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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast


It was a joke. It's funny because what he said was clearly absurd, and not motivated by hate.

I don't understand wanting to be offended by things. In the words of Stephen Fry, "Well, so what?"

No apology needed, and I hope one isn't given.

The Simpsons > Family Guy

It's just locker room talk, boys will be boys

Screw that.


Is there a significance to that particular flag that I'm missing?

it's the moultrie flag, which like the gadsden flag (his twitter picture), was used during the american revolution. so i'm assuming that's how he sees himself in this situation, fighting for freedom and liberty against those who wish to "silence" him. he seems to be painting himself as a victim and posted that to rally his twitter fans
it's the moultrie flag, which like the gadsden flag (his twitter picture), was used during the american revolution. so i'm assuming that's how he sees himself in this situation, fighting for freedom and liberty against those who wish to "silence" him. he seems to be painting himself as a victim and posted that to rally his twitter fans

Because, you know, people being mean to me on Twitter is somehow equivalent to people literally fighting a war for liberty...and it's the SJWs that are over-reactive and hyperbolic, right?
it's the moultrie flag, which like the gadsden flag (his twitter picture), was used during the american revolution. so i'm assuming that's how he sees himself in this situation, fighting for freedom and liberty against those who wish to "silence" him

Kinda flies in the face of Greg's earlier statement so...

I mean what does cancelling the PAX trip actually do now when he is gonna stay home tweeting that he is a victim in this?


It was a joke. It's funny because what he said was clearly absurd, and not motivated by hate.

I don't understand wanting to be offended by things. In the words of Stephen Fry, "Well, so what?"

No apology needed, and I hope one isn't given.

The Simpsons > Family Guy
If Colin is as smart as he tells us, he knew exactly what reaction the tweet would get. As already said many times, he will feed off this as the victim for the next few months.


Is there a significance to that particular flag that I'm missing?
It's called the Moultrie Flag and it originates from the Revolutionary War. It's widely interpreted as a symbol for freedom/liberty. Him posting it is a fancy way of saying that he isn't sorry, is doubling down and trying to play the victim/martyr. Personally, I also view posting something as obscure as the Moultrie Flag is basically going, "Look at me I'm so smart because I know what this is!"
It isn't even about the disagreement over the issue. For me, it is how smug, arrogant, and condescending he is. You can oppose something and still be respectful.

The way he chooses to handle the situation is what is so terrible.
If Colin is as smart as he tells us, he knew exactly what reaction the tweet would get. As already said many times, he will feed off this as the victim for the next few months.

He for sure knew it would be controversial. He loves saying purposefully explosive things not just with politics but with gaming. He's for sure a narcissist I don't see how even his biggest fans could deny that
It's funny they are saying he is no longer going to PAX East because of all this, yet it's very known Colin hates going to any of the KF social events. He doesn't seem to care to meet the fans, or be part of silly shenanigans. He's never at the Rooster Teeth hosted events in Austin like all the other KF guys over the past year.

He probably wanted to be at PAX to just see the games, but if there were KF social gatherings or anything of the sort he usually finds a way to not be part of it. Which is kinda my introvert personality too so i can totally relate.


It's funny they are saying he is no longer going to PAX East because of all this, yet it's very known Colin hates going to any of the KF social events. He doesn't seem to care to meet the fans, or be part of silly shenanigans. He's never at the Rooster Teeth hosted events in Austin like all the other KF guys over the past year.

He probably wanted to be at PAX to just see the games, but if there were KF social gatherings or anything of the sort he usually finds a way to not be part of it. Which is kinda my introvert personality too so i can totally relate.

He actually suffers from GAD that he's said is accentuated in large gatherings of people. Probably isn't helped by this whole shitstorm either.


Probably my last post in this thread but I just want to say that this whole ordeal perfectly illustrates how extraordinary his lack of self-awareness is and how self-righteous he is. It's really something.

I hope everyone can work their way through this because at the end of the day I really enjoy the content Colin and Kinda Funny produce. These types of incidents are unnecessary distractions and detract from what is supposed to be a fun endeavor for personal entertainment.
The unfortunate thing is Colin can actually be very smart and make some great content. Some of the stuff he does is great. Just this week the Jason and Adam Boyes interviews were EXCELLENT. Then the dude has to go around and do stuff like this


I don't really have an issue with his tweet/joke and I think many have over-reacted.

However, Colin needs to appreciate that despite it being his personal twitter account people will still make the connection to KF. He is fortunate that the KF guys back him when things like this happen as many employers wouldn't if they felt personal actions put their organisation into disrepute.

I think it is quite telling that he is no longer going to PAX East. It is a strange decision to make.
The unfortunate thing is Colin can actually be very smart and make some great content. Some of the stuff he does is great. Just this week the Jason and Adam Boyes interviews were EXCELLENT. Then the dude has to go around and do stuff like this

Thankfully I can disconnect from this and enjoy the content he's in very easily. I don't care if he's in a very different place on the political spectrum than me or that he shows his ass on twitter, he brings in some great conversations and content that I get enjoyment out of.


Neo Member
Kinda flies in the face of Greg's earlier statement so...

I mean what does cancelling the PAX trip actually do now when he is gonna stay home tweeting that he is a victim in this?

This is what I was thinking. The statement makes it seem like Colin chose to sit PAX out as penance. I didn't expect an actual apology because Colin is hardened in his beliefs, but it sounded like he might stay quiet for a bit and let the world move on. Now he's acting like his 3rd rate trite sitcom joke is striking a blow for freedom. It's predictable, really, it's not like he's shown a willingness to change.


He actually suffers from GAD that he's said is accentuated in large gatherings of people. Probably isn't helped by this whole shitstorm either.

It's astounding to me how a guy who admits negative stuff on the internet triggers (Yes, Colin, you get TRIGGERED!) his anxiety and depression goes out of his fucking way to constantly attract negativity.
It is good that we live in such uneventful times that we can be A BAKER'S DOZEN of pages upset about a single tweet of an internet persona.

Surely if there were other, more powerful people constantly saying outrageous things on twitter, we could not afford the luxury of such a distraction.

But fortunately we have won the culture wars, the country agrees with our sensitivities and we can spend our time ostracizing the awful few who disagree with us to create a brighter future for all.
He actually suffers from GAD that he's said is accentuated in large gatherings of people. Probably isn't helped by this whole shitstorm either.

Shit, i wonder if i suffer from the same thing. I duck out of weddings, work parties, all hands meetings, etc. if it's a large crowd, i make excuses or just vanish like a ninja quick. Almost have panic attacks, start sweating and get agitated or nervous. Even think about how horrible it will be from the day before up until the events starts.
It is good that we live in such uneventful times that we can be A BAKER'S DOZEN of pages upset about a single tweet of an internet persona.

Surely if there were other, more powerful people constantly saying outrageous things on twitter, we could not afford the luxury of such a distraction.

But fortunately we have won the culture wars, the country agrees with our sensitivities and we can spend our time ostracizing the awful few who disagree with us to create a brighter future for all.

Making small steps to curtail general shitty behaviour is a good deed on any day.


of course his defender's falling back on freedom of speech. how dare they censor colin and throw him under the bus like this. he's doing no one harm...just their business haha


It was a joke. It's funny because what he said was clearly absurd, and not motivated by hate.

I don't understand wanting to be offended by things. In the words of Stephen Fry, "Well, so what?"

No apology needed, and I hope one isn't given.

The Simpsons > Family Guy

When people very commonly express exactly the same idea unironically, how is it "clearly absurd?"

It is good that we live in such uneventful times that we can be A BAKER'S DOZEN of pages upset about a single tweet of an internet persona.

Surely if there were other, more powerful people constantly saying outrageous things on twitter, we could not afford the luxury of such a distraction.

But fortunately we have won the culture wars, the country agrees with our sensitivities and we can spend our time ostracizing the awful few who disagree with us to create a brighter future for all.

It's actually precisely because of how bad things are right now that making a joke like this is in exceptionally poor taste at best.

To use your own logic, I'm glad everything is so great in this world you can spend your time defending this doofus since that must be the most important thing to do today...


It is good that we live in such uneventful times that we can be A BAKER'S DOZEN of pages upset about a single tweet of an internet persona.

Surely if there were other, more powerful people constantly saying outrageous things on twitter, we could not afford the luxury of such a distraction.

But fortunately we have won the culture wars, the country agrees with our sensitivities and we can spend our time ostracizing the awful few who disagree with us to create a brighter future for all.

What a crime that a gaming forum react to the incessant dumbassery of a gaming personality. Boo hoo.



If you want to equate your really lazy attempt at a joke to liberty and freedom, on the worst possible day to make that joke... then good for you, I guess?

Even if it's to upset people and comment on their being upset, what possible life is that to lead? I mean, if it's what you want to do, more power to you, but Jesus, that doesn't sound kinda funny, it sounds kinda sad.

Spits on Greg's statement, too, which is fun for his co-workers and friends.
Not gonna go over Colins comment as it's just another example of him being tone deaf and unwilling to listen to any valid criticism and the main reason I no longer liste to KF.

But him doubling (tripling?) down with that latest tweet surely has to cause some problem with the team? You have Tim criticising colins defenders and Gregg writing an official apology yet colin comes out again trying to paint himself as the victim?!

If Gregg actually believes what he wrote in the apology something has to be said again surely?
When I make a joke that doesn't hit, I think "Not my best material, will take an extra second or two to think next time."

When Colin makes a joke that doesn't go over well, he apparently calls people humorless sacks of shit. Apparently the very IDEA that his bland, boring joke sucked is so unlikely that he has to call people not into it humorless sacks of shit.

That's some S-rank arrogance, there. Having thousands of followers and a blue check mark give the dude social power, and we all know what Uncle Ben said about that. THATS why such a minor joke could spiral into such a big thing. The size of the audience, the day he made that joke on, and the reality where we elected a misogynist as president which is emboldening misogynists everywhere. Context matters.
I went to see if Colin tweeted again. He did (though, I think it was a scheduled tweet). However, when I went to read the comments, I saw this and thought it was interesting.

This has made me think about this situation more than I wanted to. I believe this is where the following section of Greg's message is relevant.


Honestly, if Colin had said this on the Morning Show or something, it wouldn't be a big deal at all. Presenting this kind of stuff on twitter in such a way comes off as much more tasteless and mean-spirited to people. I'm not saying whether I personally think it's more or less morally sound to tweet it as opposed to joking around about it on a podcast, but I knew this couldn't go over well presented as Colin did earlier today.

I'm not personally offended by the joke at all, but I was not happy to see this tweet simply because I knew it would cause an uproar. I hate seeing rifts grow bigger and bigger like this.

I guess I just think there's something to what Greg is saying in that excerpt. Arguably the jokes he makes can be just as offensive as that Colin tweet in a vacuum, but he knows joking about these kind of things in a casual way among his friends on a podcast is wayyyy less likely to stir up this kind of shit in the community (and outside of the community) then tweeting it in the way Colin did. Because newsflash: They joke about things that could be considered offensive all the time on their shows, without all of this controversy erupting.

I don't know if Greg had a problem with the joke in and of itself, or just the way Colin chose to tweet it out like that, knowing full well it would cause controversy. (Though probably not aware of just how much it would cause). I assume it's the latter.


I just can't stop laughing at the replies to his liberty tweet. People are making him this free speech martyr. I won't be surprised if people started tweeting #JeSuisColin. I don't dislike Colin at all in fact I like his content but I do dislike his worshipers.


I said earlier Colin doubles down when people call him out and here he is doing it again. Dude just can't admit when he is wrong is seems, at least not when it comes to the stuff he says that negatively affects others.


I just can't stop laughing at the replies to his liberty tweet. People are making him this free speech martyr. I won't be surprised if people started tweeting #JeSuisColin. I don't dislike Colin at all in fact I like his content but I do dislike his worshipers.
Someone tonight posted #HailColin on twitter. Honestly, blind worship and unquestioned allegiance is not a good thing and quite scary.
I wonder how many of these its gonna take before they drop colin

I doubt that's ever going to happen, at least due to one of these "controversies". People are making it seem like it's a much bigger issue than it actually is. Greg and co. are friends with Colin, actually know him and start a business with him. This was a mistake, no arguments here but I think the people theorizing when he'll be making his exit (forced or otherwise) is laughable.
Reading the "in deference..." line, does that mean Nick and Tim weren't into the idea of him going to PAX or..?

More like he realizes that it could lead to awkward situations and stress for Tim, Nick and Greg if Colin was there at PAX so soon after this that he decided to lay low.
It isn't even about the disagreement over the issue. For me, it is how smug, arrogant, and condescending he is. You can oppose something and still be respectful.

The way he chooses to handle the situation is what is so terrible.
The nature of the joke is what is perplexing to me. He is always constantly talking about how people are always whining and complaining just to complain -- a sentiment I agree to in some respects; that argument can certainly be made at times.

But all this 'joke' did was to poke at those people and antagonize them. He went out of his way, on this day, to only irritate people. It's very apparent. He can try to lie to the viewers and himself, but its intention could not have been more clear.


I think it's interesting to see how little understanding of sexism there can be even here on Gaf.

Colin's comments don't make him sexist but his persistent undermining of movements and attempts to raise awareness for gender equality and other issues do paint a troubling situation.

His post election comments, this and much more shit he's says shows he seemingly cares less about real social issues than, say, paying any tax. It's cultivating an increasing toxic community while the gaming community at large has already long had a diversity issue.


Kinda Funny including Greg and the rest make racial jokes plenty on the Morning Show
If you take a look at the history and demographics where Colin comes from, it doesn't surprise me he is the way he is, an entitled, coddled, narcissistic, habitual line stepper looking to stir controversy because he is such a loser. That's why Greg said they are losing subs but Colin doesn't care because they are in the black.
If you take a look at the history and demographics where Colin comes from, it doesn't surprise me he is the way he is, an entitled, coddled, narcissistic, habitual line stepper looking to stir controversy because he is such a loser. That's why Greg said they are losing subs but Colin doesn't care because they are in the black.

I come from where Colin does, the same town actually, and no most of us are not like him.

I think ever since KF started its emboldened, or at least given Colin a big head. He went from serving a broad public audience on a large site, to serving die hard fans, that personally pay him, and judging by twitter replies, have formed a freakin' worship of the dude. It's kinda gross, but it is what it is. He also doesn't have to work or engage with many people, just his close friends. He is more in his bubble than ever.


I wonder how many of these its gonna take before they drop colin

I doubt that's ever going to happen, at least due to one of these "controversies". People are making it seem like it's a much bigger issue than it actually is. Greg and co. are friends with Colin, actually know him and start a business with him. This was a mistake, no arguments here but I think the people theorizing when he'll be making his exit (forced or otherwise) is laughable.

Should these things continue, I bet Colin leaves at some point. Or is asked to leave. Tweeting that flag completely undermines Gregs statement, and is a massive dick move.


Neo Member
Badly timed rubbish joke. But come on, forcing censorship on attempts of humor? Comedy has made light of, and got us through, some very dark periods in history. Let's not fall down that rabbit hole.
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