Warning, overly positive post incoming.
Got the thing since yesterday, felt really special as people in the shop were asking for the console and they were told they were all sold out. It was in a brown box but I packed it out in the shop. I said because the PS4 box has a handle so its easier to carry it home, but fuck that, I just wanted to walk through my city with a PS4.
Had no problem setting it up, had to wait until midnight before I could sign in PSN (as expected with console launches). Works like a charm.
I have:
Assassins Creed 4
Battlefield 4
COD Ghosts
Tried out everything except COD and Contrast. Could write pages about all games but Im too busy playing. Already played some games the past few weeks because we have a PS4 at the office (I write about games for some websites) so I already knew Resogun is awesome and Knack is meh, but still.
Biggest surprise? How much Im enjoying the stream/twitch option. Love to do it, already did it for hours now and will be doing it all day tomorrow. (twitch channel is
http://www.twitch.tv/mozlapunk/ , but beware I talk in Dutch).
Ive always been a big Nintendo fan, enjoyed the hell out of playstation and ps2, but I have to say last gen I swayed to Xbox 360 more (although I always have all consoles, so I also had the PS3). But I can really see the PS4 becoming my main system. It just feels perfect, can't really describe it. Not a sony fanboy in any way but slowly turning into one I guess.
Of course there are things that could be better. Better twitch streaming quality and ability to save your streams for instance. Some niggles in the OS that need to be streamlined. Haven't tried out watching blu rays and its important to me (have a big collection).
But all in all, I'm very impressed and loving the experience. Took monday and tuesday off work. Monday Ill also have to go to the dentist and go look at a house (me and my gf are in the market to buy one), but other than that, I'm up for a further three games of gaming heaven.
Enjoy all! I will for sure.