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PS3 Stereoscopic 3D |OT| - The 50's called they want their silly glasses back

Bradach said:
ok, you can come over and sleep with my wife etc, but there's no way you're eating my food
I can cook bitchin' soul food.

This will be like Three's Company, but with me masturbating in the corner waiting for my turn... at stereoscopic 3D!!!


How complex / expensive is it to add 3D functionality to a game? What accounts for the difference in a game with good 3D vs bad 3D? Is it largely just a budget issue, allocating the resources to do it, or is there a certain 'art' to it, to put it that way.


thuway said:
Ugh, if this deal was only 800 dollars cheaper :-/

Only reason I didn't bite is because I wasn't sure if there were major differences between the VT20 and VT25. I really don't need the blu ray player either (can use PS3) or the 5.1 system (already have one). Guess I could sell those though if it came to it. Also held off because the VT30 should be hitting in the next couple of months or so, and I'm hoping that they improved the 3D performance over the VT20/25.
Smokey said:
Only reason I didn't bite is because I wasn't sure if there were major differences between the VT20 and VT25.
The only major difference I'm aware of is the VT20 doesn't have the ISFccc controls (and a different color bezel). Outside of that, they are generally the same set.


What games work well with the 2D=>3D Conversion system ?
I've never really tried mine with the Pana VT20.
Any titles that work well with this ?


lawblob said:
How complex / expensive is it to add 3D functionality to a game? What accounts for the difference in a game with good 3D vs bad 3D? Is it largely just a budget issue, allocating the resources to do it, or is there a certain 'art' to it, to put it that way.
1. you need to include some settings for the stereoscopic setup, not really much work
2. it can help if you do graphics with less contrast
3. special effects like heat distortion are problematic, so denpending on the code you have to either reduce/remove effects or replace with stuff that comforms to the 3D API...dont know the exact details
4. you might need to optimize so the game is still running at an acceptable rate in stereoscopic 3D
5. stuff like 2D backplanes will show in 3D, but it is not necessarily a problem, it is apparent in Enslaved, still I prefer to play in 3D
6. If you want to go the full way, you can do out of the screen effects

Good vs. bad 3D is a hard question to answer:
- Many racing games look fantastic, just because the tracks go into the screen forever
- "Isometric" games like Titan Quest or Age of Empires look marvellous, they dont look very deep, but it feels like a small world inside your TV/monitor. I am pretty sure dead nation would be perfect
- Fog and transparency effects work very well as they give you a sense of how deep which objects are
- Fften 3rd person works better than 1st person as there is another point of reference
- Wide open landscapes often dont work as good, as the greater the distance the less pronounced the effect - thats why in Avatar the indoor scenes are more impressive than outdoors. the reason is, with our natural huge field of vision we have much more reference points, if the screen shows only far points we cant see much depth at all.

general rule, the higher the contrast and more pronunced the depth the more ghosting.

For a reference, compare movies Tron and Tangled, it is like day and night.
Even better the EU store gets the demo today! Can't wait to try it in 3D.

Also, I watched the Uncharted 3 trailer in 3D off the US store. Maaaaaan, can't wait. So excited.


ObnoxiousZebra said:
Even better the EU store gets the demo today! Can't wait to try it in 3D.

Also, I watched the Uncharted 3 trailer in 3D off the US store. Maaaaaan, can't wait. So excited.
The EU store got MS:A? Will have to check that out.

The UC3 trailer was awesome. Especially all the gameplay snippets at the end.


Just checked it out...awesome 3D, only sometimes it switches back to 2D for a moment after a crah...anybody else experiencing this?

Game itself....have to wait for judgement, plays good so far but there is maybe a little to much going on.


So Ratchet all4one will be stereoscopic too :)

I think that one will look very good, ghosting friendly color sheme mostly


tzare said:

this could be an awesome feature for local multiplayer gaming.
Or local SP gaming while wife watches Desesperate Housewives XD

Evolution has this up and running with their engine too. I think it might be something that's been integrated into the WWS pipeline for those that want to use it. Don't be surprised if MotorStorm is the first game to actually demonstrate this to the working public.

Also, while MotorStorm is currently my reference 3D application in that it's actually available right now, Uncharted 3's 3D has to be seen to fully comprehend how much it changes that game. Naughty Dog really got the idea of making things feel like they had volume, and it will force me to get a 3DTV if I don't have one by the time it comes out.

There really is no other option.

Boombloxer said:
Making the leap in about 2 weeks thanks to a random set of circumstances.

You ever find a way to influence that randomness, you kick a little our way, yeah?
quetz67 said:
Just checked it out...awesome 3D, only sometimes it switches back to 2D for a moment after a crah...anybody else experiencing this?

Game itself....have to wait for judgement, plays good so far but there is maybe a little to much going on.

Every time I crashed my eyes had to readjust, I couldn't tell if it was the game, my TV or my eyes just being stupid. Probably all three!

I also noticed a bit of ghosting on the flashing arrow signs dotted around the track, mainly underground ones. Still, great 3D and it's very impressive to say how much is going on.


ObnoxiousZebra said:
Every time I crashed my eyes had to readjust, I couldn't tell if it was the game, my TV or my eyes just being stupid. Probably all three!

I also noticed a bit of ghosting on the flashing arrow signs dotted around the track, mainly underground ones. Still, great 3D and it's very impressive to say how much is going on.

Quite possibly because it uses the dynamic resolution switching from WipEout HD. It can do 1080p/60 in 2D and 720p/30 in 3D, but there's bound to be some funkiness.


SamBishop said:
Quite possibly because it uses the dynamic resolution switching from WipEout HD. It can do 1080p/60 in 2D and 720p/30 in 3D, but there's bound to be some funkiness.

Sam... why are you a Junior again? I could have sworn you were amusingly tagged.


cakefoo said:
Uncharted 2 3D screens:

(Just added) The Lost City - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQTvM7okpio
The Train Wreck - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_9qyscoqjo
The Temple - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiJVOswJgho
The Plaza - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo8J9zWzX4o
The Sanctuary - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NCzigIH038

You can watch these on your TV by setting the Youtube player and TV in side by side mode.
Silly question...how can I watch this WITHOUT 3D glasses? Like is there a program I can install that'll make these videos play in all their 3D glory?

jax (old)

cakefoo said:
Uncharted 2 3D screens:

(Just added) The Lost City - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQTvM7okpio
The Train Wreck - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_9qyscoqjo
The Temple - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiJVOswJgho
The Plaza - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo8J9zWzX4o
The Sanctuary - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NCzigIH038

You can watch these on your TV by setting the Youtube player and TV in side by side mode.

What is this?? Are they patching uncharted 2 to run this in 3d? I'm ... Kinda... Drawn to this.

Anyhow. I just moved and with the money I save in rent etc, will be buying a new tv. 3d? Fuck yeah.


Tizoc said:
Silly question...how can I watch this WITHOUT 3D glasses? Like is there a program I can install that'll make these videos play in all their 3D glory?
On the lower-right corner of the YT player, hover over 3D then click "Other Options," then "View Video With No 3D Device," and then "It works! Take me back to the video."

There will be two white dots in the area above the video frame. If you cross your eyes until they intersect you'll see the effect.

However I made these videos for fullscreen viewing with glasses, even red cyan anaglyph glasses, which only cost a dollar, give or take, and can look decent if you select the optimized/dubois output on the player. Content made for fullscreen viewing with glasses will look muted in freeview.

Jax said:
What is this?? Are they patching uncharted 2 to run this in 3d? I'm ... Kinda... Drawn to this.
Nah, these can be done in any game that has a replay camera and screenshot functionality, using a technique that stereographers use when they only have one camera, called the cha-cha method, where you take a pic, strafe to the side, and take a second. It only works properly on still-life, otherwise anything in the frame that moves between the time you took the first and second pictures will flicker unnaturally.

I'm all about finding 3D in ways that were never meant to be. For instance, 2D movies-- if the camera is strafing he's essentially doing the cha-cha and recording a photo for every millimeter he moves. The more frames I leave between the left and right, the greater the depth.

Even after a year of this, I'm still surprising myself. I was astonished when recently I found a promo shot of Scarlett Johansson in Iron Man 2 that was a unique opportunity thanks to a conveniently-placed reflective pillar she was standing right next to:






cakefoo said:
On the lower-right corner of the YT player, hover over 3D then click "Other Options," then "View Video With No 3D Device," and then "It works! Take me back to the video."

There will be two white dots in the area above the video frame. If you cross your eyes until they intersect you'll see the effect.

However I made these videos for fullscreen viewing with glasses, even red cyan anaglyph glasses, which only cost a dollar, give or take, and can look decent if you select the optimized/dubois output on the player. Content made for fullscreen viewing with glasses will look muted in freeview.

Nah, these can be done in any game that has a replay camera and screenshot functionality, using a technique that stereographers use when they only have one camera, called the cha-cha method, where you take a pic, strafe to the side, and take a second. It only works properly on still-life, otherwise anything in the frame that moves between the time you took the first and second pictures will flicker unnaturally.

I'm all about finding 3D in ways that were never meant to be. For instance, 2D movies-- if the camera is strafing he's essentially doing the cha-cha and recording a photo for every millimeter he moves. The more frames I leave between the left and right, the greater the depth.

Nice, thanks for the info. I guess it's kinda easy to make 3D screens of UC2 then?


V_Ben said:
Sam... why are you a Junior again? I could have sworn you were amusingly tagged.

Hell if I know. I've long since given up trying to figure out the rhyme or reason of this place. I've pretty much had a tag of some kind pretty much since I registered, so I'm sure another will crop up when I dare voice my opinion on another screen saver you can spaz out to or something.


jett said:
Nice, thanks for the info. I guess it's kinda easy to make 3D screens of UC2 then?
Yeah, I mean, I started out making crosseye 3D screenshots, which have very lax rules. When I switched to anaglyph 3D on a 24 inch monitor I started to realize how 3D strength affects ghosting and eyestrain, and that I had to be more careful making photos. And when I got a 65-inch 3D DLP, I had to adapt my technique even finer because of the larger screen size. So the bigger the screen, the less room for error.

But gauging 3D strength without having a realtime 3D preview became simple once I figured out a system. After taking the first shot, I take note of where the closest object to me is at on the screen. I slowly strafe the camera sideways, and stop when that foreground object moves 1.5-2.5 inches on my screen. Not measured in virtual in-game inches, but literally the distance it has moved on my screen. Then I input the two images into Stereophoto Maker and adjust the convergence so that the nearest foreground object is the point of convergence. That is to say, as I'm previewing it with glasses, and hover my mouse over that object, the cursor and the object in the photo will appear to be on the same plane. And if I remove my glasses, the two blurry images will perfectly overlap on that foreground plane. And the reason the 2.5 inches rule exists is because when you converge on the foreground object, the background objects split apart, which forces your eyes to go parallel, straight ahead. If they're split apart any more than 2.5 inches your eyes are going to need to diverge outward, which is painful to impossible for most. That's why I couldn't play Killzone 3 in 3D actually-- the cinematics were hard-encoded, and were too strong for my eyes to handle extended periods of time of.




So Resistance 3 will support stereoscopic 3D.

Time to update that Wikipedia list with Ratchet all4one, Battlefield 3 and Resistance 3.

Any more recently announced that I missed?


Smokey said:
Any impressions of Socom 4 in 3D?

Also what 3DTV are you guys using?
Shit, forgot to try this ! Is the Beta 3D too ? If so, I'll try quiiiickly !

Using a Panasonic VT20/25 here.


Smokey said:
Any impressions of Socom 4 in 3D?

Also what 3DTV are you guys using?

Are Killzone 3 buyers allowed to DL it yet? I haven't been keeping up but I'll check it out if so.

Toshiba 46WX800 here. :)



Fuuuck :(


Just picked up an Acer HS244HQ 3D monitor a few days ago and so far I'm loving it. It's like the whole 3d kit all in one except with MUCH better brightness during the 3D and better contrast as well. Now I get to wait for the 3D tech to catch up with some of the games :p.

Motorstorm looked pretty decent after I tweaked it a bit. Prince of Persia 3D trilogy was Meh, and then you have Killzone 3 and Crysis 2 which completely blew me the fuck away. The added depth that the 3d effects gave those games pretty much ensured that the ONLY was I was gonna be playing them from now on was in 3D. Those 2 game pretty much justified the monitor itself.

Next project will probably be to test out Nvidia's 3dtx system and see how it works. But I'm not holding my breath for anything here as it's gonna be powered by my netbook.

But we'll see.


Motorstorm Apocalypse next week. Who's excited? YEEEEAAH. I'm gonna Goozex it though, because I'm a choosy peasant.

Question time:

1. Do you think Twisted Metal will be in 3D? Sure, last December Jaffe said no, but he was misinformed about the technical requirements.. In actuality, TM being a splitscreen MP game should make things a cakewalk for 3D development.

2. What are some other franchises/upcoming splitscreen games that you think will take that extra step to support 3D? And don't limit this to Sony published games: we've seen 2K, EA, Activision, THQ, Namco, Sega, and Ubisoft games do 3D.

3. Uncharted 3 and Killzone 3 are recent examples of games that gained both splitscreen and 3D because of the dual benefits of optimizing the graphics. What are some other games that should take this opportunity to implement splitscreen and 3D?
Smokey said:
Any impressions of Socom 4 in 3D?

Also what 3DTV are you guys using?

I got a samsung 55D8000 it cost a pretty penny but so far its been worth it. The new samsung bluetooth glasses are awesome, glad I didnt have to experience IR glasses


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Outtrigger888 said:
I got a samsung 55D8000 it cost a pretty penny but so far its been worth it. The new samsung bluetooth glasses are awesome, glad I didnt have to experience IR glasses

Wait. TV-to-Glasses comm now occurs solely via bluetooth?
TTP said:
Wait. TV-to-Glasses comm now occurs solely via bluetooth?

All the samsung 2011 models use bluetooth glasses. I can sit anywhere and see 3D, hell I can be 20 some feet back in my kitchen and see 3d. Samsung bluetooth glasses are only 50$ they lowered all the prices in april probaly to compete with LG's passive 3d tech.
Outtrigger888 said:
I got a samsung 55D8000 it cost a pretty penny but so far its been worth it. The new samsung bluetooth glasses are awesome, glad I didnt have to experience IR glasses
They've been getting a lot of negative reviews for flashlighting and uniformity issues. The Sony HX929 looks pretty sweet but I'm waiting to see what the LG LW9500s have to offer. LG apparently has a firmware update for June/July that will allow 1080i for their "passive" 3D technology.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Outtrigger888 said:
All the samsung 2011 models use bluetooth glasses. I can sit anywhere and see 3D, hell I can be 20 some feet back in my kitchen and see 3d. Samsung bluetooth glasses are only 50$ they lowered all the prices in april probaly to compete with LG's passive 3d tech.

That's pretty cool. Is Samsung the only company doing BT active glasses? What's the battery life like? Is the battery rechargeable or do you still have to buy new batteries?
Epic Tales of Penis said:
They've been getting a lot of negative reviews for flashlighting and uniformity issues. The Sony HX929 looks pretty sweet but I'm waiting to see what the LG LW9500s have to offer. LG apparently has a firmware update for June/July that will allow 1080i for their "passive" 3D technology.

The flashlighting issue is quickly fixed with the black level adjuster in the settings, no uniformity issues for me at the moment. Ive heard good things about the sony HX929 I think thats fully backlit. I returned the LG I bought before the samsung because the backlight bleeding got so bad after a month I couldnt take it so I decided to spend a little extra money and its been well worth it. Ive had my samsung for 2 months and havnt had a single issue. Ive heard others with the D8000 having issues im sure it was either a bad run of build and hopefully samsung gets it figured out.

TTP said:
That's pretty cool. Is Samsung the only company doing BT active glasses? What's the battery life like? Is the battery rechargeable or do you still have to buy new batteries?

70 hours on cheap 2$ batteries (non rechargable glasses)

I was gonna purchase one of pannys new plasmas but since I have a sitter over everyday to watch my kids, the tv gets a lot of use and didnt need a 300$ electric bill

My rechargable pairs samsung sent me last around 45 hours. They only take 2 hours to charge
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