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Quantum Theory |OT| The Third Pillar

CaptYamato said:
Throwing your partner is hardly anything to get happy about. Especially when the game plays like a slower Gears.

Many marriages would be happier if you could just throw your spouse at your enemies.

Host Samurai said:
:lol Not at all. I am doing the same because I dont think we will have to wait that long.

Yep, I give it about 3 months before this game is at least half price permanently, another couple for the $20-something range.
Oh and I was implying waiting that long for the price drops...
for trophies


GOTY? :lol Are some of you people nuts? 3 out of 10 is very generous. In fact, I plan on suing the company for staining my hard drive with that disgusting demo.


The demo was painful to play through and I couldn't even force myself to finish it. It's a blatant Gears of War rip-off that looks and plays much worse. Even the art style is fugly. Some of you guys must have played a different demo. GOTY? Really? D:

Or maybe my sarcasm detector is broken.
DeadTrees said:
Cool, they used Mad Libs to write the story.

"Many years have passed since __________, leaving only a few survivors. In __________, life has been threatened by __________, creating __________. Surviving humans __________ to __________ and set out to take down the evil, __________. Arriving at the scene is the stalwart warrior __________, whose only intentions are __________. He meets the beautiful and mysterious __________ as they both __________ in their search for answers. __________ intensifies as the players __________."
No, no, it's the Unreal Engine Plot Generator (tm).


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
This has been getting some truly terrible reviews. At least wait until it hits bargain bins before you buy something so devoid of ideas.


jetsetfluken said:
For an official thread on a game that comes out today, it's awfully quiet in here.

See you online.
GET HYPE!!! :lol

The game has online? I'm shocked! Now I'm sure MW2 and Halo: Reach can't compete with so much awesomeness. I don't doubt this will be #1 in Major Nelson's fake Top 10 list next week.


There is limited enjoyment to be had here, but it is far more faint that the echoes of Gears of War that resound throughout the game. The resulting tribute only illustrates just how much skill it takes to mould a handful of smart mechanics into a slick, enthralling journey, and how, just as Western developers are ill-advised to try to copy Japanese successes, the reverse is equally true.
3/10 @ Eurogamer.



I can't wait. GOTY contender, it might not win or anything but its defently up there.
as long its less than 20 quids


erotic butter maelstrom
A few reviews have hit Metacritic. For some reason it's still under 10 entries.

They're added to the OP, in case anyone is interested.

So, surely someone on GAF has played this. I'd like to hear your thoughts.


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
I enjoyed the demo, I am still going to give the game a chance. I can make up my own mind. I don't go against other people's opinion just for the sake of it, there's plenty of popular games I like but in this case I liked the demo and I don't hate the art like a lot of people here and IGN including do.

Maybe I'll hate it, but since everyone is hating the demo and I liked it, I am going to give it a go.
So thanks to Goozex, I have this oddball coming in the mail. I tend to find enjoyment in bad Japanese games. I'm pretty excited to see what this is like. Next up should be Mindjack!
The game is down to 17.99 at Gamestop for used copies.
I don't think anyone actually bought the game in the first place so good luck finding a copy.

Nevermind then.
New copies are $20.
I've seen a few copies lying around gamestop.

Anyway, I did in fact finish the game and it was quite the game. Better then Vanquish?


Rahxephon91 said:
Anyway, I did in fact finish the game and it was quite the game. Better then Vanquish?
...Somebody come up with an appropriate .gif, please? This is a bit too much.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Rahxephon91 said:
Better then Vanquish?

I have bad taste.

I find Vanquish overrated, but no. Just... no.
You probably haven't even played it. None of you have. Its just pure badassery. I mean it's got awesome Oblivion inspired environments and anime chicks all in one package. It's a really good game. I fucking enjoyed the game. What does Vanquish have? A stupid chain smoker who surfs on the ground? That's nothing compared to Syd(just Syd) who kills it!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Rahxephon91 said:
You probably haven't even played it. None of you have. Its just pure badassery. I mean it's got awesome Oblivion inspired environments and anime chicks all in one package. It's a really good game. I fucking enjoyed the game. What does Vanquish have? A stupid chain smoker who surfs on the ground? That's nothing compared to Syd(just Syd) who kills it!

Demo doesn't count as playing it and seeing the shit production value of it?

Huh, learn something new today.
TheSeks said:
Demo doesn't count as playing it and seeing the shit production value of it?

Huh, learn something new today.
Demo's can be very deceiving. The demo of Vanquish was awesome. The game wasn't. The demo of FFXIII was incredibly linear and brown. The game wasn't like that. It had color.

So no you haven't played it. Going of the demo doesn't mean much.
And who cares about production values? Everyone loves that game Nier. It's got shity production values. I guess they are trying to be cool deep. Besides this games got better production values then Nier and has almost the same background story. Hell the leads are almost the same.


Rahxephon91 said:
And who cares about production values? Everyone loves that game Nier. It's got shity production values. I guess they are trying to be cool deep. Besides this games got better production values then Nier and has almost the same background story. Hell the leads are almost the same.
Oh for fuck's sake!


Haha. For what it's worth, the voice cast did reunite Nier and Kaine, which was a nice touch.

It's OK, and I say that as a connoisseur of shit games, because they're often the ones with the most memorable moments tucked away inside dreadful design decisions and lumpen controls. Nowhere near as bad as the shrill and silly reviews it got, nowhere near as good as a Keisuki Kikuchi game should have been.
D2M15 said:
Haha. For what it's worth, the voice cast did reunite Nier and Kaine, which was a nice touch.

It's OK, and I say that as a connoisseur of shit games, because they're often the ones with memorable moments tucked away inside bad design decisions and lumpen controls. Nowhere near as bad as the shrill and silly reviews it got, nowhere near as good as a Keisuki Kikuchi game should have been.
Exactly, it's a super enjoyable fun time game to play with some nerdy buddies around.

And the voice cast is surprisingly awesome.


Rahxephon91 said:
I've seen a few copies lying around gamestop.

Anyway, I did in fact finish the game and it was quite the game. Better then Vanquish?
STFU, this is not even funny.
Mdk7 said:
STFU, this is not even funny.
Have you played the game? And just don't say you "played the demo". Hell I've been told my opinion doesn't count if I haven't done a second playthrough for some games, so I'm not going to let that slide. So as someone who has played and beaten both, I'd so my opinion is pretty expert.

And no it's not funny when others can't accept that some like different things. This is like the time I told my friends I liked VR Troopers and not Power Rangers.

Face it man. Quantum Theory is awesome.
It's a shame that everyone hating on the game probably didn't play it. Probably too manly for them. Or not Japanese enough even though it has not 1 ,but 2 anime girls in it. Hell you even shoot off the face of tons of them at the end. Truly a manly game. Go play your Vanquish with it's overly serious critique of Russo American politics with robots.



It's a shit game. If you find a certain charm to shit games, more power to you. But don't expect many people to share your warped sense of taste.
The problem is it isn't a shit game. There's no anal butter in it. None at all! There's no warped sense of taste here. My taste is fine regardless of what the tag says. It's a incredibly overlooked game. It's only $20 right now at Gamestop and Walmart. If your looking for a good time and really want Gears 3, I say go for it.


Rahxephon91 said:
It's a shame that everyone hating on the game probably didn't play it. Probably too manly for them. Or not Japanese enough even though it has not 1 ,but 2 anime girls in it. Hell you even shoot off the face of tons of them at the end. Truly a manly game. Go play your Vanquish with it's overly serious critique of Russo American politics with robots.


Yup, real serious.


Rahxephon91 said:
Even the Godfather and GoodFellas have moments of humor.

Can't honestly say I'd honestly compare Vanquish (or any other game story for that matter) to The Godfather or Goodfellas, but whatever. Either way, no one played Vanquish for story.
Korigama said:
Can't honestly say I'd honestly compare Vanquish (or any other game story for that matter) to The Godfather or Goodfellas, but whatever. Either way, no one played Vanquish for story.
I did. I expected a story the caliber of Resident Evil 4 and Godhand.
Rahxephon91 said:
Even the Godfather and GoodFellas have moments of humor.
What does this even mean, what kind of argumen is this? Just the tone of that goofy scene in Vanquish is entirely different from those two movies, its like somethig out of 60's Batman.
How are you even making this jump to Vanquish being an overly serious game that somehow manages to be comparable to The Godfather and Goodfellas?!


benevolent sexism
Rahxephon91 said:
The problem is it isn't a shit game. There's no anal butter in it. None at all! There's no warped sense of taste here. My taste is fine regardless of what the tag says. It's a incredibly overlooked game. It's only $20 right now at Gamestop and Walmart. If your looking for a good time and really want Gears 3, I say go for it.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how special does it make you feel to champion a game that is by all accounts terrible and inessential?

Or is this an elaborate troll?


Why are we talking about Vanquish?

All I know about Quantum Theory from this thread is that it has Oblivion-influenced environments, anime girls, and decent VA, so it's good, even if the demo played like crap and had one of the worst boss fights I've had the misfortune to experience.

I'd love to be proven wrong (Lost Planet 2 was a lot better than people thought, and it'd be even better if I actually had some people to play it with), but the only impressions I see in this thread are from Rahxephon (whose praise has been as nonsensical as his trolling has been obvious) and D2M15, who says that it's OK for a shitty game, which I take to mean that it's thoroughly mediocre, but not completely broken and unplayable.

Thunderbear was going to get it at launch, it seems, but then he never posted in this thread again, which I'm sure is a good sign. And nobody discussed the game ever again anywhere else, if GAF search is to be believed.

Has anyone else even tried the final game? It seems like even Mindjack got more actual impressions than this.
Hey you say the trolling has been obvious ,but it seems some thought I was serious. So I say it was pretty successful. Especially, when my quote about Vanquish was used in the 2010 GOTY results thread.

But yeah this is all true about the game.

Quantum Theory is seriously underrated. It's everything that video games should be. Did you like the Oblivion gates? Well they made a whole game that looks just like that part and then they added an anime chick! Do you ever wonder what it would look like in a cake? Well this games got environments that look like a cake. I mean it's just such an awesome game. The environment changes, but it doesn't matter as you can just shoot stuff up regardless. Gotta kill it right! So many guns that look like meat slabs, but who knows what the fuck half of them do, but hey there's more then 10 so who cares! The characters are awesome. Syd, he's just a badass, he has to kill everything. You know because of course American's love their blood thirsty leads. Everyone in this DARK world is about fighting. Even your friends you see in the flashback, but don't worry about them. You will never see or learn about what happened to them after that scene! Your female partner is cool and her AI is awesome, if you need a wall to be shot. She's also got a red haired sister or something, but she never appears again after her fight, but you see her panties at least. There black, so you know the sister is edgy. But your strong female partner also has her sex appeal. Her boobs bounce and boy do they ever in those emotional bonding cutscenes they have in the game. But back to Syd. Hes got awesome lines like "Your not Chaos I am!". He's awesome. As for the plot, it's like Nier in that mankind got fucked so they did some shit. All you cool kids should be instantly hooked by the intrigue this title brings. As for the gameplay. It's like if Marcus Fenix was drunk, but at least you fight gigantic enemies.

It's just a cool game.
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