Just checked PSN a few minutes ago when I got home, and it looks like the welcom back program is back (at least here in the US). Was able to get my 2nd game and PS+
To all the people who think my comments above were ridiculous, and saying how I shouldn't have procrastinated, I have to wonder how many days before the stated deadline you think it would've been okay for them end it. If a company says a sale or an offer or whatever goes through a certain date, that should be the date, and they shouldn't end it early (the one exception being if it was something that could run out...in which case you say something like "while supplies last").
Whether or not people wait up until the last day is irrelevant. And more importantly, I shouldn't have to explain why I didn't download the 2nd game earlier to a snarky customer service supervisor. Most adults have a lot of other dates and deadlines to remember that are more important than making sure to download a video game some arbitrary amount of time before a stated deadline.
Luckily, thanks to some more high profile scoldings from the likes of Joystiq and Garnett Lee, it seems Sony has made amends, which I appreciate.