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PSN Hack Update: FAQs in OP, Read before posting

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RedNumberFive said:
I know it'll never happen, but Sony should issue security keyfobs. I'm less worried about my eBay / PayPal accounts, knowing that in addition to my password, a keyfob password is required.

Regardless, my reign of reckless drunken PSN purchases has come to an end. Now that I've decided to use cards only, I'll no longer be making impulse purchases.
Amazon has cards that are sent instantly to your emails.

impulse purchases is the only way to go.


Polari said:
How godammned incompentent do you have to be to store passwords in PLAIN TEXT?!? Seriously, what... the... fuck...? Sony deserve everything they get.

Who said anything about that?

We were talking in hypotheticals and spitballing on database size of 77 million users.
Polari said:
How godammned incompentent do you have to be to store passwords in PLAIN TEXT?!? Seriously, what... the... fuck...? Sony deserve everything they get.


ULTROS! said:

IIRC you can buy a few games cheaper. There was one time Grandia was being sold for $5.99 as compared to the PSStore's $9.99 Grandia.
*searches amazon.de*

nope nothing for us *shakes fist*


Clear said:
People need to chill out. CC security codes are explicitly excluded from the list of data potentially compromised.

The guy at my bank told me it's shockingly easy for the kinds of people who specialize in identity theft to make a fake one and that most money is stolen from credit cards by a swipe. When was the last time someone insisted on looking at your signature? When was the last time you had to use that security number anywhere but online?

Kyoufu said:
Even with a debit card you can contact your bank and get it sorted.

But personally I refuse to keep my card infos on PSN/XBL.

Sorted how? If they have access to your debit number, they essentially have access to all of your accounts. Unless by "sorted" you mean "create new accounts and transfer all automatic payments over to the new accounts," then sure.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Kagari said:
Pretty much this, which is why all the panic is really uncalled for.
They still have tons of information. That's not good for anyone.

Doubt they'll be able to register credit cards or anything, but they could certainly fill up an inbox or two

stupei said:
Sorted how? If they have access to your debit number, they essentially have access to all of your accounts. Unless by "sorted" you mean "create new accounts and transfer all automatic payments over to the new accounts," then sure.
by cancelling the old card and getting a new one.
GeekyDad said:
In what sense? Because the developers are affected by the disturbance of the PSN, or because your bank account has been cleaned out from someone in possession of your credit-card information.

Yeah...I'm thinkin' fuck Deus Ex at the moment. I'll worry about the big things once the little matter of my money being secure is squared away.
Calm down, it was a joke ;P


Griffin said:
[citation needed]
He's referring to this story linked to earlier:


That's not all: your credit card information is apparently being sent as an unencrypted text file. This is how the code is being sent to Sony:

creditCard.paymentMethodId=VISA&creditCard.holderName=Max&creditCard.cardNumber=45581234567812345678&creditCard.expireYear=2012&creditCard.expireMonth=2&creditCard.securityCode=214&creditCard.address.address1=example street%2024%20&creditCard.address.city=city1%20&creditCard.address.province=abc%20&creditCard.address.postalCode=12345%20

This information is allegedly being stored online and is updated every time you turn on your system. We've been receiving reports from various sources that e-mails are being sent to those with hacked firmware even before they log back into the PlayStation Network, which is even more evidence that Sony is grabbing information from your system just from being connected to your wireless network.

Yet to be confirmed by anyone.


SolidSnakex said:
That's not true unless someone has different info. This is directly from the PSblog
Yea that's why I was unsure. My rage goes to that person spreading bs.

Btw I aim mad at that fool that I called a jerk. I was playing ;)


Neo Member
ULTROS! said:
Question to all: When PSN goes back up and you changed your passwords, will you guys still purchase stuff on PSN?

I am sure I will again at some point (with cards no doubt) but given a choice between PSN and XBLA games I will be going with XBLA from now on. I also plan on buying multiplatform titles for the 360 from now on as well.
baekshi said:
Amazon has cards that are sent instantly to your emails.

impulse purchases is the only way to go.
Gamestop.com also offers this and you get rewards points every time you do it too. That is, if you're part of their annual program thingy.

Dead Man

Zoe said:
source please
From the OP:
Although we are still investigating the details of this incident, we believe that an unauthorized person has obtained the following information that you provided: name, address (city, state, zip), country, email address, birthdate, PlayStation Network/Qriocity password and login, and handle/PSN online ID. It is also possible that your profile data, including purchase history and billing address (city, state, zip), and your PlayStation Network/Qriocity password security answers may have been obtained.

Maybe they were not stored as plaintext, but if not I doubt they would have been included in the definite information lost section.


Clear said:
People need to chill out. CC security codes are explicitly excluded from the list of data potentially compromised.

Give me your CC without the CVN and you will see how easy it is to run up some charges. My payment terminal at work does not require them, neither does PAYPAL virtual terminal.


stupei said:
Sorted how? If they have access to your debit number, they essentially have access to all of your accounts. Unless by "sorted" you mean "create new accounts and transfer all automatic payments over to the new accounts," then sure.

Call bank, get a new debit visa card issued. Card will have new number.


Junior Member
Griffin said:
[citation needed]

Its an inference really..

If you base it off the Press release you can make the same assumption..

In a situation like this a company would do anything to save face in a press release. So if the PW was encrypted along with your CC info which SHOULD HAVE BEEN ENCRYPTED.. Fuck every single personal detail should be encrypted its a common practice in other industries..

The press release would have had something like this.

"Even though Your CC information and password were encrypted we feel it is important to inform you that the encrypted information might have been obtained"

That way they could save a bit of face.
Dead Man said:
Maybe they were not stored as plaintext, but if not I doubt they would have been included in the definite information lost section.
No offense, but that's kinda reaching. We might as well say Anonymous is responsible for the attacks if we're going to say the data was in "plain text".
osmosis said:
I am sure I will again at some point (with cards no doubt) but given a choice between PSN and XBLA games I will be going with XBLA from now on. I also plan on buying multiplatform titles for the 360 from now on as well.

Joke post, right?


I'm almost convinced MetalMurphy could have his savings account drained as a result of this and all he'd be upset about is not being able to afford Uncharted 3.


You know what's hilarious?

If you ever read the TOS for EA games or 2K games...or hell, anyone for that matter, it explicitly says they will share your personal information with anyone they feel like.


Grandma's Chippy
ULTROS! said:
Question to all: When PSN goes back up and you changed your passwords, will you guys still purchase stuff on PSN?
Of course lol

I will change my account info (email/password etc) as a precaution and back to normal business for me.
You know what's hilarious?

If you ever read the TOS for EA games or 2K games...or hell, anyone for that matter, it explicitly says they will share your personal information with anyone they feel like.

It's like being pre-hacked!



sestrugen said:
so you are ok with having your address and name out there?

... i've got some bad news for you

for some reason i had the suspicion that people posting on a gaming forum knew basic things about the internet. My preconceived notions have been shattered by this thread


Junior Member
You know what's hilarious?

If you ever read the TOS for EA games or 2K games...or hell, anyone for that matter, it explicitly says they will share your personal information with anyone they feel like.

That is also a fucked up practice that needs to be stopped, by every single company that requires you to accept a TOS and EULA
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