Cosmo Clock 21
In non monstrike news looks like Phantom of the Kill (Fire Emblem & Dragons) came out on Android in Japan today. Wish I had the time to check that out tonight rather than rerolling / OT writing.
Best stamina/+egg ratio in the game as far as I know. Averages are generally 1.5-2 eggs per run from what I've seen. Might not be worth stoning depending on how much stamina you have.How is Ruins of the Star Vault for +1 eggs? Good place to farm them, or no?
Best stamina/+egg ration in the game as far as I know. Averages are generally 1.5-2 eggs per run from what I've seen. Might not be worth stoning depending on how much stamina you have.
Yes, they are. Basically Lu Bu for other types.
*The Haunted Hour*
[Duration]: 10/25 (Sat), 12:00 AM (PDT) - 11/3 (Mon), 11:59 PM (PST)
The clock stops. The wood panels creak beneath you. Was that a whisper? Theres no moving air in here. Whats going on?
Somewhere in-between the moments, a madness crept in. The Haunted Hour has come to Puzzle & Dragons.
■① Daily Login Bonuses
10/25 - 11/3 - 1 free Magic Stone
*Bonuses will be distributed as late as 3:59 AM (PDT/PST) the following day.
■② Just a Little Hematophagy
...Is what they would say to you. But dont be fooled! These Vampires wont stop until youve been completely drained of your lifes essence!
10/25 - 10/26 - Extreme Hera Rush!
10/27 - 10/31 - Lightless Devils Nest
11/1 - 11/3 - Gleaming Dragon
■③ Special Event Content
10/30 - 11/1 - ?????????????
■④ Special Event Dungeon Schedule
*The Spirit Jewels are active from 10/25 to 11/3! See here for details:
10/25 - Satan Descended!
10/26 - Beelzebub Descended!
10/27 - Thoth & Sopdet Descended!
10/27 - Dragon Zombie!
10/28 - Hera-Beorc Descended!
10/29 - Hera-Sowilo Descended!
10/30- The Goddess Descended!
10/31 - The Thief Descended!
11/1 - Izanami Descended!
11/2 - Hera-Ur Descended!
11/3 - Hera-Is Descended!
■⑤ Awesome Daily Bonuses
Pal Egg Event:
10/25 - 11/3 - Rare Evo Materials
- Monsters from the Flower Dragon and Fairy series, such as Puchilip and Yellow Fairy, have now been added to the Pal Egg Machine!
Dungeon Bonus:
Special Appearances in "Castle of Satan" and "Castle of Satan in the Abyss"
5x chance for +Eggs to appear in Technical Dungeons
2x King appearance rates for the Metal and Jewel Dragons
Fusion Bonus:
1.5x chance for 'GREAT!' or 'SUPER!!' EXP Gain
2x Skill Up rate
Drop Bonus:
2x Drops for the Daily Special Dungeons
1.5 Coins for the Weekend Dungeon
*Events subject to change without notice or compensation - see event policy here:
I am beyond pissed right now. After finally getting a damn devilit to drop after weeks of angelits I feed my haku to evolve her to dd and nothing fucking happens! I did everything right. Fed her the right monsters padx was open right next to me. Wtf happened? My devlit is gone and I'm out more stones than I'd like to admit. =(
You'd think after a box full of ult evos this wouldn't happen. I evem have a dd haku already. I'm still wracking my brain trying to figure out what went wrong.Don't press the feed button unless it is glowing rainbow colors if you're trying to do a busty.
99% you have put a Keeper of Dark instead of a Keeper of Rainbow. Happened to me too many times to list.I am beyond pissed right now. After finally getting a damn devilit to drop after weeks of angelits I feed my haku to evolve her to dd and nothing fucking happens! I did everything right. Fed her the right monsters padx was open right next to me. Wtf happened? My devlit is gone and I'm out more stones than I'd like to admit. =(
I saw that rainbow man...really shouldn't have done this at 4 am. Sigh...99% you have put a Keeper of Dark instead of a Keeper of Rainbow. Happened to me too many times to list.
Yes, you have to make sure that the button is flashing. If it's not then you are doing something wrong (e.g. feeding the wrong monsters) or that the update for that hasn't gone through yet.I am beyond pissed right now. After finally getting a damn devilit to drop after weeks of angelits I feed my haku to evolve her to dd and nothing fucking happens! I did everything right. Fed her the right monsters padx was open right next to me. Wtf happened? My devlit is gone and I'm out more stones than I'd like to admit. =(
99% you have put a Keeper of Dark instead of a Keeper of Rainbow. Happened to me too many times to list.
(What's an easy green orb-maker to get?)
After more than 520 days of playing, I finally maxed 'plussing' aka +297 a monster xD
Working on Bastet now :>
Nice, I've been looking to get my hands on ADKZ for a while now. What's the drop rate for Mystic Knights typically like? Are they an invade?The upcoming event has mystic knights in Castle of Satan. Mystic stone knight evolves into Ancient Dragon Knight, Zeal who is a pretty solid option.
Highlander drops from the Two Heroes dungeon, but you may not have unlocked it or have a team that can handle it.
Also, Graviton Earth Dragon (evo'd form of Lil' Green Dragon) has an orb change skill, though the cool down is kind of long.
It's around 15% in COSITA and is an invade, so not too bad.Nice, I've been looking to get my hands on ADKZ for a while now. What's the drop rate for Mystic Knights typically like? Are they an invade?
Regarding Two Heroes, long ways from that. I'm still trying to figure out if I have a team that can handle King of the Underworld yet since I don't have either half of an Odin/Healer team.
Congrats Zero. i've beend following your slow climb to 297 on lucifer. I think you and are the only people to still use him.
Congrats Zero. i've beend following your slow climb to 297 on lucifer. I think you and are the only people to still use him.
Can somebody grab my current rank from #TeamDurga so I can finish filling out the support ticket for data restoration?
What's teamdurga?? I want to help! I'd hate for you to lose everything- you're always so helpful!
So uhh... has anybody had to restore their PAD save from data048.bin recently? The latest iOS update fucked my phone and forced it into recovery mode unexpectedly so I didn't have the opportunity to make a manual backup. When I attempt to use my old data048.bin file that I kept when I first started the game (and have successfully used to recover my save in the past), it doesn't change the account stored on the phone.
It's the current username on my account.
Can somebody grab my current rank from #TeamDurga so I can finish filling out the support ticket for data restoration?
You are rank 214.
Thank you.
I thought I had it bad with 3/20 skillups for DQXQ. That's also taking into account I have not done anything this past 2 weeks but just running that dungeon. At least I got a couple dubtopalits and some Apollo skill up materials out of gungho - 10 shiron fed (2x5) now that 2x is running
no skill up.
I thought I had it bad with 3/20 skillups for DQXQ. That's also taking into account I have not done anything this past 2 weeks but just running that dungeon. At least I got a couple dubtopalits and some Apollo skill up materials out of it.
I'd say we are about similar at this point (I've had 2 previous skill ups so at level 3 right now)
just frustrating when you don't get that skill up and you figure you would get at least one feeding five.
I agree, I get tense waiting for that green skill up! notice to pop up and when it doesn't, I cry a little inside. Now when it's floor 5 on that dungeon, I pray to the GungHo gods that the damn Pixie doesn't drop. Mercifully Shiron drops more often or else I just feed the pixie away.