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PSP ads appearing in Japan


works for Gamestop (lol)

TOKYO--Sony Computer Entertainment has yet to announce any concrete information on the release of its PSP handheld system--no launch date, no price. That's why it came as a surprise to Japanese gamers this week when the company began to run ads for the machine in game publications like Dengeki PlayStation and manga magazines like Weekly Shonen Sunday.

The ad doesn't say much. In fact, it doesn't feature any pictures or even a description of the portable machine. Instead, nearly the entire page is taken up with a giant Quick Response code, which looks something like a rectangular UPC symbol. The QR code is generally used in Japan for mobile phones--when a camera phone user takes a snapshot of the code, the phone can read the information and convert it into data such as a URL for a product website. If this is the case, people can click directly over to the web site using the browser function on their mobile phones.

By printing a QR code as the first of its PSP advertisements, the company might just be trying to convince the public that the PSP will be an all-in-one portable machine much like mobile phones themselves. Or perhaps there is a deeper secret behind the advertisement.

Another mystery to puzzle over is why Sony is advertising the PSP at all at this point. It's possible that SCE might be launching the ad in response to the deluge of media hype and commercial advertisements surrounding the Nintendo DS. But on the other hand, it might be a sign that the company is planning an announcement about the system's price and/or launch date. Considering that Nintendo began running its DS ads on TV just a week or so before it announced the handheld's release date and price, this may indeed be a harbinger of forthcoming news.


Can't get a bigger pic since it seems like the news story was just recently posted


Interesting...I think that Sony will launch PSP in December.No way they're gonna miss 2004,even if that means a poor lineup.
In Usa and Europe it's a different matter,they have to balance the high price tag with catching games otherwise they will have to lower the price a month later tha launch date.
I expect final details on the japanese launch soon,even before the Q2 fiscal results.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Quick Response code, which looks something like a rectangular UPC symbol. The QR code is generally used in Japan for mobile phones--when a camera phone user takes a snapshot of the code, the phone can read the information and convert it into data such as a URL for a product website. If this is the case, people can click directly over to the web site using the browser function on their mobile phones.
Holy shit. It's just amazing what they do with cellphones over there...

From the text, I can also conclude that DS is being heavily advertised in Japan, for some time? What are they waiting for here? Why the surprise about the PSP advertising?

Also, why don't someone take a picture of that ad with the cellphone, and decode it's message?
Marconelly said:
Holy shit. It's just amazing what they do with cellphones over there...

From the text, I can also conclude that DS is being heavily advertised in Japan, for some time? What are they waiting for here? Why the surprise about the PSP advertising?

Also, why don't someone take a picture of that ad with the cellphone, and decode it's message?

But, but, the PSP has no chance at being released this year, if you listed to the experts?

Clearly, Sony is simply stringing us along...


Gold Member
Wow, a surprise to me! They'd better let the cat out of the bag so we can place the preorders.

The code thing is actually being done in the West, too. Battery Energy Drink cans come with a code you can read with a S60 mobile phone.

Go to www.batterydrink.com and wait until the main page displays the CodeBreaker promo.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Chitagong, that's crazy, and I like it :) I know they are also doing a streaming video on the phones in Japan now, and another service, which is supposed to translate the Japan <-> English speech in realtime, over the phone is in the test phase!

Btw, I've found the software that decodes these images, but it appears that the GS thumbnail is incomplete. It's at best a half of the full code, maybe only a fourth. Those codes all have at least two squares in their corners. This one has only one such square.


SolidSnakex said:
Kaz has said that they don't want to launch the PSP until they can make sure that there will be a good flow of games afterwards. They know they can't pull a PS2 launch with the PSP.

That always depends on what the competion has to offer.
If Nintendo launches with 4 games I don't think they will wait to have 10+ games.
For what concerns the flow of games after the launch I think that both PSP and DS are not in a good position.I can't see a single real killer application in development for the PSP just for example,at least with PS2 we knew that they were prepairing FFX,MGS2,DMC etc....


Gold Member
Marconelly said:
Chitagong, that's crazy, and I like it :) I know they are also doing a streaming video on the phones in Japan now, and another service, which is supposed to translate the Japan <-> English speech in realtime, over the phone is in the test phase!

Yep, I was stunned to see it really work for the first time. And the best thing is that it isn't too picky on what it reads. It doesn't even matter that the surface is curved like in the Battery can. You just run the camera app and search for stuff until it says click and gives you the code.
SolidSnakex said:
Kaz has said that they don't want to launch the PSP until they can make sure that there will be a good flow of games afterwards. They know they can't pull a PS2 launch with the PSP.

I think they'd be lucky to have a PS2 launch type lineup with the PSP. Madden, SSX, Midnight Club, Tekken Tag, Ridge Racer V, Timesplitters, some RPG's, some puzzle, etc. 29 games in all.

Certainly a much maligned group, but in retrospect pretty solid. What they didn't have was that one MUST HAVE launch title. I think the PSP will need one or two killer launch titles given the likely price and competition with both the DS and the GBA.


Marconelly said:
From the text, I can also conclude that DS is being heavily advertised in Japan, for some time? What are they waiting for here?

As Nintendo said last month.

Tomorrow. :)


Chittagong said:
Wow, a surprise to me! They'd better let the cat out of the bag so we can place the preorders.

The code thing is actually being done in the West, too. Battery Energy Drink cans come with a code you can read with a S60 mobile phone.

Go to www.batterydrink.com and wait until the main page displays the CodeBreaker promo.

i have an S60 phone - how does it work? the website has some funny language...


Marconelly said:
Chitagong, that's crazy, and I like it :) I know they are also doing a streaming video on the phones in Japan now, and another service, which is supposed to translate the Japan <-> English speech in realtime, over the phone is in the test phase!

Btw, I've found the software that decodes these images, but it appears that the GS thumbnail is incomplete. It's at best a half of the full code, maybe only a fourth. Those codes all have at least two squares in their corners. This one has only one such square.
The full ad is now up.



The site, which is located at http: //www.playstation.jp/psp, can only be accessed by J-Phones with such a capability (which are the J-DN02, J-P02, J-P03, J-SA02, J-SH02, J-SH03, and J-T04 models). By going to that site using your mobile phone, which can only be accessed by J-Phone owners, you can view information about the PSP. While no new information has been posted on the site as of yet, it is one of the quirky things that hopes to spark interest in the PSP. And who knows, at some time in the future, that site may provided information on new titles or even the yet to be seen cell phone adapter for the PSP. Happy viewing.
Source: IGN Article


john tv

FYI, it's a keitai-only site. I just went there. It's just got some PR text about PSP, info on an upcoming event in Japan where you'll be able to see it, and a questionaire. They're giving away some PSPs to random people who fill it out, so I guess I'll give it a go later today. :)

No info on release date or anything you care about.


Took a while to access, but I answered the survey *crosses fingers for free PSP*
...yeah right, only 100 lucky winners among the gazillion people who prolly filled in the survey :-/

Funny thing is, one of the questions in the survey was,
"What do you want the most right now?"

And the choices included:


...so should I be rubbing the PSP to make my wishes come true?
No, the PSP isn't coming this year, but the DS is. Sony wants to keep the PSP fresh in memory, so by the time the DS is released, people will say, "Well, that's pretty good...but I'd rather just wait for the PSP."

Hey, it worked with Dreamcast/PS2.
SonicMegaDrive said:
No, the PSP isn't coming this year, but the DS is. Sony wants to keep the PSP fresh in memory, so by the time the DS is released, people will say, "Well, that's pretty good...but I'd rather just wait for the PSP."

Hey, it worked with Dreamcast/PS2.

That's because they own the console world, that's not the case with the handheld. Going by how far along alot of the games looked at TGS, it'd be suicide for them to launch it this year.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Haha, the silly decoder software that I found, just gave me this when I passed it the full cropped image:


I guess it's a problem with the japanese character set encoding (the decoder is Japanese software) but it has the same number of characters as the actual URL. I tried visiting the URL with the regular browser, but it doesn't work. What's the User Agent String for the Keitai phones?

Nevermind, found it. I can see the page now. All in Japanese, of course...
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