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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast

There was enough that he made the responses. There is enough that Greg was pressured into issuing an apology. Are people outright defending Colin himself, or fighting against the idea that this is something to be outraged about?
To be fair all it takes is for one person to be rude and Colin will tar everyone with the same brush. We saw this on Gaf with regards to the pro.
Greg comes off as very liberal to me, I just get the impression he doesn't enjoy discussing it and isn't interested in emotionally investing himself deep into political or social issues. A lot of the time it seems like he doesn't 100% agree with Colin, but also doesn't want to have the conversation or know enough about it to have it.

Again, just the impression I get. I imagine if Greg were a more politically invested person he'd be very liberal.
Greg is pretty socially liberal but fiscally conservative.

Colin talks too fast and is so overbearing that the few times Greg does chime in is to agree with something fiscally conservative Colin mentioned.

Aisha Tyler coming back would be great. She really did body Colin.
OléGunner;231755710 said:
I'm convinced Microsoft do not give a toss about hardware, they know they have a sustainable base they can feed off into the far future with software royalites.
Combined with putting every XB1 game on Windows 10 and it's crystal clear what the strat plan is.
As long as they supply people with a console option I don't care what direction they take to be honest.


I actually agreed with Colin about the whole Pro rant and thought he was wrong for ignoring people who disagreed and he used that as an excuse to bail on this thread. Dude just runs away when it gets too hot.

Where does pressured come from?

Perhaps Greg realized he has a business to protect? Maybe he actually isn't cool with the "joke"? Maybe he just wanted to try and gain some control over the situation? Why go to he "was pressured"?

Making a lot of assumptions there...
He makes a lot of off color jokes himself, the response was clearly to put out a fire, people gobbled up but I just saw it as lip service. He was afraid of losing subs but on that same podcast were Colin brought up people were attacking him on Twitter Greg said "I encourage you to have your own opinion"

Of all the things to apologize for, an observation joke that is older than the ancient Egyptians probably caught him by surprise. Angry mob wants answers, angry mob threatens to cut off money, Greg gets nervous and says what you want to hear.
That's not my only issue with what you posted, just one part. Even saying something like "Colin left the Republican party because of Trump" is laughable.

That's not some sort of praiseworthy act when he turns around and readily admits he'd still vote for Trump over Hillary despite all that's happened.

Talk about exposing yourself.

Sorry you feel that way. I'm not gonna castigate the guy over who he'd vote for, nor am I gonna argue the merits of Presidential candidates. The reason I brought up his leaving the Republican party is because it demonstrates his ability to separate himself from something he identified closely with his entire life based on principle. I know a lot of Republican voters who wouldn't (and couldn't) do that.

As I said, it was a dumb joke to make on Intl Women's Day. I've heard far, far, far viler things from much more visible people. Doesn't make it any better than what it is, and people are free to pull Patreon funding over it, but I'm not gonna condone tearing the guy limb from limb publicly over a joke made in poor taste.

*Shrug* You do you, I suppose. It's not worth the argument to me, so I'm gonna just move on to another thread.
As long as they supply people with a console option I don't care what direction they take to be honest.

Oh yeah definitely and it's the smarter play from a business perspective.
For XB1 fans it doesn't make any difference unless your triggered by seeing your exclusive games on PC lol.
I think a lot of people are missing the key ingredient in all of this; tensions over Colin's unnecessary baiting have been bubbling since the election. I think this was just the straw that broke the camel's back. He's been insanely hypocritical in a lot of his trolling bullshit and it has resulted in this. People who are saying "it's just a joke!" don't properly understand the situation. Colin's negative, unproductive attitude has slowly alienated a not-insignificant portion of the audience (and a bunch of other people in the games industry). To play the victim when for 6+ months you have been attacking people non-stop is just absurd, childish and cowardly.

Seeing such a universal reaction from fellow games media people, I honestly think Colin's name could be dirt in the industry now. Do you think devs are going to want to speak to Colin for a Colin Was Right video and be associated with some of the vitriol he spews?


Neo Member
Provide examples of the claim that him and Greg responded in their separate ways because of the mob attacks that Colin was receiving. Saying that they responded is not proof of the claim that it was because of some mob mentality towards Colin.

How do you know Greg was pressured into making an apology? How do you know he truly was not ok with what Colin said?


Where does pressured come from?

Perhaps Greg realized he has a business to protect? Maybe he actually isn't cool with the "joke"? Maybe he just wanted to try and gain some control over the situation? Why go to he "was pressured"?

Making a lot of assumptions there...

Greg's statement starts out "With so many of you asking about Colin's tweet", "I hate feeding into internet drama".

So he literally said this is a direct response because of people asking.
Greg's statement starts out "With so many of you asking about Colin's tweet", "I hate feeding into internet drama".

So he literally said this is a direct response because of people asking.

You are changing the argument now. No one was questioning if people were asking for him to share his thought and it could have been 10 industry friends for all you [don't] know. But show where people are attacking and harassing Colin to justify the use of saying mob mentality.

If you can't provide examples to this then stop responding.
Sorry you feel that way. I'm not gonna castigate the guy over who he'd vote for, nor am I gonna argue the merits of Presidential candidates. The reason I brought up his leaving the Republican party is because it demonstrates his ability to separate himself from something he identified closely with his entire life based on principle. I know a lot of Republican voters who wouldn't (and couldn't) do that.

As I said, it was a dumb joke to make on Intl Women's Day. I've heard far, far, far viler things from much more visible people. Doesn't make it any better than what it is, and people are free to pull Patreon funding over it, but I'm not gonna condone tearing the guy limb from limb publicly over a joke made in poor taste.

*Shrug* You do you, I suppose. It's not worth the argument to me, so I'm gonna just move on to another thread.

Sure, I can understand your overall position and I'm not suggesting he get torn over this statement alone. But there's a fairly clear pattern to his statements and actions and this just happened to be the final straw for some.

People have left the Republican party because of Trump and I can and do respect that. With Colin and his acts and statements afterwards? It feels like lip-service and/or not something out of any principle worth giving a damn for.


What does that mean Where he comes from? Demographics wise?

If I didn't support my friends over little things like that tweet, I would have zero friends. I have defended my friends over much much worse. They have defended me, you don't let people disrespect your friends because....They are your friends. It's like on the first page of the bro code
Sounds like you have a bunch of douchy friends.
Can you imagine how much harassment she would have to endure from some of these fans though?

Maybe they realize then what kind of scum they attract with this kind of rhetoric.

Unless he is actually fine with it.... I don't know if Colin ever looked at the comments under his video with Rubin Report... might as well be a Sargon Of Akkad video about how feminism is a cancer to society or about how science shows that black people are objectively inferior to white people.

He is not appealing to right wingers or conservatives, as he seems to think, he is appealing to sexists, racists, misogynists, nationalists, gamergaters etc.


Seeing such a universal reaction from fellow games media people, I honestly think Colin's name could be dirt in the industry now. Do you think devs are going to want to speak to Colin for a Colin Was Right video and be associated with some of the vitriol he spews?

Considering the fact that his "humorless sacks of shit" comment would apply to most of them, I'd say he can expect a lot of his calls to developers to be ignored in future.

But he got lots of twitter support from the guys who insisted that gamergate was really about ethics in games journalism, so it balances out.
Maybe they realize then what kind of scum they attract with this kind of rhetoric.

Unless he is actually fine with it.... I don't know if Colin ever looked at the comments under his video with Rubin Report... might as well be a Sargon Of Akkad video about how feminism is a cancer to society or about how science shows that black people are objectively inferior to white people.

He is not appealing to right wingers or conservatives, as he seems to think, he is appealing to sexists, racists, misogynists, nationalists, gamergaters etc.
Tim definitely doesn't like the scum that Colin attracts.


Maybe they realize then what kind of scum they attract with this kind of rhetoric.

Unless he is actually fine with it.... I don't know if Colin ever looked at the comments under his video with Rubin Report... might as well be a Sargon Of Akkad video about how feminism is a cancer to society or about how science shows that black people are objectively inferior to white people.

He is not appealing to right wingers or conservatives, as he seems to think, he is appealing to sexists, racists, misogynists, nationalists, gamergaters etc.

You'd think they'd notice that even with just situations like this? HORRIBLE people stood up for Pewdiepie during his kerfuffle, extreme alt right trolls and even stormfront themselves. Almost every tweet about this issue that's pro-colin has "SJW" in it. If they don't realize they're encouraging horrible people, they're idiots.

When it's mostly awful people defending you, it's time to realize you done fucked up.
Kinda Funny really needs to hire an outspoken liberal woman, preferably from within the games industry, as a main voice on both shows.

If you've seen how Colin "debates" with Andrea Rene you'd realize that won't help one bit. Colin doesn't care about dissenting opinions he just wants to shout his out to the masses.


I think we've seen Greg and Tim ect basically let Colin scream out his rants and they move to the next topic.
You'd think they'd notice that even with just situations like this? HORRIBLE people stood up for Pewdiepie during his kerfuffle, extreme alt right trolls and even stormfront themselves. Almost every tweet about this issue that's pro-colin has "SJW" in it. If they don't realize they're encouraging horrible people, they're idiots.

When it's mostly awful people defending you, it's time to realize you done fucked up.

I wonder, at what point, doing events like PAX without Colin will make the other guys realize they really don't need him and that their community will happily support them with or without that kind of dead weight.


Neo Member
You are changing the argument now. No one was questioning if people were asking for him to share his thought and it could have been 10 industry friends for all you [don't] know. But show where people are attacking and harassing Colin to justify the use of saying mob mentality.

If you can't provide examples to this then stop responding.

I'm not quite sure why you are trying to deny that it's happened, I haven't denied that he has been defended. You just have to go to twitter, hammer in his handle and go through the tweets.
If you've seen how Colin "debates" with Andrea Rene you'd realize that won't help one bit. Colin doesn't care about dissenting opinions he just wants to shout his out to the masses.

Or when he debated Aisha Tyler and was ethered. Colin falls to pieces when somebody actually debates him.


I think a lot of people are missing the key ingredient in all of this; tensions over Colin's unnecessary baiting have been bubbling since the election. I think this was just the straw that broke the camel's back. He's been insanely hypocritical in a lot of his trolling bullshit and it has resulted in this. People who are saying "it's just a joke!" don't properly understand the situation. Colin's negative, unproductive attitude has slowly alienated a not-insignificant portion of the audience (and a bunch of other people in the games industry). To play the victim when for 6+ months you have been attacking people non-stop is just absurd, childish and cowardly.

Seeing such a universal reaction from fellow games media people, I honestly think Colin's name could be dirt in the industry now. Do you think devs are going to want to speak to Colin for a Colin Was Right video and be associated with some of the vitriol he spews?

I think he's full of shit quite often; claiming intellectual superiority in his fights and then getting right into the mudslinging.

But your post is also full of shit. Vitriol? Yeah, I don't think so.
I wonder, at what point, doing events like PAX without Colin will make the other guys realize they really don't need him and that their community will happily support them with or without that kind of dead weight.
Half their community is with Colin, so they would take a big hit if they kicked him out, a smaller hit if he left on his own because he doesn't want to see Greg take a hit by Greg's own fans.
I think he's full of shit quite often; claiming intellectual superiority in his fights and then getting right into the mudslinging.

But your post is also full of shit. Vitriol? Yeah, I don't think so.

Why can't I quit this thread?

Agreed. I don't often agree with Colin, but vitriol? No.
This is absolutely ridiculous....

If nothing else, this makes me certain, in the long run, social media is doing more harm than good to society.

Poor taste or not with that joke, this is blown so out of proportion my eyes are rolling on the floor. What the FUCK does this do for women being mistreated to spit out evils and insults to someone you think makes a bad joke or is even a bad person?

What does it do for minorities to call people "wealthy privileged conservatives with no clue"?

Who does it benefit to block and call for some rally against a social media figure because of a joke you found offensive?

Who the FUCK hasn't made that joke with their girlfriend or wife? Oh, but because it's national women's day, everyone has to adopt the same mentality and take things serious, and take a step back to acknowledge the mistreatment to women over the centuries, so "NO JOKES ALLOWED TODAY" or "NO JOKES ON TWITTER TODAY". Rules change just about every day, and this is just as ridiculous as that stupid Horizon issue.

This really isn't directed at anyone in particular mind you. But I just see this up-in-arms thing with so many issues like it makes a difference. It really does't. The change happens inside of you, how YOU treat your family, friends, and relatives, and how YOU affect the neighborhood and community. This twitter stuff is straight bullshit.


Or when he debated Aisha Tyler and was ethered. Colin falls to pieces when somebody actually debates him.

Yup. Colin never acted this way on Beyond because Goldfarb, oddly enough out of all people, was not at all afraid to call Colin out for his bullshit.

Now that he's at KF with Greg, Nick and Tim, he can say whatever he wants and nobody will challenge him, which just feeds into his ego.

I saw the tweets from Altano, Austin Walker, Patrick Klepek, and Alex Navarro, but have devs been tweeting too? Colin is doing a good job of alienating himself these days
or aligning himself with shitbag alt-right supporters, your call
from the games industry.

How many ex-coworkers has he publicly gone off on for no reason? Meghan Sullivan, Max....
I think he's full of shit quite often; claiming intellectual superiority in his fights and then getting right into the mudslinging.

But your post is also full of shit. Vitriol? Yeah, I don't think so.

A lot of the inflammatory garbage Colin tweets is vitriolic by the very definition of the word.
Half their community is with Colin, so they would take a big hit if they kicked him out, a smaller hit if he left on his own because he doesn't want to see Greg take a hit by Greg's own fans.

Yes, but that's only because the people who like Greg, and can't stand Colin, left a while back. If Colin left, a lot of people who enjoy Greg's content would come back.
The current defense I'm seeing now is "Everyone does this why are you all offended!" I can think something is in poor taste and disrespectful without personally feeling offended. And no, not everyone uses their public platform to share an ignorant "joke" that uses women as the butt of the joke during a day for women.

I'm not quite sure why you are trying to deny that it's happened, I haven't denied that he has been defended. You just have to go to twitter, hammer in his handle and go through the tweets.

Because you have yet to provide proof that he has been attacked by mobs of people. So until then you are just talking out of your ass. I went through his Twitter and I did not see attacks.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Never heard of this Aisha Tyler incident, anyone care to briefly summarise it?


Yes, but that's only because the people who like Greg, and can't stand Colin, left a while back. If Colin left, a lot of people who enjoy Greg's content would come back.

I would consider resubscribing if Colin isn't there and if Greg gets over the fact that Kyle Bosman made a purposefully not funny joke about the name Kinda Funny.

I really think Kyle and Greg could have some excellent conversations and just think the whole thing is so dumb to the point that as far as I know Kyle hasn't even addressed it. All praise Shuhei for defending Kyle's honor.
Yup. Colin never acted this way on Beyond because Goldfarb, oddly enough out of all people, was not at all afraid to call Colin out for his bullshit.

Now that he's at KF with Greg, Nick and Tim, he can say whatever he wants and nobody will challenge him, which just feeds into his ego.

I saw the tweets from Altano, Austin Walker, Patrick Klepek, and Alex Navarro, but have devs been tweeting too? Colin is doing a good job of alienating himself these days
or aligning himself with shitbag alt-right supporters, your call
from the games industry.

How many ex-coworkers has he publicly gone off on for no reason? Meghan Sullivan, Max....

From memory he's also gone off at Altano, Justin Davis, Goldarb and possibly Marty too. Not to mention his mother and girlfriend have been slinging mud at Tim & Greg on Twitter and his most recent tweet was a giant middle finger to everyone he works with currently pretty much. Imagine what joy it would be to work with such an ugly, hate-filled man,
OléGunner;231756522 said:
Oh yeah definitely and it's the smarter play from a business perspective.
For XB1 fans it doesn't make any difference unless your triggered by seeing your exclusive games on PC lol.
Nah I wouldn't call myself a Xbox one fan, that sounds like someone who only plays on one console and bickers with Sony fans that only use PS4. I do own both and and a PC that can play 2015 games on very low settings. I don't care about console wars or who won or lost, I just care about having access to games I enjoy. If more people can have access to Xbox games via PC? More power to them
Sounds like you have a bunch of douchy friends.
They are unapologetic assholes and I love them for it. That doesn't stop them from doing good every now and then.
This is absolutely ridiculous....

If nothing else, this makes me certain, in the long run, social media is doing more harm than good to society.

Poor taste or not with that joke, this is blown so out of proportion my eyes are rolling on the floor. What the FUCK does this do for women being mistreated to spit out evils and insults to someone you think makes a bad joke or is even a bad person?

What does it do for minorities to call people "wealthy privileged conservatives with no clue"?

Who does it benefit to block and call for some rally against a social media figure because of a joke you found offensive?

Who the FUCK hasn't made that joke with their girlfriend or wife? Oh, but because it's national women's day, everyone has to adopt the same mentality and take things serious, and take a step back to acknowledge the mistreatment to women over the centuries, so "NO JOKES ALLOWED TODAY" or "NO JOKES ON TWITTER TODAY". Rules change just about every day, and this is just as ridiculous as that stupid Horizon issue.

This really isn't directed at anyone in particular mind you. But I just see this up-in-arms thing with so many issues like it makes a difference. It really does't. The change happens inside of you, how YOU treat your family, friends, and relatives, and how YOU affect the neighborhood and community. This twitter stuff is straight bullshit.

Stealing from Reddit to explain why people didn't like it:

The idea that you have to close ranks and agree with everything your co-worker/friend says is pretty antithetical to what Colin espouses. He's all about allowing differing opinions. While he might feel hung out to dry a bit -- and certainly vilified disproportionately -- I'm sure there's a part of him that says "I thought it was funny. Some of our fans did too. Greg and Tim didn't. Some of our fans didn't either. So be it." We don't need to live in a world of absolutes or develop factions here.

For those who can't understand why it's a thing in the first place, here's a quick take: As we've all pointed out -- and Greg reminded us -- no one is immune from making bad or tasteless jokes. Or even good and funny jokes that might upset people. I've laughed at a lot of them with no guilt whatsoever.

I personally think this was a bit different in two ways:

He tagged #ADayWithoutWomen, which was the digital equivalent of walking into a good-hearted parade/event and regurgitating a potentially hurtful stereotype. That's different than saying it in a podcast people choose to listen to or even making the joke just to your followers. It was kinda tasteless to use the hashtag if you ask me, but Colin is Colin. No one bats 1.000. I wasn't offended but I get why people were.

He implied that people who didn't find it funny were "humorless sacks of shit." That's the more concerning thing. Colin often presents himself as the more rational voice (esp. in contrast to modern-day liberals), but this feels like a blind spot and an instinct that can backfire quickly when your business is building a community. Dude, some people didn't like the joke, and others thought it was in bad taste. Let them have their opinion, and you can have yours. Don't feed it.


This is absolutely ridiculous....

If nothing else, this makes me certain, in the long run, social media is doing more harm than good to society.

Poor taste or not with that joke, this is blown so out of proportion my eyes are rolling on the floor. What the FUCK does this do for women being mistreated to spit out evils and insults to someone you think makes a bad joke or is even a bad person?

What does it do for minorities to call people "wealthy privileged conservatives with no clue"?

Who does it benefit to block and call for some rally against a social media figure because of a joke you found offensive?

Who the FUCK hasn't made that joke with their girlfriend or wife? Oh, but because it's national women's day, everyone has to adopt the same mentality and take things serious, and take a step back to acknowledge the mistreatment to women over the centuries, so "NO JOKES ALLOWED TODAY" or "NO JOKES ON TWITTER TODAY". Rules change just about every day, and this is just as ridiculous as that stupid Horizon issue.

This really isn't directed at anyone in particular mind you. But I just see this up-in-arms thing with so many issues like it makes a difference. It really does't. The change happens inside of you, how YOU treat your family, friends, and relatives, and how YOU affect the neighborhood and community. This twitter stuff is straight bullshit.
I would never make that joke towards any woman. I was raised by a single mom who is a feminist and her values have been instilled in me. That type of humor serves nobody.
Yes, but that's only because the people who like Greg, and can't stand Colin, left a while back. If Colin left, a lot of people who enjoy Greg's content would come back.
If they left they were never fans of Greg's to begin with.

Taking it out on Greg because they can't handle Colin not being on the same wave length as them is unfair to Greg.
From memory he's also gone off at Altano, Justin Davis, Goldarb and possibly Marty too. Not to mention his mother and girlfriend have been slinging mud at Tim & Greg on Twitter and his most recent tweet was a giant middle finger to everyone he works with currently pretty much. Imagine what joy it would be to work with such an ugly, hate-filled man,

Where are the tweets from his girlfriend slinging mud at Greg and Tim? I can't find them.


From memory he's also gone off at Altano, Justin Davis, Goldarb and possibly Marty too. Not to mention his mother and girlfriend have been slinging mud at Tim & Greg on Twitter and his most recent tweet was a giant middle finger to everyone he works with currently pretty much. Imagine what joy it would be to work with such an ugly, hate-filled man,

Oy. When I entered my undergrad history program he was still working in guides and we spent a lot of time going back and forth on Twitter about history, academia, hockey, new York, etc. I really looked up to him at point in my life. I still admire his writing and wish he was able to solely write and just stayed off of twitter.

What did he go off on Justin and Goldfarb for, if you don't mind me asking?
Who the FUCK hasn't made that joke with their girlfriend or wife?

If my partner said that to me then society would throw away the key on me...

So no he hasn't said this and wouldn't ever say it because he isn't a shit-out-the-same-ass-as-everyone-else idiot that uses 'Dad jokes', 'banter' or whatever little compartmentalised place you wish to put comments like Colin's one.

I assume Colin hasn't shown his face in this thread since making his 'rib-tickler' of a comment? He is an attention-seeker and is gutless to boot as far as I am concerned.
Who does it benefit to block and call for some rally against a social media figure because of a joke you found offensive?

we live in a society with free speech. if you want to make a joke that people may find offensive, go for it. but do not be surprised when people exercise their free speech in reaction to that. if anything it should make the first person realize they can't just say shit without consequences, they don't live in a vacuum, they don't get a free pass.

a lot of hateful speech gets thrown around as "only joking!" and "it's satire". yes maybe you watch South Park and thus anything you say is brilliant button-pushing and not tone-deaf privilege flexing. but other people live in this world too.
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