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PStwo & Xbox/halo 2, DS vs GC this fall


with all this exciting news of sonys sleek ass PStwo and the imenant release and hype of halo 2 and a possible crystal xbox for the fall, a brand new handheld from nintendo, i cant be the only one thinking my god, this truly is the last christmas for our beloved purple little box. I just can see it surviving past this holiday. i cant see any reason why. even though there will be amazing games out there from the mighty N, i just dont think the little engine can do it anymore. tis a sad sad world or am i nuts?


Hate to say it, but I don't see much life left in GameCube, either. I think Nintendo really sees the writing on the wall too, though, especially since it came out of its shell a few months ago.
It doesn't die until I say so!

Besides, I think I'm buying more games for my cube this holiday season than I am for my box. Other than Halo 2 (which I don't plan on buying at launch), there's MAYBE Otogi 2 and MAYBE Doom 3 which I'm getting (no DoA:U or Fable for me). Although I'm getting Sonic Collection for it for sure.

But from a public image point of view, this will probably be the weakest holiday for the Gamecube yet.


Metroid Prime 2, Resident Evil 4, new Zelda, new NAOMI shmup (Chaos Field)

Gamecube is still looking good to me, through 2005.


And even i am moderately surprised
"Metroid Prime 2, Resident Evil 4, new Zelda, new NAOMI shmup (Chaos Field)"

i'll give you the first three, but that last one is reaching!

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
GigaDrive said:
Metroid Prime 2, Resident Evil 4, new Zelda, new NAOMI shmup (Chaos Field)

Gamecube is still looking good to me, through 2005.

Let's see...

Metroid Prime 2 this year? Check.
Resident Evil 4 this year? Nope, but Biohazard 4 is this year.
New Zelda any time soon? Nope.
Chaos Field? Realistically, no one cares.

That pretty much leaves Metroid Prime 2 for the U.S., and Biohazard 4 for Japan. Both are going to be big games, but let's face it, the focus is going to be all about the DS for Nintendo for a good while.


Lyte Edge said:
Let's see...

Metroid Prime 2 this year? Check.
Resident Evil 4 this year? Nope, but Biohazard 4 is this year.
New Zelda any time soon? Nope.
Chaos Field? Realistically, no one cares.

That pretty much leaves Metroid Prime 2 for the U.S., and Biohazard 4 for Japan. Both are going to be big games, but let's face it, the focus is going to be all about the DS for Nintendo for a good while.

IAWTP. Makes sense for Nintendo.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Zelda should give GC a great Xmas next year (although this might be affected if Revolution looms, and is backwards compatible..)


gofreak said:
Zelda should give GC a great Xmas next year (although this might be affected if Revolution looms, and is backwards compatible..)

If Revolution is backwards compatible, Zelda might help out GC sales and Revolution sales seeing as a year later it'll be $30 or $20 probably. I think the next Zelda will have longer legs than Majora's Mask did because of this.


Ahhh GAF..

Of course Nintendo seems focused on DS, its about to launch. You think next e3 won't have more Gamecube games?


Hates quality gaming
Yes, let's feel sorry for a videogame console.

Perhaps these heartfelt lists we type out will help ease the pain.
I don't see myself picking up anything at all besides MP2 and RE4, but weren't half the games shown at E3 delayed till next year?

Advance Wars
Fire Emblem
Jungle Beat
That silly pinball game
Killer 7
Whatever else. Probably nothing, cuz this seems alot already.

It really is the same shit every year though. I'm only marginally more excited about this list than the one posted last year with FFCC and TTS and whatever, and I didn't buy a single one of those.


I doubt the DS will challenge GC. More like GBA than GC. Should be interesting to see what kind of impact DS will have on GBA sales

Deku Tree

Well most of my winter games to purchase this year are on the cube

Pikmin 2
Paper Mario 2
Mario Power Tennis
Metroid Prime 2
Viewtiful Joe 2
Baten Kaitos

Other console games I bought/am buying:

Halo 2
Katamari Damashi
Phantom Brave

I hope the cube doesn't die b/c most of 'my kind of games' are released on it!



People can say that GC is dying, but somehow I'll still be playing new games on it up until Revolution and through DS' launch.

Go figure.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Tritroid said:

People can say that GC is dying, but somehow I'll still be playing new games on it up until Revolution and through DS' launch.

Go figure.

That doesn't change the fact that decreasing 3rd party support is generally considered dying. Hell I still play my Genesis from time to time(Streets of Rage forevah!), and it's long since been dead and buried.


DarienA said:
That doesn't change the fact that decreasing 3rd party support is generally considered dying. Hell I still play my Genesis from time to time(Streets of Rage forevah!), and it's long since been dead and buried.
Ok so?

I said I'd still be playing new games on the thing, a.k.a. I don't give a shit if it's considered 'dying' officially by GAF or not.


OK let's do my version of this:

big Gamecube games released in the holidays:

Metroid Prime 2, check
Viewtiful Joe 2, check
Baten Kaitos, check
Resident Evil 4, check (yes January 11th is still in the holidays for some)

Doesn't look so bad at all imo.
If I had more time to play I would probably get Pikmin 2 and Paper Mario 2.

For Xbox:
Kingdom Under Fire
Halo 2
Doom 3 (?)
KOTOR 2 (?)

For GC:
Metroid Prime 2
Baten Kaitos

Next Year GC:
RE 4
Star Fox (?)
Fire Emblem
Killer 7
Advance Wars (?)

Next Year Xbox:
Republic Commando (?)
Star Craft Ghost (?)
Far Cry
Jade Empire (?)


they call me "Man Gravy".
Tritroid said:
Ok so?

I said I'd still be playing new games on the thing, a.k.a. I don't give a shit if it's considered 'dying' officially by GAF or not.

What the hell are you doing on GAF, then?


"What do you care? You already choose your portable choice in a thread some days ago....."

get off my kak. i didnt choose anything. the only thing i've hinted at was buying a PSP possibly for ridge racer. and why would i need to justify that to you anyway? ur not my mom B. The reason i do want to know is because if nintendo pushes the DS twice as hard as the GC this fall, we'd know what their plan is for the GCs future.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Let me name you all the titles for August - December that I'm getting on Cube.

Pikmin 2
Donkey Konga
Paper Mario 2
Baten Kaitos
Viewtiful Joe 2
Prince of Persia 2
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Mario Tennis

Eight games to buy. I don't care what anyone else says: Eight AAA titles in five months is awesome. If those eight games are those of a dying system, then by god, DIE GC, DIE!


I was getting a bit worried about there not being any GC doomed threads in a long while. GAF to the rescue as usual. :)


Mario Tennis is enough for me...but there's also two action titles (MP2:E, VJ2), an RPG (PM2, also BK if I cared for it). And then, if I'm feeling musical, DKonga. I've got plenty of stuff personally...but bringing in new people? Maybe not quite as much.


The GC was born with a foot in the grave. That said, I still bought one earlier this year. Meh, it's ok. Not enough software has doomed this thing to failure. I mean, unless you're really a fan of the half-assed crap Nintendo is putting out these days, it's not worth the money. I think I'm looking forward to Zelda2 and that's it. I have so many games I haven't played. Like Eternal Darkness and Metroid Prime and stuff that are just collecting dust. I've played them for a few hours each, but not much. The best game so far has been Wind Waker, which kicked all kinds of ass. But those gems seem to be few and far between these days. :( My next system will be a PSP if it ever drops to $150, or I'll just wait for the PS3 so I can finally complete GT3. :lol: I'm such a casual gamer now, it's so funny. :lol PEACE.


We're in the twilight of the GCN lifespan, but I'm ok with that. In the twilight of the SNES we got Chrono Trigger. In the twilight of the N64 we got Majora's Mask and Conker. In the twilight of the GCN we'll be getting Starfox, Resident Evil 4, and the new Zelda.

Good way to end a run, IMHO.


Queen of Denmark
Pimpwerx said:
Not enough software has doomed this thing to failure.
I think it was much more an image problem than a software one. The GC has almost as many titles available as the Xbox.

Also, if you're talking worldwide, the GC and the Xbox are virtually tied, which would indicate that it hasn't failed because of software, since about as many total people are buying it as the Xbox (unless you consider the Xbox a failure too...and in a way, they both are).


Lost Weekend said:
We're in the twilight of the GCN lifespan, but I'm ok with that. In the twilight of the SNES we got Chrono Trigger. In the twilight of the N64 we got Majora's Mask and Conker. In the twilight of the GCN we'll be getting Starfox, Resident Evil 4, and the new Zelda.

Good way to end a run, IMHO.

well said.


It didn't need to be like this for the GCN, but Nintendo won't serve the casuals that buy PS2, only the ones that buy GBA.

hardcore gamer tastes =/= casual gamer tastes =/= handheld gamer tastes

I'm sure their market research is showing that most kids want a PS2 and GBA. They probably thought that connectivity and 1st party franchises could pull GBA owners to GCN with marketing, but that hasn't happened because of 3rd party multiplatform family games on PS2, mostly from EA. And, they've basically given up on getting sports, racers, FPS, and GTA gamers.

The question for me is if they will address that stuff for the Revelution.


What turns me off about GameCube are all the franchises. I mean, my God -- how many Mario-based games are there now on GameCube? Why does nearly every GameCube game Nintendo creates have to have a Nintendo character in it?


human5892 said:
I think it was much more an image problem than a software one. The GC has almost as many titles available as the Xbox.

Also, if you're talking worldwide, the GC and the Xbox are virtually tied, which would indicate that it hasn't failed because of software, since about as many total people are buying it as the Xbox (unless you consider the Xbox a failure too...and in a way, they both are).
We're talking about this holiday, and XBX is selling more monthly in the US than GCN is Japan and the US combined. Without a price drop, GCN will clearly be in XBX's review mirror.

If both are failures, XBX is going down fighting while GCN has rolled over.


Queen of Denmark
snapty00 said:
What turns me off about GameCube are all the franchises. I mean, my God -- how many Mario-based games are there now on GameCube? Why does nearly every GameCube game Nintendo creates have to have a Nintendo character in it?
Because the Mario name helps sell the games. How many people would buy "Golf" versus "Mario Golf"? Also, building franchises up and then not featuring them on your system -- especially when they're proven to sell millions -- would just be ridiculous.

The problem is that Nintendo needs to have a balance between their franchise games and more mainstream casual games. I think with the GC, they actually sort of achieved it, but it was a lost cause -- nobody was paying attention because of their aforementioned image problem.


Queen of Denmark
Subitai said:
We're talking about this holiday, and XBX is selling more monthly in the US than GCN is Japan and the US combined. Without a price drop, GCN will clearly be in XBX's review mirror.

If both are failures, XBX is going down fighting while GCN has rolled over.
For this holiday season in the US, that's undoubtedly true. Lifetime worldwide sales, however, will likely end up equal between Xbox and GC...with the GC possibly ending up a little ahead thanks to a longer lifespan and quite possibly the system's biggest game late next year.

I'm just trying to address the notion that the Xbox is some kind of colossal success that towers above the GC (and by some accounts, nearly reaches the PS2), because at the end of the day, in sales, that just isn't true.
Image really is hurting the Cube. People these days want everything "mature" from system design to adult themed games in huge bulk. I don't fucking get it personally. I play games to be entertained. If it's fun and is quality, I pretty much will play it. Then again, I'm 27 years old and have long grown out of being trendy. *shrugs*

I do hope Nintendo changes their ways a little though. It would be a sad day when/if they fade away.


clipunderground said:
Image really is hurting the Cube. People these days want everything "mature" from system design to adult themed games in huge bulk. I don't fucking get it personally. I play games to be entertained. If it's fun and is quality, I pretty much will play it. Then again, I'm 27 years old and have long grown out of being trendy. *shrugs*

I do hope Nintendo changes their ways a little though. It would be a sad day when/if they fade away.
That hasn't helped with GCN sales, but for me the killer has been 3rd parties, especially EA, eating Nintendo's lunch on PS2 and XBX. Really, Mario company's competition for family gaming isn't GTA, it's Bond, Madden, NFS, LotR, Spiderman, THPS, DBZ, Yu Gi Oh, Finding Nemo, Crash, Spyro, and Spongebob. Nintendo doesn't really do much to promote these games, but when they do they're competing against themselves. So, yeah, GCN is better for the kids, but because of 3rd parties PS2 and XBX satisfy mature and family audiences.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Subitai said:
That hasn't helped with GCN sales, but for me the killer has been 3rd parties, especially EA, eating Nintendo's lunch on PS2 and XBX. Really, Mario company's competition for family gaming isn't GTA, it's Bond, Madden, NFS, LotR, Spiderman, THPS, DBZ, Yu Gi Oh, Finding Nemo, Crash, Spyro, and Spongebob. Nintendo doesn't really do much to promote these games, but when they do they're competing against themselves. So, yeah, GCN is better for the kids, but because of 3rd parties PS2 and XBX satisfy mature and family audiences.

I'm sick of this "mature" argument. If games like DOA:XBV and Manhunt are for the "mature" gamer, then I'd rather stay immature, thank you very much.

and the Ps2 and Xbox > GC in terms of appealing to family audiences? What?
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