I had it all planned out in my head. I was going to burn a zillion stamina on thursday dungeon cuz I'm bottle necking on dragon fruits hard right now. Oh, but it's green metal dragon day and I'm also bottle necking pretty hard on green exp... Oh, but it's jewel guerrilla day and I have 0/6 green jewels on one of my accounts and could use them to skill up my fifty Balboa's on the other... Oh, but I need to start working on these challenge dungeons, there's only 3 days to go... Oh, but I need to finish farming skill ups for my Sarasvati, there's only 3 days to go...
This is the hardest I've had to fight off the urge to gem up a bar of stamina in a while. What I wouldn't give for enhance carnival on the PEM . Both of my accts been sitting on 50 pal pulls for like 2 weeks now while I wait for these garbage machines to go away.
This is the hardest I've had to fight off the urge to gem up a bar of stamina in a while. What I wouldn't give for enhance carnival on the PEM . Both of my accts been sitting on 50 pal pulls for like 2 weeks now while I wait for these garbage machines to go away.