I'm with you on the game needing something new/fun. I got over 100 logins, and after looking at how I played the game, I found that I wasn't having a lot of fun anymore. I think the problem was that I don't feel myself getting better, and unless I want to obsess over it, looking up wiki info and reading threads like these, I have no idea how to improve.
I really enjoy the game, and have supported it.
I like to look up the wikis and try to create teams.
there is no "end game" and you never really improve to the point where you aren't feeding the system. you get better and make stronger teams, but you still fail a bunch - waste stamina trying new things.
- if you level all of your team cards/mobs to 99 - you can them start adding + eggs
- if you clear a decend and get the drop - you can then skill up that drop by running the dungeon hundreds of times
- if you level up, skill up and plus egg a team - you can then start a second team to play the game a different way.
- the game feeds itself - you spend money to pull from he REM, you pull cards that need a huge amount of experience, skill ups and + eggs to be functional - and the stamina regen starts to feel too slow as you expand the number of cards you have because you need more experience.
make no mistakes the game is designed to take advantage of a very specific type of person. there is no completion, and, when everyone starts to use the same mobs - a few new are released that change the dynamic of the game significantly.
I am definitely addicted to the game, and I'm not sure what they can do to feed my desire to level and try new teams because I'm doing the math and realizing that there is no way short of spending another grand or two that I'm going to get anything like the set-ups I'd like. Knowing that has kept my spending within a range that I feel comfortable with, but I understand directly how it can be a trap/poison to a lot of players.
there was a great article I read about this type of a game - I'll have to find it - psychologically it sets you up to spend a ton - then - you realize you need to spend a ton more to get where you want to be - since you've spent money on developing a team or goal you assign significant value to your "investment" and end up spending even more.
edit: the game is functional on an non-IAP basis, but its really a screening tool for 'whales' imho.