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PSN Hack Update: FAQs in OP, Read before posting

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GeoramA said:
This is fucked up. And people think digital distribution is the future...

This has nothing to do with digital distribution. Giving your person information online in any context is a risk. Same thing happened to Monoprice not too long ago, iirc.


Corporate Apologist
Trevelyon said:
...and they're not completely justified? This is an abysmal breach of costumer confidence.
I guess. I personally don't find companies infallible, and don't expect them to be, and simply judge them on their merits. This leak is a going to be bad for their image, and and irks me they can't have any of their service up right now, but I don't think any less of Sony's Platforms.
Myy PS3 died recently and my Debit Card details are on there/on PSN... I can't delete my CC number etc now but how likely is this going to affect me?


Well... thanks a lot Sony. Just spent the last 30 minutes changing all of my passwords, and now have to spend several days cautiously eyeing the bank account linked to my debit card.

I'll be sure to buy PSN cards from now on for my Playstation Network purchases so that Sony will get the minimum amount of money per sale. After all, it clearly wasn't going towards improving the network in any way.

The fact that it took a week for them to tell people that basically all of their personal information was stolen is absolutely disgusting, and the fact that it's still going to be another week or so before it's back up is just stupid considering the size of the company.


Although I'll wait for a bit to go through this step, what is the program that takes care of all of your passwords?
Serious question. Is it really useful for the hackers to try and sell this information anywhere or would all the damage have to be done by them? Wouldn't selling any of the information just make it that much more likely they'd get caught now that this is such a public matter? FBI will be tracking the info no doubt.
On the Brightside:
They couldn't have taken that much info unless plugged straight fucking into the servers.

Fingers crossed my shit didn't get stolen =D.



GeoramA said:
This is fucked up. And people think digital distribution is the future...
This has nothing inherently to do with digital distribution. Most digital distributors have a competent only security story. Sony has proven total incompetence on numerous occasions.


How do we even know if Sony had a poor security system in place for PSN? Maybe the whole Geohot thing provoked hackers to hack their network?

Not really informed enough to point rage at anyone. But yeah, fuck hackers and fuck those who support them.
chubigans said:
Canceling your credit cards isn't a great idea, as it negatively impacts your credit score. Just keep an eye on it for a few weeks.

Well... Changing the card number should be sufficient and does not count as a cancel.


I've only purchased a handful of things on the PSN, but like a few others, that card expired a while ago and I haven't entered any new information. I can't believe Sony's incompetence in their handling of this situation though. If there was even the SLIGHTEST chance that people's CC and personal information was compromised, they should've said something then and there. Fuck waiting a week just to "determine the extent."
The melt downs in this thread sound like no one has ever gotten a letter from their bank or other corporation saying there has been a security breach. Shit happens a lot, not on this scale. But whoever did this, did a fantastic job, no security in the world can stop a determined group of people. Sony will bite the bullet, on this one sadly, even though it could happen to a lot of services.


Drkirby said:
I guess. I personally don't find companies infallible, and don't expect them to be, and simply judge them on their merits. This leak is a going to be bad for their image, and and irks me they can't have any of their service up right now, but I don't think any less of Sony's Platforms.
Maybe if this was a one-time, thing, but it's not. Their failure to properly implement a fucking random number generator is the root cause of this whole thing, and this breech is severely worse than Gawker's screw-up last year - which in and of itself was already massive.


Wow, this is going to cost SONY a fortune until it's all said and done. So much for a PS3 price cut, competitively prices NGP Sku's, and cheap KZ3 map packs.

Hell, they'll probably strip away lots of the PS Plus freebies to help pay compensate for the financial losses from this mess.

The PS3 has had terrific momentum this year, but this is catastrophe is going to slam the brakes on their progress. Microsoft has got to be just be loving this.


BradleyUK said:
Why don't you blame the hackers and not Sony!

Not every network is safe you know
:lol - can't be serious. "Ah well, it may get compromised, you know... not everything is safe - but now give me your CC info and all that"
FTH said:
ruh roh

Hello. Usually when member or non-mod posts /thread it is to emphasize what a poster is saying, not to seriously end discussion . I was probably wanting to do that though.
Hello. Damage control made sense in the other thread when we didn't know anything and optimistic people could hope for the best because they think Sony are comprised of a bunch of nice people who, gosh darnit, really want the best for us because they're super awesome and they wouldn't take the network down unless there was a really, really good reason for it that was in our best interest not to be privy to, but that was the other thread. There's no need for damage control now. Whatever the lasting impact of this, they deserve to take their beating for this, because they fucked up.


Drkirby said:
I guess. I personally don't find companies infallible, and don't expect them to be, and simply judge them on their merits. This leak is a going to be bad for their image, and and irks me they can't have any of their service up right now, but I don't think any less of Sony's Platforms.


They waited a full week to mention this to us! Comprende? NO ONE IN THIS THREAD WHO IS IRATE AT THE MOMENT GIVES A FUCK ABOUT THE SERVICE RIGHT NOW.


Steve Youngblood said:
Hello. Damage control made sense in the other thread when we didn't know anything and optimistic people could hope for the best because they think Sony are comprised of a bunch of nice people who, gosh darnit, really want the best for us because they're super awesome and they wouldn't take the network down unless there was a really, really good reason for it that was in our best interest not to be privy to, but that was the other thread. There's no need for damage control now. Whatever the lasting impact of this, they deserve to take their beating for this, because they fucked up.
Yes, pretty much.

bob page

BradleyUK said:
Why don't you blame the hackers and not Sony!

Not every network is safe you know

When you are put in charge of millions and millions of accounts of your CUSTOMERS, it is your DUTY to protect their information. Not to mention they waited a WEEK before actually disclosing what was going on.

Curufinwe said:
I think I might go to the bank after work and get a new Visa Debit card. That's what I used on PSN; I don't own any actual credit cards.

Remember, if your Debit Card is on there, there's no Fraud Protection usually on Debit Cards, only Credit Cards. If you have a Debit Card, check your fraud cover, and potentially cancel your card. I've cancelled mine just now FWIW.

AnEternalEnigma said:
Guys, calm down. Just watch your credit card like a hawk and if you see anything weird, cancel it immediately. No need to freak out.

Sounds like the perfect reason to freak out to me :)


So since I deleted my CC info on my PSN account a couple weeks before all this shit happened, could the info still be compromised?


Krauser Kat said:
The melt downs in this thread sound like no one has ever gotten a letter from their bank or other corporation saying there has been a security breach. Shit happens a lot, not on this scale. But whoever did this, did a fantastic job, no security in the world can stop a determined group of people. Sony will bite the bullet, on this one sadly, even though it could happen to a lot of services.

Bullshit. The problem is that Sony's security was completely incapable and incompetent. The reason why shit doesn't happen on this scale is because no other such breech has been caused by a totally inept developer.


dralla said:
Q.5 How many were affected? How many per each region? What is the latest status of PlayStation Network registered account/ operating countries.

Our investigation indicates that all PlayStation Network/ Qriocity accounts may have been affected

Holy shit I don't have a ps3 but I am going to tell my friends who have ASAP.


Time to vent:

It Only Does:

Ridiculous Price Points

Slow Ass PSN Servers

Security Breaches

Identity Theft

No Cross Game Chat

Incompetent CEOs

Man Sony is freaking incompetent. I hope my long canceled card is all that's on my account if anything. Good thing I go out of my way to use prepaid cards for everything.


upJTboogie said:
This is pretty much how I feel.

I think it's pretty ignorant for people to say PSN security was shitty just because it was hacked.

If a group of determined script kiddies set their sights on XBL instead of PSN, XBL would be down for the count too.


I did a fraud alert...all three agencies monitoring for 90 days...honestly, Im not concerned at all, but now I feel that much better.

I just wanna play blops and portal.


Kyoufu said:
How do we even know if Sony had a poor security system in place for PSN?
Because it got hacked. Having your system hacked obviously means you spent $10 on securing it.


Gold Member
This is fucking absurd. Sony should've let us know on Friday at the absolute latest.

But at this stage I couldn't tell you how many times my personal information has been stolen. At least four times.

The problem isn't really Sony. NONE of these companies are responsible with this information because they DO NOT HAVE TO BE. Congress essentially lets companies walk away from mammoth data breaches while leaving the people whose info got stolen (through no fault of their own) to clean up the mess.

Look at the message from Sony - it's all about shit we have to do. Fuck you Sony, contact the credit bureaus for me. Why do I need to waste my time?

Bottom line, companies have no requirement to handle this data responsibly, they face no punishment from mishandling it, they will keep doing it.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Orin GA said:
Quite a few people must be eating crow right about now. Id go back and hunt for quotes but Im not that petty. Oh wait yes i am, Im just lazy.

I know what you mean. I can't even count the amount of "Your info is fine, sony would have let us know immediately if anything happened" in the last thread. Yup.


lawblob said:
Serious question; do you think Sony actually has enough insurance to cover this? I can only imagine the penalties are higher in the EU than in the US.

I mean, are we talking hundreds of millions of dollars? This is catastrophically bad for Sony, right?
The number I have heard thrown around in an IT course is $100 per person, per year, 3 years.


Unfortunate, but what are ya gonna do? Change my password on PSN and if any weird charges are made to my card which hardly has any money in it anyways :( I will cancel it. I'm a videogame whore. It's probably stupid of me, but whenever something like this happens I just want it to come back to normal so I can do what I was doing before.

EDIT: Yeah I can stop supporting them so they get the message, but i'm a lazy motherfucker who just wants his games :(
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