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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast

D i Z

There are people on this forum condemning others for who they voted for in this election. It can't go both ways. If it matters who you voted for in the 2016 election, it matters for 2008.

It absolutely doesn't work that way at all. One good choice does not negate one bat shit insane one that flies in the face of common sense and self preservation..
Supporting bigots doesn't get a pass either. Time to decide which bucket you want to ride in from here on out.


How long before Colin breaks off and starts his own podcast, where free market only works for him, political correctness is evil, and mega man is the only good game ever?


He also pretended to be anti-trump and said he couldn't be a conservative due to trump. Then after Trump won he started defending trump as hard as he could without being seen as an overt #MAGA frog nazi.

He's defended Steve Bannon in this thread before:

I was told several times that he wasn't alt-right/neo nazi/etc, just "middle of the road" and "controversial". Now this happens. No surprises here. He was always one of those guys who doesn't actually give a shit about libertarian principles, just thinks "I don't give a shit" is the same as supporting equality and justice.
If this is the #ColinIsOverParty I'm down.

It won't be, but I hope the rest of Kinda Funny have a backbone when it comes to this.

If someone is neutral about Steve fucking Bannon it says all you need.


I would not attempt to be neutral with someone as clearly vile as Steve Bannon. And I don't think preying on ignorance and fear is all that smart.

I agree with your first sentence completely.
However, if preying on ignorance and fear is a successful way to achieve your vile goals. Isn't that smart? Evil but smart.


But in your opinion is that an endorsement?

How is the quoted part defending him?

I forget the exact context but I'm pretty sure the episode they did on the election post election Colin basically plays dumb about the accusations that Bannon is a white nationalist. Praises his business acumen and largely ignores and shoulder shrugs all the anti-semitic articles that Bannon allowed on his website.


It's unfortunate, but this could be seen coming a mile away. Colin is literally about to attract the dregs to the KF community and he still doesn't see anything wrong with it.

KF has some of the biggest name that represent this industry. Colin and Greg. Colin knows what he did and the consequences of what he did. He doesn't care and isn't sorry. That's going to reflect negatively on the rest of them and the brand quite frankly


I agree with your first sentence completely.
However, if preying on ignorance and fear is a successful way to achieve your vile goals. Isn't that smart? Evil but smart.

Do you really think that is smart? It is vile and evil, I could give you examples of things just as bad as that but they are fkn terrible, and I am sure you wouldn't call the person doing them "smart".


I agree with your first sentence completely.
However, if preying on ignorance and fear is a successful way to achieve your vile goals. Isn't that smart? Evil but smart.

Being stupid but successful doesn't make you smart. Stupid can be incredibly successful. Have you seen Trump? Can't speak. Can't operate a tie. Can't stop lying. There's a lot of stupid people out there that would line up in droves to die in the defense of fellow stupid assholes.


But in your opinion is that an endorsement?

How is the quoted part defending him?

You have a weird defintion of "defended"

Edit: Meh. I can see it, context matters. Nevermind. Still don't think that makes him a Bannon-loving sucker.

here's a better example

Unlike I'm assuming everyone who has a problem with this, I worked at a major publication, and have had hundreds of things published. There were articles my bosses absolutely disagreed with. More than one. But they published them.

I don't condone Bannon's demeanor or stances, and I don't read Brietbart, so I can't really speak to it. What I can say is that, if his publication worked like many others in this world, he doesn't necessarily condone or agree with what's written. I'm not saying he does or doesn't. I'm just saying that, from my personal experience, there are categorically things on IGN I wrote that were published even though the powers that be didn't agree with what was written, because that's how it works.

how is saying that despite him being the executive chair of breitbart that somehow all the garbage articles they write doesn't necessarily reflect his values not defending him?
I forget the exact context but I'm pretty sure the episode they did on the election post election Colin basically plays dumb about the accusations that Bannon is a white nationalist. Praises his business acumen and largely ignores and shoulder shrugs all the anti-semitic articles that Bannon allowed on his website.

I can vouch that he did something like that, don't remember the exact context either unfortunately.


It's unfortunate, but this could be seen coming a mile away. Colin is literally about to attract the dregs to the KF community and he still doesn't see anything wrong with it.

KF has some of the biggest name that represent this industry. Colin and Greg. Colin knows what he did and the consequences of what he did. He doesn't care and isn't sorry. That's going to reflect negatively on the rest of them and the brand quite frankly

I saw this coming months ago, their election day stream chat was full of "Trump" comments, and they were shitting on Kevin for standing up to Colin. I hope the industry is smart enough to cut them off.


I forget the exact context but I'm pretty sure the episode they did on the election post election Colin basically plays dumb about the accusations that Bannon is a white nationalist. Praises his business acumen and largely ignores and shoulder shrugs all the anti-semitic articles that Bannon allowed on his website.

Bannon has literally said "it wouldn't be such a bad idea if Black people couldn't vote." If Colin decided to ignore all that shit but praise his business acumen. I'm sorry but that says A lot about Colin.
That means a lot to a "nobody" like me who Greg Miller thinks is still trying to break into the game industry :)

Wow is that for real?

I was a fan from the very first episode of Podcast Beyond that Greg and Colin appeared. I remember even tearing up a bit in their farewell episode where they got really emotional and talked about how much they appreciated their fans and shit.

To hear that they now use that following and the position they now have due to their fans to belittle others in the industry??? What the fuck. Fuck both Greg and Colin.

Bob I've also followed Retronauts since day 1 and you're definitely not a nobody to me.


It might be smart, but it's not an intellligence that anyone in good conscious should celebrate

Yup I agree.

Do you really think that is smart? It is vile and evil, I could give you examples of things just as bad as that but they are fkn terrible, and I am sure you wouldn't call the person doing them "smart".

Vile and Evil are not contradictory terms to smart.

Being stupid but successful doesn't make you smart. Stupid can be incredibly successful. Have you seen Trump? Can't speak. Can't operate a tie. Can't stop lying. There's a lot of stupid people out there that would line up in droves to die in the defense of fellow stupid assholes.

It's true successful doesn't mean smart.


However, if preying on ignorance and fear is a successful way to achieve your vile goals. Isn't that smart? Evil but smart.
No, and that's the whole reason not being evil is actually difficult; because you can't just take the easy way to achieve your goals.

D i Z

It's unfortunate, but this could be seen coming a mile away. Colin is literally about to attract the dregs to the KF community and he still doesn't see anything wrong with it.

KF has some of the biggest name that represent this industry. Colin and Greg. Colin knows what he did and the consequences of what he did. He doesn't care and isn't sorry. That's going to reflect negatively on the rest of them and the brand quite frankly

It's happening, and has been happening for over a year because they let it. Whenever someone has said anything about it, they shun it. Not just Colin, but all of them. They shut communications down for any dialogue because shit is hard enough without having to take in other considerations. They wanted the easy way, so here it is. They are getting what they earned, and if this isn't what they want, they can still do something about it. But they won't. Passive aggression is not easy to break away from.
For context, Greg and Colin feed of each other. They are both parts of what they wish they each had about themselves. Don't excuse silence on either side as not full support for the other.


I saw this coming months ago, their election day stream chat was full of "Trump" comments, and they were shitting on Kevin for standing up to Colin. I hope the industry is smart enough to cut them off.

I remember that stream. It was the last time I watched C&GL (Now the morning show). It was at that moment I realized many of their audience are Trump fans and Gators. Since then, I stuck to Gaf for discussion about Kinda Funny content.


The hypocrisy of him calling out Bob as a coward for not coming to debate him but then pulling out of PAX is hilarious. Colin always preaches about how nobody would say shit to his face. How can anyone say anything to your face when you're hiding in your apartment and taking potshots at the guys you work with on Twitter? It's the definition of being a coward.

The funniest part is that Colin thinks that shouting down his lackeys at KF makes him a great debater.


I agree with your first sentence completely.
However, if preying on ignorance and fear is a successful way to achieve your vile goals. Isn't that smart? Evil but smart.

Not necessarily. For example people often mistake sociopathy for intelligence because they exploit weaknesses in people that anybody with a conscience would not countenance to begin with. It is easier to get ahead if you're playing by different rules to most other people.


Bannon has literally said "it wouldn't be such a bad idea if Black people couldn't vote." If Colin decided to ignore all that shit but praise his business acumen. I'm sorry but that says A lot about Colin.
Colin seems like the type of person to say, "Well, that doesn't make him a racist. He's just exploring different viewpoints. I mean has anyone ever really thought about this or researched what would happen? Maybe it really wouldn't be so bad. Keep an open mind."
If someone else from KF knew more about politics Colin wouldn't be able to just spew shit all the time uncontested.

It's not really their fault, it's just the reality of the situation.


I watch some of the KF videos, not a patron. But they, especially Colin talk about politics and stuff more than I've seen others talk about it. I guess it's coming back to bite them. However I think they'll get through this fine as long as they're honest with their audience (which they seem to be). Those are good guys over there and Colin is one of them, like it or not.


If someone else from KF knew more about politics Colin wouldn't be able to just spew shit all the time uncontested.

It's not really their fault, it's just the reality of the situation.

Oh man. You should watch the episode that Aisha Tyler was on girl lays a fucking smackdown on Colin.


So what? I'm not one of them.

Plus what you're saying is basically what I said. Voting for Trump in 2016 doesn't mean you're a racist and voting for Obama in 2008 doesn't mean Colin is some kind of super open-minded political savant.

I agree with that you on that, actually. I'm glad you are not one of the people who think that kind of rationale. Nor am I. But I have seen many around here say so.


I remember that stream. It was the last time I watched C&GL (Now the morning show). It was at that moment I realized many of their audience are Trump fans and Gators. Since then, I stuck to Gaf for discussion about Kinda Funny content.

Yea youtube comments and twitch chat for the most part are nothing but hellholes. It's where these people thrive. That and on forums. You nip that shit in the bud.

Colin decided to make what he thought was a joke. It wasn't funny. On a day about women. in this climate. As a person with a big name in the games industry he should know better. Women get shit in this industry every fucking day. They still go to work and do their job.

Women in this industry have been doxxed, harassed, threatened, and sent death notes. It's just how do you think all the women in this industry felt after that read that?


Not necessarily. For example people often mistake sociopathy for intelligence because they exploit weaknesses in people that anybody with a conscience would not countenance to begin with. It is easier to get ahead if you're playing by different rules to most other people.

Good point. I read that many dictators and war criminals are Sociopaths.


Yea youtube comments and twitch chat for the most part are nothing but hellholes. It's where these people thrive. That and on forums. You nip that shit in the bud.

Colin decided to make what he thought was a joke. It wasn't funny. On a day about women. in this climate. As a person with a big name in the games industry he should know better. Women get shit in this industry every fucking day. They still go to work and do their job.

Women in this industry have been doxxed, harassed, threatened, and sent death notes. It's just how do you think all the women in this industry felt after that read that?

Aye, Alex Navarro said it best in his tweets yesterday. We all make shitty mistakes its if you take a moment to step back and realize that or double down on your shit that shows your real character. Judging by his silence its pretty obvious what he thinks.


I knew she was on the show before, didn't know she did that. I've always liked her, awkward E3 moments aside.

I'll watch it later to see what you mean lol

Yeah, she really gets in there and challenges him on several points. Its great. She's like the only person I've seen on the show that was willing to just go toe to toe with him and not let him just bulldoze over her.
I watch some of the KF videos, not a patron. But they, especially Colin talk about politics and stuff more than I've seen others talk about it. I guess it's coming back to bite them. However I think they'll get through this fine as long as they're honest with their audience (which they seem to be). Those are good guys over there and Colin is one of them, like it or not.

I'm sorry, maybe you don't realise this, but that makes it sound like you're saying that Colin is an objectively good person, where I can refer you back to the previous ten pages of this thread which would argue quite the opposite.


This post from August 14, 2015 after he tweeted an inflammatory comment about safe spaces and trigger warnings is fucking hilarious in retrospect:


Colin Moriarty said:
Let me end with this: I'm truly sorry if you're offended not by what I said, but how I said it. I should have been more respectful, more eloquent, more aware. This is becoming a pattern, and I should probably do something about it. So, I will.

I'd love to just talk to him in real life.
I'm sorry, maybe you don't realise this, but that makes it sound like you're saying that Colin is an objectively good person, where I can refer you back to the previous ten pages of this thread which would argue quite the opposite.

I haven't seen him say or do anything that would suggest he's a bad person. None of his trolling on twitter and shit jokes are gonna influence me in that way.


Yea youtube comments and twitch chat for the most part are nothing but hellholes. It's where these people thrive. That and on forums. You nip that shit in the bud.

Colin decided to make what he thought was a joke. It wasn't funny. On a day about women. in this climate. As a person with a big name in the games industry he should know better. Women get shit in this industry every fucking day. They still go to work and do their job.

Women in this industry have been doxxed, harassed, threatened, and sent death notes. It's just how do you think all the women in this industry felt after that read that?
What surprised me is in that stream they didn't call out the chat when it was basically a stream of "shut up Kevin", "Kevin is stupid" and a bunch of other go trump. They used to tell people to leave them immediately when someone talked bad in their chat. But in that day they decided to say nothing and let the shitshow continue.

If you listened to this week episode Colin was railing on Outrage culture to a big degree. There is no doubt on my mind that he tweeted that joke to illicit outrage so he could prove his point. I don't think he expected how big the outrage would be neither did I to be honest. But It seems people in the industry got tired of his trolling shtick.


I'm sorry, maybe you don't realise this, but that makes it sound like you're saying that Colin is an objectively good person, where I can refer you back to the previous ten pages of this thread which would argue quite the opposite.

Just so we're 100% clear, you, and you're now claiming others, genuinely believe that Colin is objectively a bad person?

Because that would kind of seal the deal on this whole extremist fringe bubble that NeoGAF has going on.
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