Thanksyeh I just got home and saw the stream was up and did this for my BFs and a few more
I know from here at least I got both of Liquid's and jiggle's, aesnath, and j0dy and a few more
Thanksyeh I just got home and saw the stream was up and did this for my BFs and a few more
I know from here at least I got both of Liquid's and jiggle's, aesnath, and j0dy and a few more
A third Dios would be appropriate for the normal team, but you're gonna need a lot more Zeuses Dios than that. Because yeah, a 30-turn cooldown is too long, so you have to skill them up by feeding them more Zeuses Dios (or Heras Beorc). Skill-up chances are currently 4x the base rate, so you at least have a decent chance of getting them (skill-ups are not guaranteed unless you're also fusing a Kingtan of the same color as the target monster).
I should also point out that ALB/Dios teams are typically used in coop (with a partner with a similar team, led by ALB, RLB, Perseus, Australis, or possibly Zeus Dios if desperate) because otherwise you won't have enough skill boosts to have the Zeuses skills ready, and ALB requires skill-use for maximum multiplier (my alt has an ALB team that can be used solo, but that's with two tricolor board-changers, one of which has a 2-turn haste).
Farming implies your playing quick multiple runs.
If your playing solo don't farm using ALB Dios teams its not going to be fun at all.
Either make a solo ALB team or use a different leader.
Two more rolls over lunch, 'cause I'm weak.
1. Urd #3
2. Dark Metatron (Neat!!)
So...anyone got any dark metatron teambuilding tips?
Two more rolls over lunch, 'cause I'm weak.
1. Urd #3
2. Dark Metatron (Neat!!)
So...anyone got any dark metatron teambuilding tips?
First: I hate you, the last GFE I actually want. (the ones I'm missing would be nice but nowhere near as important)
Dmeta teams are actually pretty flexible if you have access to Awoken Durga or Awoken Izanagi. Big things you need to keep in mind: What's your magic HP number? How much damage can you do at Full HP vs >80%, how many hearts heal "enough" but not "too much" to stay in the butter zone.
Prongs is efficient if you can field a team of gods. I don't think there's an "ideal" team in the Kushi/Dathena sense so just bring whatever utility you need.
The reason Awoken Durga *better for stats* and Awoken Izanagi *better active* are so good is because their actives put you in the kill zone without putting you at risk for most preemptives. Honestly having both as inherits on each dmeta is probably best. A shield is nice but not a hard requirement. A board change or trash clear is also a big help since you're not getting skyfall to help you.
If I had a Dmeta (some day...)
Dmeta (Awoken Durga)
Revo Haku
Sima Yi (locked orbs on a no skyfall lead SUCK)
Revo Persephone (heart breaking is important to stay in the right HP zone while hitting 7c)
Super Evo Pandora (To reset HP for things like Sopdet)
RHaku over Persephone if available. Inherit a shield. Susano is probably fine, Indra is obviously better. Eschamali works here too and clears trash for you.
If you need a decicated bind clear, Gremory is a great flex or go all in on TPA and use sub Lumiel with an inherit. I'd replace Super Pandora with these FYI.
Thanks--that really helps. I don't have a durga, BUT, I do have an izanagi I never did anything with, nice to hear he has a use. So, something like D.Meta (A. Izanagi)/R.Haku/R.Haku/R.Haku/Eschamali would be a good start? I already have lumiel and ryune inherited over two of the Hakus for D. Athena.
Any thoughts about 3p? I think I remember something about people running DK tsubaki with D.meta for the old gods. I have two hypermax DK tsubaki if it is a viable option.
EDIT: sorry, didn't see you Z; would you run R. Panda over Eschamali?
I'm just getting back into the game after a long (almost two years) hiatus, and I feel sort of lost.
So, I have two questions.
1. What are the best monsters now?
2. What tips and strategies work best, now? When I left Pandora and making complete row and column matches were the best way to attack. (At least that's what I remember.)
EDIT: sorry, didn't see you Z; would you run R. Panda over Eschamali?
I think this is a bug that they just fixed?I forgot to claim my rewards on my jp account from last months monthly quest
I have no idea why I did not just claim them as soon as I got them.
reading the translated notes from pad reddit it says i can claim them before aug 7, but it all blank for me.
Pulled once to scratch that itch
Maybe ill hit the yog jackpot
Main - sleeping beauty
Alt - chrono turtle
Not even close
Did... did Thor reincarnate as a girl? I know he dressed up like Freyja once in one of his ults, but I see breasts this time.
Tachibana is awesome. Double 7c board change and shield all in one.Day 2, 3 rolls main: junk, junk, Tachibana Ginchiyo(?) never heard of this chick but it's my first 7x6 leader and it looks like I finally have someone to pair with my alt's Sakuya. Gonna build this team.
4 rolls alt, got Kundali(?), #3 Famiel (w/e, butanz!), Hermes, Amenosomethingoranother. Really what the fuck is up with these monster names lately. What is this chick?
Thor's been a woman in Myth at some point, unless I'm thinking of the time he just dressed like a woman. I'm at work and I'm afraid of what searching will bring up to confirm either way.
Edit: just checked my phone, Thor used magic feathers to look like frejya to retreve mjolnir from the Giants. Loki accompanied him as a bridesmaid (he/she's) in the background of the Revo art.
Tachibana Ginchiyo(?) never heard of this chick but it's my first 7x6 leader and it looks like I finally have someone to pair with my alt's Sakuya. Gonna build this team.
It's distressing to me when I get powerful monsters that require a certain level of dedication, skill and/or box depth to fully extract the juice from.
edit: Just did another yolo pull on my main and got Caladbolg. Another new monster with a kit too complicated for me to wrap my head around.
Worst thing about the new fenrir is we are never getting the free, farmable & inheritable sub that makes dark water jammer board :/
sorry for any repeat questions as the last few months I've basically just been logging in daily:
I rolled the yellow wisedragon on my alt (well, its egg) and while its active skill looks broken as hell, what else is the point of it? High RCV? Its leader skill is not good.