportion...

social media isnt everything in the world u know...fuckin 21st century...


Ohoho I remember the halcyon days of my youth where my dad would say he's glad he's not around women on Women's Day, then throw a fit like a little bitch about his freedom being infringed upon when people called it shitty.

something is seriously VERY WRONG with the world today so that a damn joke like this gets blown out of proportion...

social media isnt everything in the world u know...fuckin 21st century...
Yeah, something is wrong with the world when someone throws a tantrum for being called out for doing the online equivalent of shitting on a public floor.


Neo Member
Like, sexism isn't like a binary thing. We need deep systematic change and part of that is calling out bullshit where we see it.

I'd rather you, who apparently is 'on my side' recognise this shit shouldn't be acceptable

Being pissed off at a stupid joke is bullshit. All we're doing by going after things like this, is diminishing the bigger things that we fight for.


Think of Bill Maher what you like, he's incredibly on point with his criticism and this thread is further proof. The country's institutions are being systematically dismantled from the inside yet people have nothing better to do than policing language and attacking each other over trivial distractions like this relatively harmless dad joke.

Maybe like, do both?

Why can't we do both?

Like they're interlinked?

Why do you get to decide what is harmless?



Being pissed off at a stupid joke is bullshit. All we're doing by going after things like this, is diminishing the bigger things that we fight for.
Citation needed.
Maybe like, do both?

Why can't we do both?

Like they're interlinked?

Why do you get to decide what is harmless?

Nobody studies it and since it's a liberal art, everyone thinks they're an expert.
No, but I would rather people, who are supposed to be on my side when it comes to the politics of the world, recognize that someone making a dad joke isn't actually a big issue and wouldn't get so flustered over something so trivial. Focus your energy on ACTUAL sexists.

Just because something worse exists, doesn't mean you have to ignore the ‘lesser' issue. Also, while Colin may not be sexist it doesn't mean he cant act in a sexist way or at least say and do things that perpetuate negativity.

Sexism isnt just ”women are whores" or treating them like meat etc. it can also be enforcing gender stereotypes and normalising sexist jokes as we can see here.

Let me put it this way, if Colin had instead said something like ”get back to the kitchen", do you think it would be acceptable as a statement in public? As I said before, this wasn't a conversation between 2 friends who have a rapport and know the context behind a comment, this is on Twitter which is basically the same as shouting your opinion on the street corner.

This idea by the ‘anti-pc' crowd that asking people not to perpetuate harmful ideas that are rooted in bigotry and ignorance is somehow a bigger crime than actually doing said actions is both amazing and disgusting. Why is it so hard for some people to understand that people arguing with Colin et al are just asking you think of other people. Instead we have a bunch of narcissist, ignorant and in some cases possibly sociopathic people arguing that they should be able to do and say anything and that anyone getting upset are just delicate snowflakes and need to ‘man up'.

How about you ‘man up' and actually think of other people for once? No? oh ok then.

EDIT* On a side note, anyone who says ‘This is just a joke, damn some people these days' need to take a step back and realise that they sound exactly like the old racists who complain about immigrants/minorities ”In my day you used to be able to say whatever you wanted but now you have to actually think of others. The world has gone to shit"
Ohoho I remember the halcyon days of my youth where my dad would say he's glad he's not around women on Women's Day, then throw a fit like a little bitch about his freedom being infringed upon when people called it shitty.
No one would say shit to your dad back then just like they wouldn't say anything to him today If he made those comments. Hell I heard more women yesterday make negative comments about the holiday than men. I wonder how many men in the office got offended and decided to mentally "unfollow them"
Maybe they will act childish and disrupt the work flow in the office by not helping with her requests due to her rampant sexism. (I mean her opinion)

Edit: onto the podcast
PS4 Is my exclusive system, the communities on PS4 are not the same as the one's on Xbox that I have been apart of for years now. That doesn't mean my ps4 doesn't get any use, there is always something exclusive coming out for it, and minimal use means it should last longer life time wise I expect. Which could only mean good things money wise.


No one would say shit to your dad back then just like they wouldn't say anything to him today If he made those comments. Hell I heard more women yesterday make negative comments about the holiday than men. I wonder how many men in the office got offended and decided to mentally "unfollow them"
Maybe they will act childish and disrupt the work flow in the office by not helping with her requests due to her rampant sexism. (I mean her opinion)
They would have called him out or at least have given him side eye, just like I would have. He didn't though because he's not a jackass. Not everyone is gifted with the ability to not be a whiny cunt I guess.


Ohoho I remember the halcyon days of my youth where my dad would say he's glad he's not around women on Women's Day, then throw a fit like a little bitch about his freedom being infringed upon when people called it shitty.

Yeah, something is wrong with the world when someone throws a tantrum for being called out for doing the online equivalent of shitting on a public floor.

talk about a overblown statement...its a fuckin JOKE.

society these days sure is petty and politically correct...give me a break...
something is seriously VERY WRONG with the world today so that a damn joke like this gets blown out of proportion...

social media isnt everything in the world u know...fuckin 21st century...

People focus on the stupid shit like this rather than serious issues. That's why Trump is president.
They would have called him out or at least have given him side eye, just like I would have. He didn't though because he's not a jackass. Not everyone is gifted with the ability to not be a whiny cunt I guess.
In public? In what universe do you live in?

If someone made the joke Colin made yesterday in public, a majority of people would have laughed and then forgot about ir, the people who would have gotten offended would not say a thing because they would hear the laughter and be out numbered. Now on Twitter that's different, all those individuals can band together and shame people.


Citation needed.

Nobody studies it and since it's a liberal art, everyone thinks they're an expert.

See I did a natural sciences masters but it included a lot about why some people don't believe in climate change (which falls under social science). It's a really interesting and transferable skills.

Shows you a lot about why there is blowback against science and social movements, as can be seen in this debacle. I mean in some cases we are seeing something comparable to anti-feminism.


In public? In what universe do you live in?

If someone made the joke Colin made yesterday in public, a majority of people would have laughed and then forgot about ir, the people who would have gotten offended would not say a thing because they would hear the laughter and be out numbered. Now on Twitter that's different, all those individuals can hand together and shame people.
Maybe if his audience was a bunch of socially stunted MRA basement dwellers, but in the real world people call him an asshat.

People focus on the stupid shit like this rather than serious issues. That's why Trump is president.
Trump is president because 15000 people in the rust belt were deluded enough to think their deprecated job market was coming back. Not because people called a dickhead a dickhead.


Neo Member

Just because something worse exists, doesn't mean you have to ignore the ‘lesser' issue. Also, while Colin may not be sexist it doesn't mean he cant act in a sexist way or at least say and do things that perpetuate negativity.

Sexism isnt just ”women are whores" or treating them like meat etc. it can also be enforcing gender stereotypes and normalising sexist jokes as we can see here.

Let me put it this way, if Colin had instead said something like ”get back to the kitchen", do you think it would be acceptable as a statement in public? As I said before, this wasn't a conversation between 2 friends who have a rapport and know the context behind a comment, this is on Twitter which is basically the same as shouting your opinion on the street corner.

This idea by the ‘anti-pc' crowd that asking people not to perpetuate harmful ideas that are rooted in bigotry and ignorance is somehow a bigger crime than actually doing said actions is both amazing and disgusting. Why is it so hard for some people to understand that people arguing with Colin et al are just asking you think of other people. Instead we have a bunch of narcissist, ignorant and in some cases possibly sociopathic people arguing that they should be able to do and say anything and that anyone getting upset are just delicate snowflakes and need to ‘man up'.

How about you ‘man up' and actually think of other people for once? No? oh ok then.

I've said something similar above, but the reason we need to stop focusing on little things like this is so people take us seriously when the big shit happens. Where we don't all get generalized as "SJW" and ignored by the people we're trying to get through to, because they've noticed that we've made a big deal out something very minuscule in the past.

This has already bit me in the arse with the Brexit ruling, and has bitten you in the arse by getting a reality star elected President. Because people are getting tired of bullshit like this.

The majority of people agree with the issues we represent, but we're handling it in the wrong way with this stuff.

who's this "we"? speak for yourself duder and let others speak for themselves

Just because i don't agree with the way you handle yourselves in these cases, and visa versa, doesn't mean that we don't agree on the issues.
The direction thread has taken is just feeding his ego.
He literally took time out on his podcast to see if he was in the top 25 most famous people from Long Island..this Twitter pile on only pleases him.





"hello?" "this is vagina"
A lot of comments missing the forest for the trees here.

His intent behind the joke was to upset people, it wasn't an innocent dad joke. He knew exactly what he was doing, and every aspect of the backlash was entirely of his making. He's not a victim here, and shitty jokes don't make you a hero of free speech.

What he did was basic, mean-spirited trolling, which the antithesis of cultivating a positive community, as was Kinda Funny's original objective. Worse, it feeds the anti-PC trolls who will happily destroy that community.


I've said something similar above, but the reason we need to stop focusing on little things like this is so people take us seriously when the big shit happens. Where we don't all get generalized as "SJW" and ignored by the people we're trying to get through to, because they've noticed that we've made a big deal out something very minuscule in the past.

This has already bit me in the arse with the Brexit ruling, and has bitten you in the arse by getting a reality star elected President. Because people are getting tired of bullshit like this.

The majority of people agree with the issues we represent, but we're handling it in the wrong way with this stuff.
Trump is president, Brexit happened, and Colin keeps acting like an asshat for the same reason- because he like Trump and Brexit voters live or grow up in this homogeneous bubble where they see change and evolution as scary. So they lash out like children who are jealous of younger siblings but with voting power.
Maybe if his audience was a bunch of socially stunted MRA basement dwellers, but in the real world people call him an asshat.

Trump is president because 15000 people in the rust belt were deluded enough to think their deprecated job market was coming back. Not because people called a dickhead a dickhead.

Because, besides Bernie, there was no voice for them. We are all equally worried about the future and those people were forgotten. The Democratic base/Hillary supporters focus on what's appropriate to say on Twitter or what stupid shit Trump said again rather than put that energy to actually listen what people were saying. Where has reason gone? A joke is a joke, end if one is not able to see it then it's their problem. The rest of the world will move on.


Maybe that's part of the problem, that you only think those individuals you describe would find his tweet as not a big deal.
No. The problem is how this jabroni like the dipshits defending him aren't willing to face the reality that the world is moving past them and their shitty views.
Because, besides Bernie, there was no voice for them. We are all equally worried about the future and those people were forgotten. The Democratic base/Hillary supporters focus on what's appropriate to say on Twitter or what stupid shit Trump said again rather than put that energy to actually listen what people were saying. Where has reason gone? A joke is a joke, end if one is not able to see it then it's their problem. The rest of the world will move on.
Nobody but Bernie and Trump were willing to sell them snake oil in stuff getting better when irrespective of who won it wasn't going to.


Trump is president because 15000 people in the rust belt were deluded enough to think their deprecated job market was coming back. Not because people called a dickhead a dickhead.
Nah, it's not that simple. The extreme identify politics doesn't help though, middle America thinks it's obnoxious.

Colin's kind of being a typical New Yorker about this though. Someone his age should know context on Twitter is lost and just admit it was a bad decision to tweet.
I've said something similar above, but the reason we need to stop focusing on little things like this is so people take us seriously when the big shit happens. Where we don't all get generalized as "SJW" and ignored by the people we're trying to get through to, because they've noticed that we've made a big deal out something very minuscule in the past.

This has already bit me in the arse with the Brexit ruling, and has bitten you in the arse by getting a reality star elected President. Because people are getting tired of bullshit like this.

The majority of people agree with the issues we represent, but we're handling it in the wrong way with this stuff.

Just because i don't agree with the way you handle yourselves in these cases, and visa versa, doesn't mean that we don't agree on the issues.

Ignoring things isn't the way to make them go away.


I've said something similar above, but the reason we need to stop focusing on little things like this is so people take us seriously when the big shit happens. Where we don't all get generalized as "SJW" and ignored by the people we're trying to get through to, because they've noticed that we've made a big deal out something very minuscule in the past.

This has already bit me in the arse with the Brexit ruling, and has bitten you in the arse by getting a reality star elected President. Because people are getting tired of bullshit like this.

The majority of people agree with the issues we represent, but we're handling it in the wrong way with this stuff.

Just because i don't agree with the way you handle yourselves in these cases, and visa versa, doesn't mean that we don't agree on the issues.

You're basically asking people to compromise to a point where casual sexism and racism is a-ok. It's not, people with empathy and progressive points of view will always fight for progress until bigotry isn't prevelant.

But it is and I will continue to condemn shitty statements like Colin continually spews.

Colin only cares as much about women and minorities as much as it benefits him. No matter what he's said in the past, his actions speak louder. He is not willing to be self critical or try to be a better person.


Is amazing how the Colin defenders only argument of defense is "Is just a dad joke!" and when you mention the "Sacks of Shit" part they just choose to ignore it XD


The joke isn't an issue with me. It's that the joke is being told to a choir of people ready to echo and aggressively defend anything regardles of how stupid it is. A joke told in that context is totally different.


Neo Member
Trump is president, Brexit happened, and Colin keeps acting like an asshat for the same reason- because he like Trump and Brexit voters live or grow up in this homogeneous bubble where they see change and evolution as scary. So they lash out like children who are jealous of younger siblings but with voting power.

See "change" as scary, yet vote for the biggest shake-ups imaginable?

I'm not too shy to say I'm scared about our future after these votes. But my voice was ignored. Hell, all of our voices were ignored. I'm not saying that we're solely responsible for these things happening, but we need to recognize our part of it, otherwise we'll have a repeat.


See "change" as scary, yet vote for the biggest shake-ups imaginable?

I'm not too shy to say I'm scared about our future after these votes. But my voice was ignored. Hell, all of our voices were ignored. I'm not saying that we're solely responsible for these things happening, but we need to recognize our part of it, otherwise we'll have a repeat.
Change is scary so voting for the idiot who said he'd make everything like the way it was before.
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