Anyone got a strategy for floor 8? It just seems really bad, any way you slice it.
It isn't worth it. What are you going to do with it?
His board is perfect for a few teams I want to build (Fenrir Viz especially, but light/heart/jammer is useful on myr, Arondight, Caladbolg, and others)
For floor 8 delays are your friend.
Azazel: Kill ASAP he's annoying if you leave him alive too long.
Sorcerer girl: play their game, bring a poison clear for Sharon, true damage for Leeza, and either SDR or something with fire for Laila
Puppet: if you're light/dark stall a turn or two then delay, heal up and kill, otherwise just kill
Grisar: Hit REALLY REALLY HARD. Another reason to bring a poison convert if you need to stall him out.
Flame Wisedragon: Delay and kill before it's up. He's not super dangerous but you probably need full HP to tank Dios' preemptive.
Dios: Hope you either have a shitload of HP or a shield, 70k preemptive. If you survive use a Force active to stall out his 99% shield ON THE FIRST TURN. No clue how you'd do this without. for the damage absorb, bring a friend with Fujin (or your own) then crush him.
I used:
Big HP badge
Dathena (Force as SDR)
Sima Yi
RHaku (Lumiel)
RHaku (Fujin)
RLoki (Facet)
Dathena (Force)
Dark prong + blue + 7c kills Azazel
Got Sharon, used the Lumiel Haku to finish her.
Puppet: stalled 2 turns, Dathena'd then killed when the shield was gone.
Grisar: Ate the gravity, Healed to FULL and killed on "2" with some poisons still on the board
Wisedragon: RHaku and killed (Dragon killers on RHaku were the secret MVP here)
Dios: Eat preemptive, Force, heal back up, Fujin, Sima Yi, Facet, kill