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PSN Hack Update: FAQs in OP, Read before posting

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Sony said:
For your security, we encourage you to be especially aware of email, telephone, and postal mail scams that ask for personal or sensitive information. Sony will not contact you in any way, including by email, asking for your credit card number, social security number or other personally identifiable information. If you are asked for this information, you can be confident Sony is not the entity asking.
This is probably why they haven't sent emails, I don't know though, just a guess.


test_account said:
Isnt it being sent out? That danish Playstation facebook account had a post about it at least, but that it could take a while before every 77 million accounts got the mail.
Our fake accounts are slowing the process up. :p


BeeDog said:
Holy shit, I can picture Jack Tretton causing tidal waves of sweat at the E3 conference now.

It's going to be crazy. I mean, they came back from Giant Enemy Crabs, five-hundred-and-ninety-nine-us-dollars, last gen rumble, backtracking on last gen rumble, and removing PS2 b/c, but this, idk how they'll manage it.


SappYoda said:
[Hacker sued] Haters: OMG Sony are evil I'm going to donate to hackers!
[PSN stopped] Haters: It's not the hackers!
[Hackers behind confirmed] Haters: Sony should have better security!
[PSN in halt to improve security] Haters: I can't believe PSN is not up yet I'm giving up on PS3!

Seriously people, you suck.
Pretty much.

Those who said Sony was lying, where the fuck are you?
That is too bad. Like others have said in this thread, this is happening a lot more frequently lately. Scary times, thankfully my bank will fix any possible credit card fraud, and my address is not correct. As long as my PSN account is still there I am fine.



TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:
How about our security question? Isn't that unchangeable?

Was that stolen also?

Doesn't the security question depend on you having access to the registered mail address?
a lot of people seem absolutely determined to make sure sony is to blame for any and everything involved with this whole debacle regardless of how nonsensical, irrational, or illogical it is.

someone complained that sony said "a few days" and it's taken longer. would you rather them put the PSN back up and THEN figure out the damage and put up new security measures? it would be a fantastic idea. let the hackers back in to do more damage and wreck havoc on the infrastructure while you try to figure out what originally happened so you can protect against it.

i'm also seeing a lot of people blow this 'lack of security' way out of proportion. some people are acting as if they were the people that personally engineered the PSN, and are somehow knowledgeable of it's structure and design. really? you KNOW that sony set up their security based on the idea that PS3 is unhackable? enlighten us on how you are privy to such information.

some people seem more concerned about getting back on PSN to play a game online than anything else. to the point where the overall security and safety of the network isn't as important as getting prestige in black ops. then they turn around and talk about how poorly sony is handling things and how poor their security is. why not keep quiet (since blabbering on won't fix anything) and letting them fix things, and fix them the right way. not putting on a bandaid, but completely redoing it all and making sure it's even more secure. that's right, more SECURE. nothing is 100%. would you rather them put the PSN up after a few days with just a bandaid and the hackers ACTUALLY get your credit card info or leave it down untilt hey can construct some serious armor?

anyone remember WAMU's visa's all being canceled and replaced with mastercards? yep. tons of visa card numbers got compromised. we got no notice of it until suddenly "hey we canceled your card and are sending you a new one that's from a different company." i don't particularly like the way that was handled, but it's something that had to be done, and im not mad at WAMU for letting a hacker in, im mad at the hacker for hacking WAMU. that's why it's called hacking. it's not an open door. you get mad at the shooter, not the victim for not being 100% coated in kevlar.

and as far as sony 'keeping us in the dark' is concerned, sometimes you have to know when to release information and when to keep your mouth shut. with something as serious as personal information being access i think it's best to only speak when absolutely necessary and to not give out too much information- especially before there are any leads or suspects in the case. glad sony isn't being like mainstream news channels. they practically announce all of our military plans to the world down to small details.


the only items im focused on right now regarding what to do when PSN is back up are:
-changing my password.
-can i change my security questions? if so, im choosing alternate questions.
-(if they announced that they believe CC data was in fact taken) removing my CC data from my account, and then switch to using PSN cards for a bit.

i think they should implement something similar to steam guard, if not a blatant copy of it. (not that it was unique to begin with) a simple mechanism to produce a random code and email it to the user's email address to be typed in to activate a PS3 unit with the account or recover an account. those that used the same password on their PSN as their email address.... well... wasn't a very bright idea to use the same pw to begin with. everyone that has them the same should be changing it now if that's the case.


Jimmy Stav said:
So what should I be doing right now to protect myself--just changing passwords?

For now, yes, if you use the same password at other sites - and monitor your bank statements VERY closely. Anything dodgy, ask your bank to issue you a new card.

The Lamp


Now I have to cancel my cards and change all my information on everything I ever used that email address with -_-


needs 2 extra inches
GAF went nuts over the Gawker debacle when private informations were compromised by Annon, almost everyone swore up and down that they'll never use the Network for the incompetence of those who run.

Fastforward to today, where millions of active users have been affected, maybe CC numbers too, by a failure of network security of bigger proportions, yet we almost have as many apologists as the angry users.

Stay classy, people.


CadetMahoney said:

It's one of those things you can't just laugh off either. I wonder if MS/Nintendo will subtle troll this at E3.

Nintendo "we feel the harder and more obscure we make our online service's usability, the more secure we are"


SappYoda said:
[Hacker sued] Haters: OMG Sony are evil I'm going to donate to hackers!
[PSN stopped] Haters: It's not the hackers!
[Hackers behind confirmed] Haters: Sony should have better security!
[PSN in halt to improve security] Haters: I can't believe PSN is not up yet I'm giving up on PS3!

Seriously people, you suck.
Are you seriously comparing Geohot to Credit Card thieves?


extra source of jiggaflops
SappYoda said:
[Hacker sued] Haters: OMG Sony are evil I'm going to donate to hackers!
[PSN stopped] Haters: It's not the hackers!
[Hackers behind confirmed] Haters: Sony should have better security!
[PSN in halt to improve security] Haters: I can't believe PSN is not up yet I'm giving up on PS3!

Seriously people, you suck.
I have compiled a few wikipedia articles for you to read so you don't look ignorant in your next post on the NeoGAF messaging board:

Xenon said:

Sony's PR strategy
lol great


RobbieNick said:
Dear Playstation,

I just had $200,000 taken out of my bank account thanks to your huge fuck-up with my personal info. What are you gonna do about that?!!

Kevin Butler - Ummmmm.............................................................................shit.

Identity theft happens with a lot of things.

Throw out mail without shredding? Sign up at a community sports club? Get on Facebook?

Consider yourself already compromised.
spindashing said:
Not to be "that guy", but do you think Sony will compensate us somehow for this tragic event?

Free money?

Sony's going to be spending tons of money on the fallout of this anyway; they're not going to give you money on top of that.


So... I am on a password change spree and i log into my gmail account.

This account is the same account that is associated with my PSN and has a password that's very similar.

Apparently someone in china has logged in to my account.

Unknown China ( Apr 8
Unknown China ( Apr 8
Unknown China ( Apr 17


DMeisterJ said:
It's going to be crazy. I mean, they came back from Giant Enemy Crabs, five-hundred-and-ninety-nine-us-dollars, last gen rumble, backtracking on last gen rumble, and removing PS2 b/c, but this, idk how they'll manage it.

it looks like their nine lives are all out, i mean who the heck would be brave enough to speak at the E3 conference

Dr. Malik

Cant wait to see(lol) the April/May NPD numbers for the PS3

lol51 said:
So... I am on a password change spree and i log into my gmail account.

This account is the same account that is associated with my PSN and has a password that's very similar.

Apparently someone in china has logged in to my account.

Unknown China ( Apr 8
Unknown China ( Apr 8
Unknown China ( Apr 17

How do you check this?


Post Count: 9999
What's awesome is I can't recall definitively which CC I've used ... and there's no way to check because you can't go login :\


spindashing said:
Not to be "that guy", but do you think Sony will compensate us somehow for this tragic event?

Free money?

Only thing I have seen so far is this:

Q.16 I want my money back (subscription fee, content) since the PSN/Qriocity was not available.

When the full services are restored and the length of the outage is known, we will assess the correct course of action.



Tron 2.0 said:
By not acknowledging it.

the proper path would be to say "we just completed xx certification on our network and will be recertified every year to meet the latest acceptable security standards"

There are a few different certifications they can get against their network and data storage facilities.


works for Gamestop (lol)

FAQ on the breach. it has some additional info

Q.11 Since when have PSN/Qriocity become unavailable and in which region?

PSN/Qriocity services have not been available since April 20 (US time) in all regions.

Q.12 How come it is taking so much time to resume the service?

We are taking the investigation seriously. We decided to keep the service down to allow us to conduct a thorough investigation and verify smooth operation of our network services.

Q.13 How serious is this? Have the hackers broken the security on PSN/Qriocity? Are you taking necessary measures to prevent such outage happening in the future?

Since this is an overall security related issue, we will not comment further on this case but we are working to restore and maintain the services, including countermeasures against future intrusions.

Q.14 When will the service resume?

We are taking the investigation seriously. We will keep the service down to allow us to conduct a thorough investigation and verify smooth operation of our network services but are working hard to resume the services as soon as we can be reasonably assured security concerns are addressed.

Q.15 Seems like SOE service was also not available/ suffering outage. Is this true? Is this due to the same reason as the PSN/Qriocity outage?

SOE's service is available although a service interruption due to an external attack did occur. A thorough investigation is ongoing.

Q.16 I want my money back (subscription fee, content) since the PSN/Qriocity was not available.

When the full services are restored and the length of the outage is known, we will assess the correct course of action.

Q.17 There seems to be some games that cannot be played even offline?

Depending on the game titles, but mainly PSN games, some may require access to PSN for trophy sync, security check, etc.


DMeisterJ said:
It's going to be crazy. I mean, they came back from Giant Enemy Crabs, five-hundred-and-ninety-nine-us-dollars, last gen rumble, backtracking on last gen rumble, and removing PS2 b/c, but this, idk how they'll manage it.

The funny thing is that they'll have to mention it and "assure" people that they are doing all they can to prevent some shit like this from ever happening again.

I guarantee you that MS will take a huge jab at Sony mentioning XBL security compared to other "services"


railGUN said:
Oh really? What evidence supports this claim? A PSX mod claiming this is all over Rebug users downloading free games from the devnet?

I don't have evidence, nor do I need to have any to support my beliefs. I believe that jail broken PS3's that had network access are what ultimately allowed "hackers" to poke and prod around the network and gain access to the necessary information they needed to steal said information.

Rebug PS3's simply strengthen this belief. If said hackers can gain access to otherwise unauthorized networks and prod around, then who's to say they can't look elsewhere and dig their way into other areas via the PS3 and homebrew?

Thank god for those emulators though.


Crisco said:
lol at the hyperbole in this thread. Did you people just get credit cards and start using the internet last week? I've been buying shit online with a credit/debit card since 1999. I have more online accounts/passwords then probably anyone else here, and most of them have my payment info. I've had my credit card info stolen 3 times, my debit card once. Hell, I had my entire WALLET (drivers license, SS card, all my cards) jacked once and nothing came of it. You call your bank, have them remove the charges, they send you new cards and you move on. It's annoying but hardly the end of the world. There are safeguards at every level against identify theft, and as long as you stay vigilant it's just not going to happen. But whatever, continue overreacting.

This does make Sony look pretty bad though, they should have just never said anything and blamed the whole outage on something else (like I'm sure most companies that this happens to do).

Credit card is no big deal. That is the bank's problem. Dishing out the rest of your info including security phrases and passwords is quite serious though.


Raistlin said:
What's awesome is I can't recall definitively which CC I've used ... and there's no way to check because you can't go login :\

As suggested earlier, you can look through your email for PSN store transaction emails. They will show what card you used.


lol51 said:
So... I am on a password change spree and i log into my gmail account.

This account is the same account that is associated with my PSN and has a password that's very similar.

Apparently someone in china has logged in to my account.

Unknown China ( Apr 8
Unknown China ( Apr 8
Unknown China ( Apr 17

Whoa... Where is this information?


CadetMahoney said:
I wonder if MS/Nintendo will subtle troll this at E3.
I doubt it, it would be in bad taste.

I own all three consoles but I don't want some smart ass joking about my personal info being stolen just to appease the fanboy crowd.
Checked on my accounts, nothing so far other than the usual spam in my email inboxes. I've only used pre-paid cards or went through Amazon.com to replenish some funds in my wallet.

Once online, I'll probably just change my passwords and security questions. Other than that, I'll probably check on my bank account just in case - though PSN always rejected my cards anyways.
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