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PSN Hack Update: FAQs in OP, Read before posting

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Sony is at fault for not communicating with their consumers in a timely manner, nothing more.

Some of you are unbelievable. I won't say what I REALLY feel about the recent flood of posters (and a few other "senior" members), but I'm sure some of you can guess.
Green Biker Dude said:
he could've just had a keylogger from a botnet on his system

security breaches like this are rare and a sign of incompetence. not to mention a lot of people wanted to serve sony some after their response to the ps3 hacking
By completely screwing over the gamers they were fighting for! Brilliant!


Good thing my PSN password is used only for that.

I just wanna update my trophies. I got 2 platinum(GoW collection) during this downtime.
Peacemillian said:
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time

Stop crying you fucking babies, and to all the lowlifes blaming sony rather than the hackers, this could have happened to any major company, and if the 40 people the FBI are after arnt to blame, it will be some guys using the geohat scandal to cover it up.
Lol, chill out little ma.


Since the security code of the CC wasn't leaked how could they use it?
And I guess they encrypted the password on the server so we just need to change it once it s back online no?
What could be the worse thing to happend with the leak?
gofreak said:
Oooh boy.

Think I'll be cancelling my CC, just in case.

No more linking credit cards to my PSN account. Prepaid cards only from now on, Sony.

This. Kinda sucks, but I'm not willing to deal with that kind of bullshit.

Sony is at fault for not communicating with their consumers in a timely manner, nothing more.

It depends on how the info was obtained. I'm not selling my PS3 or any of that bullshit, just using prepaid from now on.


Peacemillian said:
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time

Stop crying you fucking babies, and to all the lowlifes blaming sony rather than the hackers, this could have happened to any major company, and if the 40 people the FBI are after arnt to blame, it will be some guys using the geohat scandal to cover it up.

Got the attention you wanted, aye? How classy.


Peacemillian said:
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time

Stop crying you fucking babies, and to all the lowlifes blaming sony rather than the hackers, this could have happened to any major company, and if the 40 people the FBI are after arnt to blame, it will be some guys using the geohat scandel to cover it up.

Jesus christ, really? Forget about the credit card information for a moment - even if it wasn't taken. The other information that was swiped was a violation of our trust in Sony as a company to keep our personal information safe. They have violated that trust by allowing it to be get out because of their security. Regardless of the cause (hackers), Sony had a responsibility to its customer base that it hasn't upheld. They absolutely have a significant portion of the blame to be assigned in this case, because I'm not doing business with the hackers, I'm doing business with Sony, with the understanding that my information would stay secure with them.


Peacemillian said:
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time

Stop crying you fucking babies, and to all the lowlifes blaming sony rather than the hackers, this could have happened to any major company, and if the 40 people the FBI are after arnt to blame, it will be some guys using the geohat scandal to cover it up.

Yeah, I'm sure hackers fucked with Sony so bad that it took them 6 fucking days to put out a press release about this.

God, people will defend anything.
notworksafe said:
Um, you can't. Hence the shut down....

I meant during the process. Shouldn't something flag up after the first million accounts or so?

They said probably all accounts are affected, so I just assume they only detected it after the data transfer was complete.
Peacemillian said:
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time

Stop crying you fucking babies, and to all the lowlifes blaming sony rather than the hackers, this could have happened to any major company, and if the 40 people the FBI are after arnt to blame, it will be some guys using the geohat scandal to cover it up.
so did you want a ban or just public humiliation
Peacemillian said:
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time

Stop crying you fucking babies, and to all the lowlifes blaming sony rather than the hackers, this could have happened to any major company, and if the 40 people the FBI are after arnt to blame, it will be some guys using the geohat scandal to cover it up.

They also say that possibly ALL information was stolen. Them saying there is no evidence at this time doesn't make it impossible and isn't comforting considering how long it took for a statement on this.


FTH said:
They probably knew they didn't know how to handle CFW possibly, whether they were improving security for it before this is unknown, but they definitely should've been.

they should have rebuild the PSN once the CFW was able to login the PSN, its basic security protocol


Game over Sony. RIP 1994-2011.

If my account is gone or my card has been tampered with I'm through with game consoles for good. Been too obsessive about this hobby for too long anyway so that'd be all the motivation I need to find some other way to spend my free time.
Knux-Future said:
I'm pissed at Sony and everything but c'mon duders, Perhaps they just found out everything recently and haven't actually waited a week to tell us. Imagine if they had said...there might have been a breach and your shit could be fucked up BEFORE finding out if it really was the case?
I understand liking a company enough through repeated business over the years and decades to want to give them the benefit of the doubt. I don't think that benefit can reasonably be extended to "come on guys, I'm sure it took them -- a technology company -- almost an entire week of research before they ascertained this. It's plausible, guys! I mean, they obviously knew it was bad because they completely took it down, but it's reasonable that they had no clue how bad!"


Peacemillian said:
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time

Stop crying you fucking babies, and to all the lowlifes blaming sony rather than the hackers, this could have happened to any major company, and if the 40 people the FBI are after arnt to blame, it will be some guys using the geohat scandal to cover it up.

The invaders are inside the castle walls! Quick, light yourselves on fire and hurl yourselves at the mongrel hordes!! Long live Kaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!1


mysteriousmage09 said:
By completely screwing over the gamers they were fighting for! Brilliant!

Bububub consumer rights, i want to do whatever i want, geohot robin hood, corporate shill, and all that jazz.
I'm not getting this waiting a week thing. I thought we always knew there was a possibility of our info being compromised, I remember a lot of people in the original thread checking their cards making sure no charges were made.

But now we have Sony confirming it's a possibility, even though there isn't concrete evidence it's happened yet.


Peacemillian said:
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time

Stop crying you fucking babies, and to all the lowlifes blaming sony rather than the hackers, this could have happened to any major company, and if the 40 people the FBI are after arnt to blame, it will be some guys using the geohat scandal to cover it up.
OK. Fantastic. So it was just my passwords, email, name, address, PSN handle, and security responses stolen in a relational database? Super.
Peacemillian said:
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time

Stop crying you fucking babies, and to all the lowlifes blaming sony rather than the hackers, this could have happened to any major company, and if the 40 people the FBI are after arnt to blame, it will be some guys using the geohat scandal to cover it up.


jett said:
PSN's username is our e-mail, how are we supposed to change that you stupid sony mongrels.

Anyway, I changed my PSN password only a few days before it went down, I might be in the clear. And I used virtual cards(until they stopped working, thanks Sony), so no issues there either.

wtf are you talking about?
Welp, I changed my credit cards just in case about half an hour ago.

Goddammit, what the fuck, Sony?!

And especially fuck you to those motherfucking pieces of shit thieving ass dicks hackers.

i don't understand why anyone would give sony the benefit of the doubt concerning the credit card numbers. after seeing how badly the passwords were protected and how they couldn't even generate random numbers properly, it's pretty clear they're hiring incompetent programmers and the credit card numbers should be as good as leaked imo

at this point i'd say sony's just waiting to announce it later to try to damage control the whole situation and create less panic. press the panic button, i say
Zenith said:
I believe sensitive data has to have some minimum level of encryption in the UK. That would include names, addresses, passwords.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking, but I was wondering if it'd still apply since Sony/the data isn't stored in the UK?
Could be a horrible time for Sony if they do still fall under the UK Data Protection Act, since they haven't really protected the data at all.


darkwing said:
i don't think Sony would ever really recover from this, its tough recover the reputation, don't know how they will do it, PS3 got hacked, PSN got hacked
It's going to be very difficult but it can be done, though they will never be able to shake this incident off. What it will take is absolutely textbook management, something I don't think SCE are capable of. Right now I wouldn't be surprised if the NGP were to be delayed for the time being: there's no way they can release a new console with this sort of PR riding it's coattails.


even if they didn't get my cc info, that is a royal fuckup . if they got ALL of that personal info it would seem feasible enough to get any of my passwords for any number of other services i considered secure. sigh.


This is why I will never again use my CC/debit card on these gaming networks. Point/cash cards only for now on. Btw, I used my debit card on PSN over a year ago. Am I at risk?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
bob page said:
After-hours trading on Sony stock is already down 1.5%, I wonder how big the losses are going to be tomorrow.
This is really sad since I bought a 320GB hard drive the DAY before PSN gave out.

I wanted to download some games, spice up my avatar and maybe DL Home again just to have it.

Got the God of War I and II bundle though. SMH Sony


I hope I can sign up for a lawsuit soon. It would make me feel better. And I just bought MK for PS3 today. Shoulda went with the 360 version.


Ok, card cancelled. That was relatively quick and painless, and I'm pretty sure that my PSN password is the same one as it was pre gawker hack. i.e. I forgot to change it, hurr.

This is going to be haunting Sony for quite some time, a f*ck up on this magnitude is... well, sh*t. Indescribable.
RyanDG said:
Look at the numbers in those leaks compared to the 70 million accounts that were compromised here. It wasn't a hyperbole. The only one that came close was the VA leak.

That 70 millions are not from real people, with CC (there are not even 70 millions PS3). If you take out the duplicated accounts to browse several stores, the accounts that don't have real information and the accounts that don't have any CC attached (because of PSN cards or deleting CC after buy), it's still huge, but much lower than 70 millions.


Garjon said:
It's going to be very difficult but it can be done, though they will never be able to shake this incident off. What it will take is absolutely textbook management, something I don't think SCE are capable of. Right now I wouldn't be surprised if the NGP were to be delayed for the time being: there's no way they can release a new console with this sort of PR riding it's coattails.

Outside of forums, people will forget in 6 months.


bucsfan0210 said:
So what precautions should I take due to the intrusion. It might have been said earlier, but yeah i don't know.
1. Your PSN password is to be considered UNSAFE. If you use it anywhere else, change it immediately.
2. Got a credit card on file on PSN? Watch it very carefully, or get it replaced.
3. Rage at Sony.

The third one doesn't do much practically, but it's healthy to vent sometimes.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
gibration said:
It's a good thing I always delete my CC info every time I make a purchase with it on PSN.
I personally don't think that gives you the protection you expect.
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