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[PS2] King of Colosseum (jp) for 19.99$



King of Colosseum: All Japan X New Japan X Pancrase Spike

Compatible with PlayStation2™
For JPN/Asian systems only.

List price: US$ 49.90 (~41.81 EUR)
Weekly special price: US$ 19.90 (~16.68 EUR)
You save: US$ 30.00 (~25.14 EUR)



King of Colosseum: Green: Noah X Zero-One Spike

Compatible with PlayStation2™
For JPN/Asian systems only.

List price: US$ 49.90 (~41.81 EUR)
Weekly special price: US$ 19.90 (~16.68 EUR)
You save: US$ 30.00 (~25.14 EUR)


They're awesome Darien. It's by the same people who brought us Fire Pro, this is just in 3d. The community is just as good.

I'd pick both up unless you're planning on getting KoC2 soon.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Are there any good faqs to help me walk through character creation? And how does the game engine work? Is it grapple than execute move? Or some different system?


There should be plenty over at gamefaqs. The FirePro/KoC boards over there are probably the only ones that aren't filled with asshats.

The basic system is that you have several different grapples (headlock, powerbomb/piledriver, belly to belly, underhook, etc.) and more moves branching off from the grapples.

I admit that I had a little trouble getting the timing on some of them down, but it's probably one of the best wrestling games ever, and hopefully KoC2 will be even more like FirePro.

evil ways

DarienA said:
Are there any good faqs to help me walk through character creation? And how does the game engine work? Is it grapple than execute move? Or some different system?

There's FAQs and translations for everything except the Trial Road(Season) story text.

As for the gameplay, think AKI except there's more than one start up position grapple, and they, along with the counters are more time based.

For example you grapple into a suplex position and there's a timing dictated by the wrestler's movement and sound of the feet tapping the mat which indicates when to press the button to execute the move of your choosing. Counters work the same way.

I own both games Red(December 2002) and Green(March 2003) and they're the closest AKI style and wrestling sim games this generation.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Darien, there is something you should probably know about the CAW before you buy it--you can in no way customize different heads. Like the Fire Pro series, they have a number of premade heads that you can alter the color on but that's it. The good news is that they have a ton of heads made for specific people (Benoit, Flair, Hogan, Goldberg, etc) but if you want to create people who aren't included, you'll have to get lucky.

That said, I absolutely love this series. I can honestly say that it has surpassed VPW2 as my favorite wrestling game ever. KOC2 is out on Thursday and I like the series enough to pay for overnight shipping so I can get it before the weekend. Yes, I am retarded.
I think comparing KOC to an AKI game can be a bit misleading. It is true that it's the closest thing to the old N64 AKI titles, but it's far more complex and sim-like, and, well, less fun. Which is not me saying it's bad - it's my favorite wrestling game. But all my friends, whether they were wrestling fans or not, could play and enjoy No Mercy. That wasn't the case with KOC. It's very much for the hardcore wrestling nuts.

I actually just listed my copies of Red & Green on ebay since KOC2's out this week, but I think I'm going to hold off on ordering it. I'm not paying $80 for the damn thing.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Hmm I think I'll keep an eye on Rum's auction and go from there. ;)
i'll jump in now...
all the aki n64 games were huge with the crew of people i routinely play videogames with...
my bro and good friend were the only ones out of my crew who actually were able to put up with learning how to play fire pro, the others were pretty baffled at the timing aspect of it...
but with king of colosseum, they actually all learned how to play it and got the timing down...
maybe it's because it's in 3d? i dunno...

evil ways

That cause Fire Pro is far more strict and gives you no indication whatsoever on what timing to use for grapples. In KOC you can see the character's knees bending a bit and you have a good idea of when to press the button.

Also Fire Pro's collision detection is more demanding, meaning that for some moves, especially strikes and top rope dives the positioning must be nearly perfect, otherwise moves will miss.
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