Ok so here's some good skills for Revo Minerva, obviously you can only use what's available in your box but there's a few decent options to consider.
Orb Makers:
Saria, Ilm, Vaan (FF), Sado (Bleach), Squall, Red Guan Yu, Tsubaki (generally better just being on the team), Kenshin, Leilan, Misato (EVA collab), Kiriko Another (Shinrabansho collab), Laila
Laila's not bad, it's an instant row on a low cooldown in a predictable location so you don't have to worry about overwriting light orbs.
Zeta Hydra, Orochi, Freyr, Napoleon, Indra (for things you can't resist), Sun Quan, Fire Dragon Swordsman (if binds are a concern), Rodin, Wedding Ra, Hades, Hathor, Silk, Valen.
Unless you need bind immunity I'd swap Rodin for Yamato if possible then inherit Rodin on someone.
I'm not too knowledgeable on Gremory though.
Yeah, I wish I had a Yamato--those stupid heroes always seem like ideal subs. I rolled pretty hard for the GF around new years, and never hit
anything off of either pantheon. I didn't post out of shame, I burned like 80 stones and the best thing I got was a (pretty useless for me) Green Sonia, 2nd Tsubaki, the Ares, and the Laila. I also hit two L. Kalis, a Sherias, and like my third DQXQ. Everything else was silver (no swordsman either), so it was over half silver. I suppose I should be happy with what I got (and my overall luck in general), but it was still disappointing. Sorry, /rant.
Either way, Rodin is obviously useful occasionally for his active skill, but basically I'm just using him for his four rows. I've discovered that Gadius into Minerva active is a guaranteed row and LS activation, which is pretty nice; but you have to have some row awakenings to make use of it. Rodin is the only sub I have with more than two rows. I
could make RL Ares, but his Awoken form just seems better generally.
I have a skilled Awoken Orochi, but I like running him sometimes with my daughter, so I don't really want to inherit him unless I have to. At this point, these are Minerva-relevant skills that I have access to:
Wol (enhance and haste, unskilled), Terra (column of fire and light, haste), Zeta Hydra (delay, only one skill up), onion knight (dual orb change, move time), belial (counterattack, orb change, unskilled), Xmas Hatsume (orb change), Ares, Laila
I wish I had a solid damage spike ability for the team, but I've not drawn anything relevant. For bind clear, Dr. LawyerCop is likely going to put A. Sakuya on his Minerva, and I have him as a BFF. At this point, I'm positive I need the delay regularly enough that I need to figure something out for it, but most of the good inherit bases have longer CDs, while the shorter CDs are a bit lackluster stat and awakening-wise.
I might give Laila a shot with zeta on her, once I skill her down.