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Quake 4


Well, Raven is a pretty good dev (also making Xmen Legends), so I have faith. I didn't know they're working so close with id software.


being watched
4D is nothing new.



Acrylamid said:
In before photoshopped Blinx pics.




Ahh it totally clicked now. Looks good but not much better than DOOM 3 or anything.. I didnt bother to read the article but I imagine it must be using the same engine. It seems so cookie-cutter though.. like DOOM 3 with slightly different looking units as opposed to what was the huge technilogical leap forward that was Quake from DOOM 2, etc.

Not really all that excited.


I really wish they would go back to that cool techno-medieval style from the original. I loved the level design of the original Quake. The only downer about that game was there weren't too many huge outdoor levels, Quake 1's style with more outdoor levels would rock. I did enjoy Quake 2 though so I'll keep an open mind.
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