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Puzzle & Dragons |OT4| Co-op Edition: Stoning With Friends


Why do you want a skilled up serket? I have the ALB cheese team and didn't see any need for this.
Skilling her up using a non-cheese team is a special kind of misery ... :D

She's got a unique active that will be inheritable once that update hits NA. Rukia teams can get some serious mileage out of it. Same with any rainbow team that doesn't need hearts as long as you have Heroine Navi. 6 turn cooldown shield that's as strong as you want has plenty of applications. I'm doing it because it's an excuse to run her as a lead.

I can farm with my alt but it's not as fast as I'd like. Kopis is actually really easy with Noctis. Just make a 3 combo 5 match dark and he drops most of the way. You can kill him with sub colors after that.

The only other dark card I'm really pushing to max skill is Mech Hera just so I have a 30% gravity to work with. The Yamamoto cheese team is pretty much foolproof, even moreso once you add fujin to the mix. It's a bit harder now that 4x is over though.

I don't run a blue team on either of my accounts but can someone take a peak at my 2nd accts blue box and let me know which evo I should pick for my Nut, the leader or the sub?


I just want to get rid of some mats but don't have a preference either way
If you had Rukia I'd say go for the lead evo. You have some good prongers (Orochi, Famiel) for use as a lead but you'll be short SBR. So based on the rest of your box I'd go with the sub form. The orb enhances are useful on a lot of teams and 2 TPA is easier to level off damage than a 7combo awakening. If you plan on coop and can make up the SBR deficit with your teammate than I'd go with the lead version.
I don't run a blue team on either of my accounts but can someone take a peak at my 2nd accts blue box and let me know which evo I should pick for my Nut, the leader or the sub?


I just want to get rid of some mats but don't have a preference either way
You have Sarasvati so you should build that team as she is an amazing and easy to use glass cannon leader. 100x for 3 water combos, that's it.

Here's Mantastic hitting over 342mil with a single card using her to 1 shot Orochi through his 99% shield in the recent Challenge 10.


Nut could make a decent sub on a TPA based Sarasvati team (or just the token TPAer on a row team for extra punch when you need it) but I'd still go with the leader version because with Saras's skyfall buff you will be hitting 7+combos more often. You also have Andromeda, 2x Mori, and an extra Sarasvati, so you could make one hell of a water team with all those rows.
New one-shot challenge coming up. On reddit I saw it suggested these may have radar dragons again. Do we know that?

I'm scared either way, I'd love a Hera Dragon so I could play around with YomiDra but the guerrilla looks too complicated for me (despite having Hades) and one-shot challenges are still probably out of my skill range :(

Maybe there's some cheese involving Fujin (the green mask will be the skillup after tonight) but otherwise unless this OSC is super easy it's another dungeon that will pass me by.


I'm scared either way, I'd love a Hera Dragon so I could play around with YomiDra but the guerrilla looks too complicated for me (despite having Hades) and one-shot challenges are still probably out of my skill range :(

Maybe there's some cheese involving Fujin (the green mask will be the skillup after tonight) but otherwise unless this OSC is super easy it's another dungeon that will pass me by.

Hera dragon's guerilla is cheeseable with Fujin. Next time it rolls around I'll help out assuming I have the team.

Also @LiQuid I lied go for the leader Nut. Nut with Rukia friend lead is really strong. You just need to bring Bind clear and 2 SBR on the team which Andromeda covers.

<bind clear>

The RCV on this team is absurd, similar to Meri but less damaging. I just played around in Ultimate endless with it and it clears 60k HP solo. All you need is 4 water orbs then just combo. The scaling starts at 5 and 6 combos is enough for most trash floors. 8 is enough to kill most things. I'd inherit a burst somewhere if you want to take on arena but for general descends the above team should clear most if not all of them. If your bind clear has SBR I'd swap Andro for a board change.

I'm waffling on what to do with my alt's MP. I have decent teams for Ra Dragon, Yomi Dragon, Xiu Min, and Xiang Mei. There's an outside argument for Rag Dragon as a Mathena sub.

I'm pretty sure the right answer is "don't buy any" since I don't think Yomi Dragon is going to let that account go anywhere it isn't already when coop-ing with my main.


I'm scared either way, I'd love a Hera Dragon so I could play around with YomiDra but the guerrilla looks too complicated for me (despite having Hades) and one-shot challenges are still probably out of my skill range :(

Maybe there's some cheese involving Fujin (the green mask will be the skillup after tonight) but otherwise unless this OSC is super easy it's another dungeon that will pass me by.

I don't know, I'm a bit optimistic. I beat two of the previous OSCs and, while they are tricky, they seem doable. If it is heradra, I just rolled that fujin and I am pretty confident that both Gremory and Meri can spike over 50 million damage in one turn with the right set up. On the other hand, I could potentially run a relatively convincing dark immune team, assuming the other spawns aren't horrible (DD Cecil/Pad dragon/pad dragon/Thothdet/flex/DD Cecil); 81x damage and great RCV is enough for most situations.

Basically, I am willing to give it a go.


TY boys, sub it is.

Did you not read my edit? The only reasons to go sub is damage control and you like the stat distribution better.

Lead pairs well with Rukia and Karin will eventually get the 7combo treatment like Haku.

You can always revert if you change your mind at least.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Did you not read my edit? The only reasons to go sub is damage control and you like the stat distribution better.

Lead pairs well with Rukia and Karin will eventually get the 7combo treatment like Haku.

You can always revert if you change your mind at least.

Yeah, my first account doesn't have much in regards to a blue box, so I won't be doing any coop any time soon. If I put together a blue team right now (which in an of itself is unlikely because I'm taxing my exp, tama and +egg stocks putting Myr teams together) I'll go with Sara lead.

And yeah, I can always just transform it if/when I need to. I mostly just want to use up some mats now and I wanted to make sure I wasn't passing on a premium leader if I had an ideal box to support it, which it sounds like I don't.


Anyone looking to run Star Den tonight? My time slot is 7-8pm US East. I could really use an extra hour block too if someone not in group E wants a partner for an hour.

Just need a red row lead I have SB's covered. My meme teams need plusses.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Really wish the Pii reward dungeons had the same color pii as whatever leader you take into it. Wasting stamina waiting for RNG to give you the one you want is so fuckin dumb.

There's a thread on the reddit of some guy sweating that he finally beat Illsix. I did this the other day when I beat Ultimate Dragon Rush for the first time and I don't remember having even a little bit of trouble with him, but I can't remember any details about the fight. Pretty sure I used Krishna. Now that I see he has a 30% resolve and an under 30% enrage attack I'm curious how I beat this guy so easily...
Really wish the Pii reward dungeons had the same color pii as whatever leader you take into it. Wasting stamina waiting for RNG to give you the one you want is so fuckin dumb.

There's a thread on the reddit of some guy sweating that he finally beat Illsix. I did this the other day when I beat Ultimate Dragon Rush for the first time and I don't remember having even a little bit of trouble with him, but I can't remember any details about the fight. Pretty sure I used Krishna. Now that I see he has a 30% resolve and an under 30% enrage attack I'm curious how I beat this guy so easily...

omg I just beat Ultimate Dragon Rush when it was the daily a few days ago, too! I forgot why I hadn't before when I regularly run a team with 2 DK Tsubakis, and the reason was Ilsix.

Solution was the exact same team (Ilm + Minerva I believe) and Maeda Keiji as an inherit for the locked orbs. Boom, new orbs, dead Ilsix, Zaerog got blasted through his dumb shield, free stone.
Anyone want my main's BF? Don't really need anything and I'm not planning on chasing a triangle. Main leads are Gremory, Meri, Myr, RaDra, and I'll eventually get DAthena.


Maintenance is almost upon us. Reminder about the contents of the 150 and 250 memorial machines, so you can know what to hope for from each machine.

I am very sincerely hoping that neither my main nor my alt pull any of the following: Minerva, Venus, Shiva, I&I, Hermes, Karin, Meimei, Haku, Kushinadahime, or Grodin from the 150 machine. I am also hoping that my alt in particular doesn't get Persephone or Astaroth from that machine.

Likewise, I am hoping that neither account pulls Cao Cao, Vishnu, Ganesha, Famiel, Ariel, Lumiel, Ishida, Keiji, Spica, Skuld, Ilm, Typhon, Ryune or any of the dragon callers from the rank 250 machine. My main would also really like to avoid Krishna, Saria, and Gadius, while my alt wants to avoid Sarasvati, Durga, and Verdandi.

Hear that, Desire Sensor? I want to AVOID all of those! Don't give me ANY of them, and I will be happy. I know I can believe in you, Desire Sensor.

Any of you have a particular hope for the memorial machines?


Main: Andromeda & Hathor
Alt: Neptune & Nephthys

No dupes
So not bad ,i guess
Nephthys can be my struggle-haku on the hakuless team

Carat isn't in either machine, unfortunately, so you're out of luck there.
Damn D:
We need that r500 machine soon


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Main: Dark Meta, Spica

Alt: Green Odin, Durga

No dupes! My last set of reset rolls were all dupes so this is already about as thrilling as a memorial reset can get. No immediate use for any of it though. Even the new evos on the way for some of them aren't too exciting to me. Have Durga on both of my accounts now, but not a fan of her leader skill. Spica's active is nice, but like the other mechanical star gods I've gotten, I don't really like the awakenings enough to put them on any team.

TBH best part of this reset was sending presents to myself and getting a light snowglobe on both accounts which I desperately needed to get my Myrs closer to max.


The desire sensor knew I was trying to trick it...

Main: Anubis (dupe), Zuoh
Alt: Susano, Satsuki

Yeah, my alt got Satsuki, and I did say "any of the dragon callers", but she was obviously the least optimal of them. Zuoh is something my main wanted, back when Pandora was still its primary lead. At least he's a good inherit for a Ruel team that prioritizes speed over Cauchemar's shield and same-color stat-boost. And G/L Susano is also an okay sub for Ruel.


Saving my dupes for a bit later today, so I can roll them with my daughter. Rank 150 machine is looking better than rank 250, but I'm unlikely to complain about free either way.


Dupes but good ones
Haku and Spica on my main, can't remember what I got on my alt account. Nothing insanely good otherwise I'd probably remember it. Kinda wish my alt got those rolls though.

I have 4 Spicas and 4 Hakus, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel. Is there really a point to more than 3 Revo Hakus?

In other news I'm waffling on making Revo Indra/Vritra. I might do it for the inherit stats if I need it I guess.

Also Aizen managed to snooze through the One Shot Challenge. Mine ended with Hera Dragon which Fujin on Aizen made short work of. I'd bet Meri would have a similarly easy trip. Maybe a stumble on Liberty Geist if you're trying to conserve actives but other than that it's probably fine.

I think any Arena capable team can do this. The radar dragon is the only thing I'd be concerned about, and until we know the spawning mechanism it'll be tough to plan ahead. Heph Dragon can be real nasty after having to dump lots of damage in the previous floors. Zeus dragon can be worked with, but Hera dragon can wreck you if you get bad skyfall luck.

EDIT: Looks like the Easter event has SDR invades back on the menu. I'll probably be running that non-stop unless something particularly interesting pops up.
I BF'd Aesnath to complete the triangle (I think/hope)

also rolled
-RSonia #4

First Durga and I had wanted her for the "ideal" D.Athena team at the time, but I have Loki and I assume ReLoki is superior in basically every way?

At the very least I have options and the only color I've never fielded a team in is dark, so more possibilities are nice. Will look into the OSC tonight.


Unconfirmed Member
My memorial machine rolls were... nostalgic?

Got an Ammy dupe and then a Saria dupe. Sure, I'll take my first two leaders over again at about the ranks I was using them I guess? Healing showers and shining rings for everyone.

Gave one shot challenge a try with Krishna and ended up choking in a sea of jammers and poison halfway. I'll give it another crack with Myr later, but the prize isn't shiny enough for me to consider stoning once or twice like the tamazos.


sparkle this bitch
Roll was Shiva, it seems pretty good on PAD site.

Another question, I have a Haku and now have the stuff to Awaken her. It's a good idea to go back and do so? I evolved her previously to D/D. The other issue is, will she keep her level skilled? I already put a few Pys in her to reduce her cooldown.


Roll was Shiva, it seems pretty good on PAD site.

Another question, I have a Haku and now have the stuff to Awaken her. It's a good idea to go back and do so? I evolved her previously to D/D. The other issue is, will she keep her level skilled? I already put a few Pys in her to reduce her cooldown.

Shiva is a great upper mid tier red lead. Depending on your red box he might be your best red lead.

Awoken Haku becomes Reincarnated Haku (soon hopefully) and is one of the best dark subs in the game right now. She will lose skill levels and if you don't have a team Revo Haku can fit on then leave her as is, you can always swap her over later when pys are more readily available (or the Chinese gods ever show up in the evo mat rotation again...)


Roll was Shiva, it seems pretty good on PAD site.

Another question, I have a Haku and now have the stuff to Awaken her. It's a good idea to go back and do so? I evolved her previously to D/D. The other issue is, will she keep her level skilled? I already put a few Pys in her to reduce her cooldown.
IIRC you have a Krishna? A.Shiva shares many of the same subs but plays very differently. Try taking it for a spin and see if it's something you enjoy.

Re:Haku at this point has become a staple sub, in multiples, on at least two endgame teams, so despite having to reskill her the cost is (probably) worth it.



Ronia (dupe #5 or #6, can't remember at this point)
Krishna (new)


Amon (new)
Ryune (new)

I can finally put some of my red cards to use on my main account, and it never hurts to get new cards on my alt since it's NIAP.



Saria #4
Ra #2

I suppose I should be happy that they are both assists with some use, but I can't help but feel a little disappointed. Would have loved a pantheon I didn't already have.

Daughter rolled Ishida and Belial. Neither are dupes, but she doesn't have anywhere in particular to use them. My life would have been easier if she had rolled the Ra and I had rolled my second Ishida.

I BF'd Aesnath to complete the triangle (I think/hope)

also rolled
-RSonia #4

First Durga and I had wanted her for the "ideal" D.Athena team at the time, but I have Loki and I assume ReLoki is superior in basically every way?

At the very least I have options and the only color I've never fielded a team in is dark, so more possibilities are nice. Will look into the OSC tonight.

We are triangular!


sparkle this bitch
Shiva is a great upper mid tier red lead. Depending on your red box he might be your best red lead.

Awoken Haku becomes Reincarnated Haku (soon hopefully) and is one of the best dark subs in the game right now. She will lose skill levels and if you don't have a team Revo Haku can fit on then leave her as is, you can always swap her over later when pys are more readily available (or the Chinese gods ever show up in the evo mat rotation again...)

I have the mats to evo her to Awoken already, my issue is I don't particularly have a dark team. Exact opposite, it turned out to be my weakest. I have Kefka, Goetia, Zouh(2x)



IIRC you have a Krishna? A.Shiva shares many of the same subs but plays very differently. Try taking it for a spin and see if it's something you enjoy.

Re:Haku at this point has become a staple sub, in multiples, on at least two endgame teams, so despite having to reskill her the cost is (probably) worth it.

I definitely will. Do they make decent subs for each other too? I don't have a defense break character. So I was thinking of adding him in. My team would be then.

Krishna, Shiva, RDCSoria, Elgunbi, Ame No Uze, and Krishna


I definitely will. Do they make decent subs for each other too? I don't have a defense break character. So I was thinking of adding him in. My team would be then.

Krishna, Shiva, RDCSoria, Elgunbi, Ame No Uze, and Krishna
Shiva has amazing stats and great awakenings
But his active is not preferred
He makes a great sub with skill assist
I definitely will. Do they make decent subs for each other too? I don't have a defense break character. So I was thinking of adding him in. My team would be then.

Krishna, Shiva, RDCSoria, Elgunbi, Ame No Uze, and Krishna

There are more ideal subs for both, but they make fine subs for each other. With Shiva your damage comes from making lots of combos of any color and red TPAs (exactly 4 red orbs in a line) and the optimal Krishna teams focus on making 3 red combos with red rows.

Krishna's red row awakening and lack of TPAs won't help much on the damage front for a Shiva team, but his other awakenings are fine and his skill is very useful and has a very low cooldown, so you can inherit another useful skill on top.

Shiva has no row awakenings to absolutely top out on damage as a Krishna sub, but if you make 3 red combos and 1 or more of them is a TPA, Shiva will shit out crazy damage. His other awakenings are all useful.


Pulled Dkali and Indra

Is Dkali even useful anymore with the advent of that farmable card?

Depends if you want to deal with that hell of a dungeon to earn it. I'd say she's still worth it. She's a perfect sub for almost every rainbow team, great stats, solid awakenings, and one of the most useful rainbow board changes.

I'd keep all dupes until I had like 5 or something.
no dupes = me not getting through the OSC

saw poisons and jammers, thought ronove, that wasn't a good idea, either -- Diadem does not care about me wanting a good time

unless I can bring my Tsubakis I'm outta luck :(
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