It comes with the skin, open up the Encoded > Headers > Backgrounds > Black config.Excellent thread!
I was wondering OP, how did you get both the date and time to be inside a box on your pictured desktop? I downloaded the theme you are using but can't seem to find it. The date and time look somewhat transparent without the box.
Thanks for the heads up. I don't really know much about mac customization so I just replaced it with a random tutorial vid i found on youtube. It may or may not be accurate.The YouTube tutorial video for GeekTool has been removed.
im liking the whole quarter thing. i hope this can stay on the 1st few pages so people see it and participate.
also is there a good place for fonts?
That's awesome... I have such fond memories of os8/9
It comes with the skin, open up the Encoded > Headers > Backgrounds > Black config.
You can edit the dimensions manually in the config file.
Ah sorry about that, forgot that I was using a different skin in the OP.
But yeah, the background is from a different skin, called "Encoded".
another alternative is just to make a new .ini with this code (or insert into another skin's ini):
Code:[Background] Meter=IMAGE SolidColor=0,0,0,115 W=290 H=230
adjusting the W and H to any size you want.
Mac OS 9.
minor necro bump, but anybody have the link to this widget?
Netbook setup....
I wanna make my Windows partition look like this on my MBP, how would I go about recreating this (the Metro-style tiles etc)?