If I were to play one Crash Bandicoot game, which should it be?
My question is, why would you just play one?If I were to play one Crash Bandicoot game, which should it be?
My question is, why would you just play one?
This era was really the height of Japanese development, and was a magical time when games could actually be fun instead of attempting to be bad David Cage movies
Confession: I play more PS1 games on my PS3 than PS3 games
Silpheed anything like the Sega-CD one?
and man, that big ass PSX stick...always wondered how it handled
I've always wanted one of the Namco sticks, but I could never find one. I've heard they're pretty good. I might still try and get one at some point down the road. Those yellow buttons and stick are nice looking.
I haven't really tried playing games that weren't really designed around a stick much, but it's something I've thought about trying more. I think I messed around more with crazy stuff like trying to play games with guitar controllers...which was pretty fun to do with friends. Gears of War multiplayer with guitar controllers-only was a very memorably hilarious moment. Haha.
Yeah, it was very good, and had a metal shell. Too bad I managed to broke it in Tomb Raider rage. =/
IIRC, Tomb Raider was better with the stick, as it was easier to jump and shoot simultaneously.
Gears of War with a guitar controller sounds hilarious.
It broke? Damn...what a shame. I did not expect it to work better with Tomb Raider, though. That's crazy, man. Maybe I should try that at some point.
Oh, man...Gears of War was hilariously amazing like that. You had to hold down the whammy bar about half way just so wouldn't spin around the whole time. You turned by either holding it down more or loosening it. You couldn't shoot or more forward, you could only run and melee. I really wish I had recorded that, because watching a group of people take turns playing it like that was probably one of the funniest things ever. I remember trying out Dead or Alive 4 like that, too, but that actually worked decently...
My controller breaking prowess is second to none. And I've gotten better at it with age.
Last controller I broke, I just pushed the DualShock handles towards eachother until the thing split in half.
My controller breaking prowess is second to none. And I've gotten better at it with age.
Last controller I broke, I just pushed the DualShock handles towards eachother until the thing split in half.
BahAll the games I bought for the system
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain (the gameplay felt tedious to me after Soul Reaver)
Bahthat game is awesome. Worth playing for the story alone, and the atmosphere, music, dialogue, and Kaiiiiin <3![]()
Bahthat game is awesome. Worth playing for the story alone, and the atmosphere, music, dialogue, and Kaiiiiin <3![]()
I originally played Soul Reaver on the Dreamcast, so I'm not sure I could play the PS1 version unless I played it on Vita or something where it would look a bit more tolerable.
Really? You automatically revived if you had at least one Heart of Darkness in your stock, and they weren't exactly rare. I think I only ever got game over during my first playthrough very early on, after that it's kind of a breeze.
I don't understand the PC game reference much. I'm pretty much a die-hard console gamer, and played it in 1997 before Soul Reaver, yes, but the combat was closer to Zelda: LttP than anything else.
I can understand if someone thought the loading times were a deal-breaker, though. They were pretty damn bad, but I sat through them because they were so worth it. Kain is my favourite character of all time. ^^
What's that one Playstation game you always wanted to play but never got to? For me, it was Ghost in the Shell. I played a fantastic demo that was a ton of fun, but never actually got around to playing the game proper.
Well, I threw it on the floor with all my strength. And boy, did I regret doing so afterwards. Tomb Raider III once made me pick a hammer and smash the DualShock to pieces. Luckily I've learned to control my temper better later on.
I dunno if it was because of what I had grown accustomed to, but some the acrobatic moves you had to do in Tomb Raider felt easier with the stick. It would be interesting to try how it's now, that I've been playing with a pad for years.
The Gears guitar session sounds like something I would have liked to see. =D
I ordered Dino Crisis and Strider 2 (disc only) from amazon, was pleased with Dino Crisis (even came with the RE3 demo, I love that stuff). Strider 2 should be here soon.
I really lucked out with Strider 2, it was listed as just "Strider" and the picture showed a disc for Strider 1, but as far as I'm aware the cover art for both games were accidentally swapped.
Dino Crisis is ace. The sequel is pretty fun, too, but it's very different. It's more arcade-y...hell, I think it has a scoring system, though it's been a while since I played it. It was also pretty short and easy from what I remember. It's worth playing, though.
I've always been so confused about why my Strider discs were swapped, and sometimes I forget they were, and end up playing the wrong one. Hah. I never knew if it was just me or a widespread issue, though.
Anyway, Strider 2 is pretty fun, but I remember always liking the first one more. They're both good, though.
Finally got these two games today and both my psx favorite rpg.
Oh...damn, man. That's a bit excessive. Hah. I'm glad I've never gotten angry at a game before. I do remember my older brother throwing controllers sometimes years ago, though...and at least once, a chair across his room after losing in one of the Final Fantasy games. Thankfully, nothing ever broke, and he stopped doing that.
I'll see if maybe I can record a Gears of War guitar session one day. Haha.
Regarding the arcade stick talk above, any of you guys ever own the Konami Hyperstick?
It was pretty rad, as it used full Seimitsu parts. This was at a time when arcade-spec parts were a rarity in home console controllers. Even the monstrous HSS-0130 2-player panel for Sega Saturn had cheap clone buttons.
There's a nice writup on the Konami Hyperstick here.
Crash 1 and 2 for sure.I'm asking for the best intro to the series. If I like it, I would seek out the others.
I presently owned Warped.
Don't these games cost quite a lot? How much did you pay for it?
I always wanted to try Suikoden 2 at least (since I liked the fifth one), but looking at the prices at the european market...
If I were to play one Crash Bandicoot game, which should it be?
Thought I'd share my early days with the PS1. I first read about it in magazines back in 1994-1995, but I didn't get to play one until late '95 in a local Toys R Us. It stood at the end of a long aisle facing the front of the store next to a Saturn which also stood at the end of it's own aisle. So there I was looking at 2 next gen systems, one with a demo of Virtua Fighter, and one with an entire demo disc. I played them both, but in the end I wasn't overly impressed by Virtua Fighter, but I was captivated by a cool new game called Wipeout. Holy shit that was a game changer for me.
So in early January 1996, I drove to Sears (I had just gotten a credit card there) and bought my Playstation. I picked Ridge Racer as my first game. As impressed by Wipeout as I was, I had been reading about Ridge Racer for about a year and I had to have it immediately.
So I drove home with my new swag, so excited to tear into it. This was upstate New York in the middle of winter. It was the middle of the day, but it was dark and overcast. Though there was no snow on the ground, there was a huge wind storm happening, and I remember dodging fallen branches in the road as I made my way back home.
I finally made it home only to be greeted by the news that the power was out. And the power would remain out for the rest of the day. Here I was with my new Playstation, so fucking eager to play it, the situation mocking me. In the end that became a memorable day for me, but at the time it really sucked. The power finally came back the following day and I played my new system for hours and hours.
I didn't just play Ridge Racer, I also played with the demo disc that came with the system. The same demo that Toys R Us kiosk had featured.
The actual game/demo from the purchase of my system
That demo disc sold me on a shit load of games. Though only a few were playable like Wipeout (it also had playable demos of Jumping Flash, Battle Arena Toshinden, and ESPN Extreme) but it sold me on games like Warhawk, Destruction Derby, and Twisted Metal. I played the ever loving shit out of that demo, and to this day I have fond memories of it.
In the first few days following my new purchase, I would find myself buying Wipeout and Warhawk, and renting a shitload of games including Destruction Derby, Road & Track Presents: The Need For Speed, and Kileak the DNA Imperative. I rented them numerous times but eventually bought them all.
Later that year I would be fortunate enough to play games like Resident Evil and Tomb Raider, and gaming was never the same for me again. I'd been playing games since Pong, but the appeal of video games were starting to wane. The Playstation changed all of that for me and it remains my favorite game system of all time.
We played for hours into the evening (summer evenings in Norway are really bright and you don't get any sense of it being late). My parents gave us pizza, soda and lots of sweets. Since the game is singleplayer only, we would take turns for each race in the championship. We stuck to the tracks we knew, so I could race every other track really well, while my friend knew the other ones in-between.