what is this?!?! Is it for the US also?
what is this?!?! Is it for the US also?
Fuck. Wonder if EB will be as generous.
what is this?!?! Is it for the US also?
If you share a video to Facebook and make it private in FB can PSN users still see it in the what's new section?
Yes I can. Sounds great too.
Can you take off the real name stuff?, all I see is PSN IDs on my feed...
I probably need to call Sony?, I want to see my PS ID in my Feed not my "name"...
Something you have to wonder about is how many people bought a PS4 and brought it home to a TV that doesn't have any HDMI support? I could see someone returning a console, and that being a "hardware" problem.I went to Walmart today to cash in on that pre-black Friday deal and picked up Killzone Shadow Fall.
The lady there asked if I was having any problems with my PS4. I said no, and she said that most of the PS4s that they have sold have been returned due to hardware problems.
I thought there weren't that many issues?
I went to Walmart today to cash in on that pre-black Friday deal and picked up Killzone Shadow Fall.
The lady there asked if I was having any problems with my PS4. I said no, and she said that most of the PS4s that they have sold have been returned due to hardware problems.
I thought there weren't that many issues?
I was wrong about NBA 2k's install time when I said it was around 2 1/2-3 minutes. Since I got a replacement PS4 I have to reinstall everything obviously so I timed NBA this time. Took exactly 59 seconds to fully install all 50gb.
Very impressive PS4.
there seems to be a bug or some of the uploads not showing when you click to upload.
this is what i see in the storage management
this is what i see in the upload video instead.
i assume this is what people may have mentioned about not recording the last 15 minutes or showing the old one
Sony should allow OPTION button in the storage management to push to upload as well when not using share button.
Has anybody seen this ?
Thing is, this is Wednesday afternoon. The PS4 launched at midnight Nov. 15, which was a Friday. Chiu had classes to attend on Thursday, and didn't bring a partner to hold his spot in the queue. "It was that evening when I was heading home that I was fully prepared to surrender my spot in line," he said, "because I couldn't do the thing where we line up outside on the sidewalk when we're in November and things are approaching winter temperatures."P
No problem. Sony said they'd save his space in line. "Sony was unbelievably gracious in letting me head home for the night and keeping my spot in line. I am eternally grateful for this.," Chiu said.P
The campout was no hardship tour, for Chiu or anyone else. First of all, it was catered. I mean where else but New York will someone give you free food for sitting on a sidewalk. Others in the line behind Chiu were from out of town, and Sony put them up at the hotel. "How awesome is that?" Chiu said.P
do you have NFS? time that.
delete is just as fast. i deleted 2k14 like 10 minutes ago. it was under 5 seconds.
I'm ready for my ps4. I have:
- 1TB 7200 rpm HDD.
- Gaming Headset
-Killzone Shadowfall
Now all I'm missing... is for my PS4 to get here on Monday.
Looks to me like Storage Management is sorted by name and Upload Video is sorted by date. I'm not seeing anything missing.
4 fucking hours to download AC4's 144MB patch. Anyone else getting speeds like this?
Anybody having an issue with the DS4 where the game thinks the right stick is pointing down? I'm playing BF4 and every so often my guy will just hard aim straight to the ground.
4 fucking hours to download AC4's 144MB patch. Anyone else getting speeds like this?
Maybe try turning the controller off and on?
Anybody having an issue with the DS4 where the game thinks the right stick is pointing down? I'm playing BF4 and every so often my guy will just hard aim straight to the ground.
So they include a headset with every PS4 yet online is still a complete wasteland for voice communication. Havent heard a single person speak in BF4 in two hours.
So they include a headset with every PS4 yet online is still a complete wasteland for voice communication. Havent heard a single person speak in BF4 in two hours.
It might because everyone is in a party chat.
They also included party chat in case you forgot
So they include a headset with every PS4 yet online is still a complete wasteland for voice communication. Havent heard a single person speak in BF4 in two hours.
I feel like an Idiot, but can anyone tell me the difference between the Premium and Access plans for Music Unlimited and your experience with the service?
Has anybody seen this ?
Thing is, this is Wednesday afternoon. The PS4 launched at midnight Nov. 15, which was a Friday. Chiu had classes to attend on Thursday, and didn't bring a partner to hold his spot in the queue. "It was that evening when I was heading home that I was fully prepared to surrender my spot in line," he said, "because I couldn't do the thing where we line up outside on the sidewalk when we're in November and things are approaching winter temperatures."P
No problem. Sony said they'd save his space in line. "Sony was unbelievably gracious in letting me head home for the night and keeping my spot in line. I am eternally grateful for this.," Chiu said.P
The campout was no hardship tour, for Chiu or anyone else. First of all, it was catered. I mean where else but New York will someone give you free food for sitting on a sidewalk. Others in the line behind Chiu were from out of town, and Sony put them up at the hotel. "How awesome is that?" Chiu said.P
So xb1 launch thread has more most now. And was week behind.
True megaton
What is the early verdict on Remote Play with the Vita?
With a 2 year old that always wants to watch Dora or Barney, it seems to make a lot of sense to me.
Yup, xbox one more popular on gaf confirmed!
What is the early verdict on Remote Play with the Vita?
With a 2 year old that always wants to watch Dora or Barney, it seems to make a lot of sense to me.
whens parappa HD coming out?
Wny the hell wasn't this included in the start up or setup tutorial? Thank you.Double tap the share button to manually set a start point for a 15 minute recording. After starting a recording, single tap to end recording.
If you just press the share button once, it SHOULD have your previous 15 minutes already there though people are reporting glitches.
Finally, long hold the share button and release to take a screenshot.
Okay, I'm posting this link here because I don't have the power to create threads, i don't think.
But this has really peaked my interest.
This video is another console comparison video, but this one stands out from the rest.
Mainly because of the section when demonstrating the time each console takes to start up from their respective standby modes.
In this video the PS4 starts up at an extremely fast rate!
I have a PS4 and mine does not start up out of standby this fast.
Can anyone clarify to me why that is? Does yours start up as fast as the one in the video?
Start at point 9:07 in the video and tell me what you think.
when you are in standby and PS4 is working (downloading/installing/updating), it is really quick.
When you are in standby and PS4 is doing nothing, it has to start OS all over again and it takes 20s.