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PS2 hype appreciation thread


I was and I'm still a Dreamcast nut, in fact I still don't own a PS2, and so the period between mid-1999 until late 2000 was a bit disappointing for me, seeing how the absolutely fantastic Dreamcast games that were released, were practically being ignored by the mass market in favour of the hype and (at that time) unproven promises of the PS2.

However, now when I remember that time, I think the Sony marketing department did a great job that must be recognized (and I'm completely serious, no sarcasm here). Everything, from the wonderful design of the console, to the design of the console front-end, the logo and all the branding stuff, even the aesthetics of the first (otherwise so-so) games and their intros, like Tekken Tag or RRV, fit perfectly and built one of the best launch moods I can remember. I really think neither Microsoft nor Gamecube surpassed it, and I think it will be difficult for even Sony themselves to replicate such a fantastic job.

At least for me, that TTT intro song is one of the elements that immediately come to mind when I think of that period (an all that millennium crazyness that went around those months).

Ranger X

Of course we can congratulate Sony. We thought that only Nintendo could own everyone of us before but we were dead wrong. Sony is now in front of everyone in the home consoles and by far. They must be doing something right!

Personnally, i don't give a shit wich compagny is on top or whatever, i just want good games and hopefully a console that is strong enough in the market so i don't need to buy the others. (this later one may be impossible to accomplish though, i always end up buying more than one consoles each gen!) ;(


I don't see the good in celebrating the transition from the industry being software driven to being hype driven.


works for Gamestop (lol)


I didn't appreciate the hype. I would of liked to have gotten a PS2 on launch date but there were too many motherfucking losers waiting in line. The shortage was ridiculous. I ended up not getting a PS2 for two years. I'm glad I waited because the games during that time sucked ass. I'm glad I had a dreamcast.
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