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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast

Colin goes on twitter and makes the tweet "Ah. Peace and quiet. #ADayWithoutAWoman" as joke during National Women's Day.

People get outraged.
He provokes them by calling them humorless.
Greg makes a statement saying it's not okay.

"Humorless sacks of shit," wasn't it? Carry on with your edited recap.

D i Z

Colin goes on twitter and makes the tweet "Ah. Peace and quiet. #ADayWithoutAWoman" as joke during National Women's Day.

People get outraged.
He provokes them by calling them humorless.
Greg makes a statement saying it's not okay.

Colin doesn't make a statement and people shit on him about it in this thread for 30-35 pages and dredge up every single thing he's said that is problematic to fuel the fire.

The joke is stupid and was made on Twitter a place where jokes like that wouldn't work unlike in a stream or podcast. Greg makes this point in his statement.

You missed the mid season cliff hanger. You should include it if you want to be honest about the context.
Maybe you haven't caught up. I would hate to feel that you're being disingenuous as to what we're talking about here.

Also, let's not ignore that Roosterteeth had something to say about it either.
"Humorless sacks of shit," wasn't it? Carry on with your edited recap.

I'm sorry that you're so offended over me not including that in the recap. I didn't mean anything from it, no need to go on the attack. If you think I'm trying to paint him in a positive light, that's not my intent.

You missed the mid season cliff hanger. You should include it if you want to be honest about the context.
Maybe you haven't caught up. I would hate to feel that you're being disingenuous as to what we're talking about here.

I was not aware anything else has happened. If I missed something please let me know.
Colin goes on twitter and makes the tweet "Ah. Peace and quiet. #ADayWithoutAWoman" as joke during National Women's Day.

People get outraged.
He provokes them by calling them humorless.
Greg makes a statement saying it's not okay.

Colin doesn't make a statement and people shit on him about it in this thread for 30-35 pages and dredge up every single thing he's said that is problematic to fuel the fire.

The joke is stupid and was made on Twitter a place where jokes like that wouldn't work unlike in a stream or podcast. Greg makes this point in his statement.
I think you understated him calling them humorless, it was actually humorless sacks of shit. I think that is quite a few peoples problem including mine, especially after he is always going on podcasts lately about reasonable discussion.

D i Z

I'm sorry that you're so offended over me not including that in the recap. I didn't mean anything from it, no need to go on the attack. If you think I'm trying to paint him in a positive light, that's not my intent.

I was not aware anything else has happened. If I missed something please let me know.

You can read. Do yourself and all of us a favor and enjoy that particular skill set.


Yup, this did happen. He kept going where is the proof of him saying he is this or that and Greg pointed out Bannon allowed that shit a platform and it didn't seem to get through to him. Felt like he had to go through some mental gymnastics to miss something fairlh simple.

Colin's argument amounted to, "when I was at an electronics enthusiast website I wrote things that higher-ups likely disagreed with, therefore you can't judge Bannon by what Breitbart published when he ran it." --which is, to put it lightly, a specious and vapid argument. Breitbart is political propaganda for the alt-right; the entire purpose of it is to advance a specific political ideology. Bannon literally called it (under his tutelage) "the platform for the alt-right:"

"We're the platform for the alt-right," Bannon told me proudly when I interviewed him at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in July. Though disavowed by every other major conservative news outlet, the alt-right has been Bannon's target audience ever since he took over Breitbart News from its late founder, Andrew Breitbart, four years ago. Under Bannon's leadership, the site has plunged into the fever swamps of conservatism, cheering white nationalist groups as an "eclectic mix of renegades," accusing President Barack Obama of importing "more hating Muslims," and waging an incessant war against the purveyors of "political correctness."

"Andrew Breitbart despised racism. Truly despised it," former Breitbart editor-at-large Ben Shapiro wrote last week on the Daily Wire, a conservative website. "With Bannon embracing Trump, all that changed. Now Breitbart has become the alt-right go-to website, with [technology editor Milo] Yiannopoulos pushing white ethno-nationalism as a legitimate response to political correctness, and the comment section turning into a cesspool for white supremacist mememakers."


Comparing this to, "oh we had differences in opinion regarding the quality of [x] console or its games," or "oh I said something that may have angered a games publisher or advertiser" is completely and totally fucked.


I'll say it again, since it doesn't seem to stick:

Some of you guys keep framing reactions as people being "offended", "outraged".

You want to paint us as hysterical, because it's the only way the defense of what Colin said works: to shift the attention away from what *he* did, to how people reacted.

We are not hysterical.
We are not outraged.

We look at stuff like this and think "Huh, I don't want to be associated with that".

And THEN the *original* person that made the dumb comment in the first place plays the victim. For ages. Nonstop. They cancel speeches, they become defensive, they complain about being persecuted -- about how others are close-minded and can't handle differing opinions.

This was called out literally minutes after he tweeted, before there was anything you could construe as "outrage" -- the outcome was obvious from the jump:

Make stupid statement -> lash out at backlash to comment -> play the victim

We've all seen the playbook. Stop pretending you have us pegged in a corner as hysterical people that can't take a joke. We're on to this.
I'll say it again, since it doesn't seem to stick:

Some of you guys keep framing reactions as people being "offended", "outraged".

You want to paint us as hysterical, because it's the only way the defense of what Colin said works.

We are not hysterical.
We are not outraged.

We look at stuff like this and think "Huh, I don't want to be associated with that".

And THEN the *original* person that made the dumb comment in the first place plays the victim. For ages. Nonstop.

This was called out literally minutes after he tweeted, before there was anything you could construe as "outrage":

Make stupid statement -> lash out at backlash to comment -> play the victim

We've all seen the playbook. Stop pretending you have us pegged in a corner as hysterical people that can't take a joke. We're on to this.

It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy with these fucks. They are anticipating the "outrage" before anybody even says anything.
Colin doesn't even have the decency to echo his colleague's stance by retweeting Greg's statement. That's pretty shitty too, right?

Even beyond that, I checked his Twitter earlier to see if he ever did and he's basically either playing the victim card or retweeting praise from people like Glenn Beck.

This is all so depressing, I'm just gonna go watch Riverdale.
Comparing this to, "oh we had differences in opinion regarding the quality of [x] console or its games," or "oh I said something that may have angered a games publisher or advertiser" is completely and totally fucked.
Ya just saw someone repost his comments on that maybe Bannon didn't want to publish that godawful rubbish, but ah well sometimes things get published the higher ups don't like. What utter nonsense. I can't believe he equated that to his experience at IGN.
I'm sorry that you're so offended over me not including that in the recap. I didn't mean anything from it, no need to go on the attack. If you think I'm trying to paint him in a positive light, that's not my intent.

Where did you get any of that from my post? Offended? Attack?

Colin, is that you?


Colin will be invited to PSX again this year, Sony will act like nothing happened.

It will only happen because KOF has legions of followers who are also PlayStation fans. If many PlayStation fans put pressure on Sony then maybe they will do something about it. Even then the problem only seems to be one guy at KOF. Greg and others are still liked, I think.


I'm sorry, maybe you don't realise this, but that makes it sound like you're saying that Colin is an objectively good person, where I can refer you back to the previous ten pages of this thread which would argue quite the opposite.

yeah probably. but good people can make stupid choices. I don't know for sure if he'll learn any lessons from this, I can only hope. I only consider him a decent / good person just based on videos and such that I've seen him in. I understand that he is a very opinionated person, and his opinions differ from a lot of those in the same industry it seems. Don't get me wrong I think his tweet was dumb, sexist and in poor taste. I never saw him as a troll, but that was some troll-ish behavior.
Wow they are making 30k per month. Thats like...a lot.

Yeah I am guilty of using my PS4 as an exclusive machine. It happened mostly because I have more friends that game on Xbox Live. More people I play with on Live want to invite me into games and such. I have made a ton of bromance relationships on XBL. My friend that I have known since the 4th grade uses it and it allows us to play halo together.

I think if if I skipped the 360 this would have been different but I have built an ecosystem of friends as Sony's PSN just wasnt where it needed to be during the PS3 era.


How does Glenn Beck enjoying an interview Colin did have anything to do with his tweet yesterday? He probably watched the interview and followed before he even saw the tweet.

I don't see why this matters. Beck is a shell of his former self anyway, pretty tame guy now.


How does Glenn Beck enjoying an interview Colin did have anything to do with his tweet yesterday? He probably watched the interview and followed before he even saw the tweet.

I don't see why this matters. Beck is a shell of his former self anyway, pretty tame guy now.

Isn't Glen Beck responsible for Tomi Lahren?


yeah if anything positive has come out of this it's that it reminded me to finally check out retronauts
I started out by checking out Retronauts. Then I checked out Talking Simpsons (because of Bob). Then I checked out Laser Time. All really, really solid shows that don't have contrarian assholes on there just for the sake of it.

Plus I really enjoy listening to Chris Antista (now), too.
How does Glenn Beck enjoying an interview Colin did have anything to do with his tweet yesterday? He probably watched the interview and followed before he even saw the tweet.

I don't see why this matters. Beck is a shell of his former self anyway, pretty tame guy now.

i just think that it's funny that in these trying times two loud media reactionaries who make their money off of their absurd conservative politics in some wildly disparate fields can still find kinship with each other.

edit: also i stopped listening to KF a while ago when the half-baked political commentary got too much for me (still liked when they talk about older games and what they like about their favorite stuff,) but i still feel a little bad to see how the community has turned against greg and tim just for issuing an apology. must be a bit of a wake up call to see exactly how many people don't necessarily jive with their vision of who watches and listens to their work.

D i Z

Isn't Glen Beck responsible for Tomi Lahren?

Yes. And people will do backflips to now cape for Beck being level headed and ignore the hate that he still sanctions because they want their spankable materials uncompromised.

There's no point trying to argue with these people. Colin told them exactly what was real, and they still right now create a narrative that they, themselves were being hobbled on their way to being relevant.

All because he got paid to speak about games once per week instead of having to write about them.


Colin will be invited to PSX again this year, Sony will act like nothing happened.

Two years ago, PSX had a panel about devs from a different perspective (PoC devs), and last year they had one about gamers with disabilities. I really don't think any of those people and the organizations they represent would appreciate being associated with people like Colin or his insane fans.

It will only happen because KOF has legions of followers who are also PlayStation fans. If many PlayStation fans put pressure on Sony then maybe they will do something about it. Even then the problem only seems to be one guy at KOF. Greg and others are still liked, I think.

Kinda Funny's legion isn't as big as Colin and Greg would like you to believe. Any pressure from women's groups and Sony would drop them like a rock and nobody would notice. Maybe then Colin would think before opening his mouth.
The odd thing is that Greg kept trying to give Colin an out by repeatedly pointing out that the story really didn't pick up any steam. Colin was getting angrier and angrier at a story that few felt had solid ground to stand on.

Yeah I couldn't understand this during this week's episode. Why was he getting so mad about a dumb article that had been widely panned by the time they recorded the show? He got so worked up over nothing and went on a 20 minute rant.

Colin made an unfunny but rather harmless joke about getting some "peace and quiet" on the day without women hashtag movement. Internet lost their minds at him for making the same kind of joke you might see any night on a prime time sitcom.

Oh look. It's this completely incorrect summation of events again.


Before you tweet or talk about anything, ask yourself: "Is what I'm about to say going to make me look like an absolute shitbag?"

If the answer is yes, it means you're actually a shitbag. Treat people the same way you would want to be treated.


The full version of GOG Show ep 170 was just posted an hour ago, and it's sitting at an almost 50% dislike ratio with top comments bragging about disliking it on principle (and #IStandWithColin).

There's no way Colin doesn't see some sort of consequences for this.
The full version of GOG Show ep 170 was just posted an hour ago, and it's sitting at an almost 50% dislike ratio with top comments bragging about disliking it on principle (and #IStandWithColin).

There's no way Colin doesn't see some sort of consequences for this.

I'd assume he already has behind closed doors.


The full version of GOG Show ep 170 was just posted an hour ago, and it's sitting at an almost 50% dislike ratio with top comments bragging about disliking it on principle (and #IStandWithColin).

There's no way Colin doesn't see some sort of consequences for this.

waitwaitwait. So they're disliking the GOG video to 'bully' (for the lack of a better term) the rest of the KF crew into apologizing for not having his back?
Is that's what's happening here?


waitwaitwait. So they're disliking the GOG video to 'bully' (for the lack of a better term) the rest of the KF crew into apologizing for not having his back?
Is that's what's happening here?

Precisely. They want Greg and Tim to apologize.

like, fuck


waitwaitwait. So they're disliking the GOG video to 'bully' (for the lack of a better term) the rest of the KF crew into apologizing for not having his back?
Is that's what's happening here?

Yeah, and the fact the amount of dislikes is higher than the likes is pretty disturbing to me.
Yeah, and the fact the amount of dislikes is higher than the likes is pretty disturbing to me.
If those people are the main source of the dislikes, its a perfect example of the type of community they have allowed to foster. Ones that bully members of the team for actually caring about others perspectives and commenting on it..

But no, they turned on their beloved Colin and deserve to be punished apparently.


Its getting very messy, Colin is toxic for many but some kind of icon for others

I can see him going out on his own if this continues

I actually think Colin on his own would still do very well for himself, and the others assuming they bring someone else onboard can still continue to thrive


Its getting very messy, Colin is toxic for many but some kind of icon for others

I can see him going out on his own if this continues

I actually think Colin on his own would still do very well for himself, and the others assuming they bring someone else onboard can still continue to thrive

The guy was championing and praising Horizon for their portrayal of women in the game in the last podcast. I find it odd that the mob wants him publicly hung for the twitter comment.


Finally someone for Colin to debate with on the important issues...


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