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PSP train ads taking off in Japan



TOKYO--With the PlayStation Portable just a month away from release, Sony Computer Entertainment will be launching a unique train-station-promotional campaign in Japan.

According to Mainichi Interactive, the company will be placing PSP displays on the walls of major train stations in three central regions of Japan. The ads will feature more than just pretty pictures and perky slogans; instead, commuters will get to see the handheld itself in action.

The ads will run at 23 train stations in Japan, including 16 in Tokyo, five in Osaka, and two in Nagoya prefecture

Wow, talking about a taking a huge risk, I hope there's guards.


That's really smart marketing considering Japan's reality.
They have millions of people using pubblic transport service every day.In this way they reach PSP's potential customers directly showing them the real product.

Kon Tiki

neptunes said:
read the full article.

They'll be bolted down and they'll be playing game demos (and movies)

Commuters won't be able to touch the handheld, because it will be protected by a transparent acrylic panel.

A movie of a game is still a movie.

Are there any demo units planed?


Maybe it would have been better off demoing stuff, gameplay, movies, etc. This gives virtually nobody a chance to play or see the unit, considering how busy Japan's rail system is.

Edit: Nevermind, I thought it was a kiosk type thing.


Its not mentioned in the article, but there will be guards posted on the ads for (obviously) security. Starts this Monday!

I can go see it in the station where I go to work, woohoo!
Better bring my bat and facemask ready....


neptunes said:
read the full article.

They'll be bolted down (behind glass) and they'll be showing game demos and movies.

Oh, yeah, like that's really going to stop someone determined to steal a PSP from a subway station.


Sounds like a good idea. Not only does it show off the quality of the screen, but it reaches a demographic that would have plenty of reason to use the device.

Japanese are supposedly quite law-abiding, and the thing is already bolted down. The security guard seems like almost overkill.


xsarien said:
Oh, yeah, like that's really going to stop someone determined to steal a PSP from a subway station.

what if its just a empty shell of a PSP with a function LCD screen playing back video from something or other else that you can't see?


border said:
Japanese are supposedly quite law-abiding, and the thing is already bolted down. The security guard seems like almost overkill.

The guard just brings more atention to it, making the advertising more effective.
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