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Psychonauts confirmed for PC and Xbox!


I had heard that Majesco was publishing, but I didn't know there was going to be a PC version. That's pretty sweet!

Given that the PC is where most of Schafer's following is, it seemed pretty stupid not to put the game there.

I guess the bad news is that since Majesco is publishing, the game will get no serious promotion and probably tank.


It was going to tank anyway, border. It's more about the niche group of gamers who will get the chance to play such a wierd, and fun looking game :).


Yea, you're late, but what the hell, it's good news.

GameSpot also has a hilarious interview with Schafer up and about.

Apparently, Majesco is trying to get big, so there might be a chance for a sizable advertising campaign.

Deku Tree

Tim Schafer declared "we are going to make what could conservatively be called the greatest game of all time ever"?
SO... why did a only a shit-house publisher pick this up? I can't say I'm too excited. It says abit about build quality that no one else wanted it.


Majesco is making mad cash off the GBA Video stuff. They revised their earnings target from like 8 million to 120 million this year due to them. I definitely would not be surprised if they parlay the success in that to much bigger things.
Meier said:
Majesco is making mad cash off the GBA Video stuff. They revised their earnings target from like 8 million to 120 million this year due to them.

and they put the money into XBOX ps2 titles. Bitches.

But :faceshock: at the earning revisions
Majesco now has Advent Rising and Psychonauts for 2005...Could these two titles be the best Majesco has put out this generation?


ToyMachine228 said:
Majesco now has Advent Rising and Psychonauts for 2005...Could these two titles be the best Majesco has put out this generation?

They have the Xbox GGX# Reload this Fall, too.


Meier said:
Majesco is making mad cash off the GBA Video stuff. They revised their earnings target from like 8 million to 120 million this year due to them. I definitely would not be surprised if they parlay the success in that to much bigger things.

Majesco were big already they do alot of GBA stuff. I doubt GBA video will do that great but then again this stuff is being shoved down kids throats all over the place with devices trying to the same job as GBA video.
Sorry guys, but I have heard nothing but bad reports on the gameplay in this one. Shaffer is great at adventure games, but that's it.
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