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PSN Hack Update: FAQs in OP, Read before posting

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Cruzader said:
I just got mine on 10:20pm.

Does that mean they got my specic info or just a general email regarding the break into the network?
No clue yet. I'm guessing everyone will get the email though, seems like legal safeties


LiK said:
i got the email except it has extra info regarding freezing credit accounts cuz i'm in MA
Yeah, I did too. Luckily MA residents have extra protections so we don't have to worry too much if something catastrophic happens- but still, if you've ever been a victim of identity fraud it's a bitch to clear up.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
sestrugen said:
so you are ok with having your address and name out there?

No, but the grim reality is: It's already out there. We can't do anything about that now. The fact is, even if PSN wasn't hacked you sign up and log-in to millions of services over your lifetime. Even if you don't and just use your CC offline, there is scanners and tools for anyone that wants to social engineer you for your CC information to take your stuff for a ride.

Overreacting and going "I'M SELLING MY PS3 AND FUCK SONY!" just misses the point: This could happen to XBL, Steam, Paypal, et. al. It happened to Sony. Yes, it sucks, yes I agree in being pissed. But jumping ship won't suddenly protect you from it happening again.


NullPointer said:
I sure hope this doesn't end up delaying Deus Ex.

In what sense? Because the developers are affected by the disturbance of the PSN, or because your bank account has been cleaned out from someone in possession of your credit-card information.

Yeah...I'm thinkin' fuck Deus Ex at the moment. I'll worry about the big things once the little matter of my money being secure is squared away.


STG said:
hm ok, looked like only Americans get some Sony email love

It will probably be that way. Sony has timelines to meet in the US for some states to notify of the data breach so they will probably send them out to all US based customers first. I don't believe that the EU or UK (independently) has a Data Breach law on file that requires a time line for notification. Not sure about the other markets.


bish gets all the credit :)
Hex said:

You're arguing about their stock price. It's going to take a huge hit. Bad PR and low consumer confidence goes a long way into determining what your company is worth.
Metalmurphy said:
So the content of the network is what defines if the security is bad or not?

You're not making any sense.
Of course he makes sense, you don't though. If hackers can access data for every single user of a server then that server has bad security.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Anyone else here avoid any issues with all this hacking stuff by having used PSN cards exclusively and having a fake address in a tax-free state like Florida?


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Kagari said:
Their stock ultra tanked.

Oh, what happened? Is it due to the FFXIV situation?


acidspunk said:
It´s actually only FINALBOSS.

Maxwell House said:
Yes, but almost all corporate databases are multidimensional. The PSN database probably had an account dimension, a financial info dimension, game data dimension, etc. With each dimension you get an exponentially bigger database as a massive amount of connections need to be created between all the dimensionality.

They get gigantic. Bank and insurance company databases are fucking massive. I don't see why the database Sony used for PSN would be any different.



TheSeks said:
No, but the grim reality is: It's already out there. We can't do anything about that now. The fact is, even if PSN wasn't hacked you sign up and log-in to millions of services over your lifetime. Even if you don't and just use your CC offline, there is scanners and tools for anyone that wants to social engineer you for your CC information to take your stuff for a ride.

Overreacting and going "I'M SELLING MY PS3 AND FUCK SONY!" just misses the point: This could happen to XBL, Steam, Paypal, et. al. It happened to Sony. Yes, it sucks, yes I agree in being pissed. But jumping ship won't suddenly protect you from it happening again.

This unfortunately. I believe a similar thing happened to Gawker customers the other day. Hackers are a devious bunch. Get under the wrong side of them, and it's tech war. Hopefully this will force Sony (and the others) to tighten up securities to prevent future attacks. Though the sad thing about these situations is that often Hackers, like other criminals, are usually already ahead of the curve.
About having your name and address out there, its already been out there guys. I laugh whenever I see people scared of giving out social security numbers as if people cant easily get it.

I worked at a university parking department for a while and we had access to every ones information. I put in a plate number and I got names, every address they ever lived in, social security, family, homes, criminal record, loans, boats, etc. Its all out there guys, don't kid yourself.


Man, some of you guys are funny. Somehow I doubt you'll be one of the 77 million users to have anything affected at all.
LyleLanley said:
Of course he makes sense, you don't though. If hackers can access data for every single user of a server then that server has bad security.
Once he has access to one he has access to all. The problem is getting in.
alr1ghtstart said:
You're arguing about their stock price. It's going to take a huge hit. Bad PR and low consumer confidence goes a long way into determining what your company is worth.
Yeah their stock will take a hit eventually, but not like the hit it would take if Sony had produced shoddy physical products or hardware. Plenty of companies make out fine from that and that's far more damaging in the eyes of the consumer than a database breach. Otherwise banks and insurance companies would be fucked 24/7, since they are always getting hacked. This is peanuts compared to a hardware recall or anything like that.
Fuck, I just realised that my JP and USA accounts are register to @spam.la addresses. Good thing I only used pre-paid cards on them.

This is becoming more and more of a case for entering in as much fake info as possible when shopping online.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Question to all: When PSN goes back up and you changed your passwords, will you guys still purchase stuff on PSN?


I think the worst thing we have to take away from this whole event is that I might have to wait few more days to play Outland.
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