I got my PS4 yesterday. Initial impressions:
The controller is totally awesome imo, best controller I've tried yet.
I really like the UI too, more so than I thought I would, it's slick and fast and kind of logical even though it's all rearanged from PS3.
Resogun is fantastic! It might not be a system seller since it's a niche game but it's definitely worthy of all the prelaunch hype and praise.
I have Killzone, AC4 and NFS too but I haven't played much yet because of Resogun's awesomeness, the install time on Killzone was insanely short though, like 1 minute or something like that, I said wow.
The console is a bit noisy though, somewhere between slim and phat I'd say, but I kind of assumed it would be so since it's so small so I'm not too annoyed at it right now, I might be if it's loud during BD playback though but I haven't tried that yet. The fan spins at standby (yellow light) too which was odd, is it the same for everyone else? Maybe I have too much features active for standby use, internet access and controller charhing etc?