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Quarantine Mafia |OT| The Contagion is spreading.


I'm saying that if Kark is running some dumbass gambit (which he has done before), but is Town, can be useful as a player. Whether he IS Town or not is up for discussion.

And if you don't want to vote for me, that's ok.

Ah, so your stance is that he isn't actually the infected? Sorry if I missed that somewhere.


Was it implied the Araxometer counter will be told us every day?

Also, I may not know everything at play, but I trust my common sense. Scum members who know at least some part of other scum cannot be turned into town. That's common balancing.


Kark's plan could also be to bait a doctor into using their power on him so he can infect the director on Night 1


There's the delay in the random recruit. I don't learn who it is until the night after.

Hey, I'm not gonna start judging the game as "broken", that's ridiculous without knowing everything at play. I'm simply acting with the information I have, and making a risky play that is not too surprising from me now.

Look, what alternatives does Town have right now?

- If Town elects a Town Director, in all likelihood they will either be killed or eventually end up on Infected - especially worse later in the game, near LyLo or whatever the equivalent in this game is.

You can go with people promising a bunch of nothing with those 3 votes, or someone who is at least making himself a known quantity. You can track the status of my "curedness" by looking at the counter. If I'm not cured, Town knows they can axe me.

Alright, I just went from buying it to not buying it.


If what you are saying is true we could lose in Night 4 instead of Night 3 so, Why would you change a really easy win for a almost sure lost?

Where the Director role ends up, especially towards the end of the game, is likely gonna be a huge determining factor on who wins or loses.


Was it implied the Araxometer counter will be told us every day?

Also, I may not know everything at play, but I trust my common sense. Scum members who know at least some part of other scum cannot be turned into town. That's common balancing.

I agree. I'm pretty sure once a player hit the second level and gains access to scum chat they would be beyond saving.


Lynching Kark day 2 would be the safest bet, but yeah, I don't think they should be the Director.

We'll have to see what happens at night and at the beginning of day 2.

I agree. I will leave it up to whatever Doctor (or whatever) we have if they want to heal Kark, though.

Kark - what do the Araxis levels do. I assume that as scum you would know how they work? Otherwise this game is pretty bastard.


Where the Director role ends up, especially towards the end of the game, is likely gonna be a huge determining factor on who wins or loses.

So why should se give it to you when you are going to be lynched day 2? And we should lynch you day 2 to makes sure that everything you are saying is true. Also if you can't be cured it would give us another day.



Screw it. Let's lynch Kark tomorrow. If he's town then I couldn't care less about his aptitude, and if he's scum, then sweet, one less scum.


So why should se give it to you when you are going to be lynched day 2? And we should lynch you day 2 to makes sure that everything you are saying is true. Also if you can't be cured it would give us another day.

A director being lynched Day 2 is better than a Director living til end game (and Day 2 seems to be like half way through the game, maybe?).

Honestly, it's a bit of a red herring. All a Town Director does is make the game swingier - but you don't want to be on the opposite side of it, whether you're Infected or not.


There's really no point in trying to switch sides if I'm not afforded safety

I thought it was about Town safety, not your safety.

Alright, look, I'm the Infected, and I'm roleclaiming today in a bid to be cured and return to Town, but I need the Director power for this plan to work.

Why am I roleclaiming as the lone Infected? Because I realized this:

I'm going to infect a random person. I have no control over who I'm adding to my team (I think this is done so that I'm not just building some mafia supergroup of the best, scummiest Gafia players). This is how the game works, and it's why we're voting for a Director right now - it means they dont' just auto-join the mafia team.

But I think I see a way out for me, and a benefit for Town.


- Tonight, I'll add a random player to Infected. Notice that in the "feral" state, I actually don't get to communicate with them, so I don't actually learn who they are for a night. They will kill someone (this is when the NK happens), and likely target me. This is how I noticed my "out'.

- As Director, I have a higher chance of being protected or cured or something, aka converted to non-Infected/Town, which I'm pretty confident is a thing in this game.

- So I get cured, switched to Town, and then Town doesn't have to worry about the Director falling into mafia for the rest of the game.

Look, it's crazy, maybe a bit exploit-y, cheesing the game a little, but this is the best solution I see to this problem right now. Otherwise, lol, I'm dead - but Infected will live on.


There's really no point in trying to switch sides if I'm not afforded safety

The director role isn't much of a safety net. It will just get you NKed.

I asked this earlier but you might have missed it. Why did you say that you were likely to be killed by the first recruit?


well kark's claim has made this more difficult, in now I want to lynch both him and whatever director we elect tomorrow

if this was any player other than kark I might consider what he is saying, but bat computer and all that, i'm gonna pass


It seems we're pretty firmly against Kark as director which is good to see. I still stand by my statements that I should be elected, but I'm not going to keep harping on it.


You must have missed the part where a bunch of people have already said they assume they'll lynch the director D2 or D3 barring some solid confirmation they aren't infected.

If we lynch Kark and confirm that the infections are ramdom I'm willing to let the Director live a little longer.


Kark, run me through these scenarios:

1. You are town, we make you Director
2. You are town, we don't make you Director
3. You are scum, are telling the truth, and we make you Director
4. You are scum, are telling the truth, and we don't make you Director
3. You are scum, are lying, and we make you Director
3. You are scum, are lying, and we don't make you Director


Kark, run me through these scenarios:

1. You are town, we make you Director
2. You are town, we don't make you Director
3. You are scum, are telling the truth, and we make you Director
4. You are scum, are telling the truth, and we don't make you Director
3. You are scum, are lying, and we make you Director
3. You are scum, are lying, and we don't make you Director

Okay but first I gotta eat dinner, brb



Let me make sure I'm getting this all correctly. :x

-Kark claims he needs to be Director because he is infected and wants to be cured tonight, thus making him confirmed Town.

Some problems: It hinges on the fact that we have someone who can cure Infected people ( which we don't know exists ) , needs that person to claim if they DO exist, and it must be believed that a Level 2 infected can be cured.

I'm assuming the balance to having a cure ( if there is one ) is that Level 1 do not gain access to a chat. It's mentioned in the opening flavor but Level 1 are 'Feral' and kill without warning while Level 2 become more human and can 'interact with other humans'. In game sense, it probably means Level 1 are the killers and kill at random ( as said by Kark ) while Level 2 are the 'proper' Scum members that can chat. So it's a safe assumption that when someone is initially infected they automatically kill someone but do not know who the other infected are, therefore if they are cured they can't do any real damage since they do not know who the other Scum are.

This would also mean that a Level 2 can not be cured since they would see the Scum Chat and know the members. It would be broken if they could suddenly go back to Town with the knowledge of the entire Scum Team.

Now, considering we can't lynch today AND the counter is only at 1, I'm assuming that the Scum Team is actually only 1 person right now since if we could lynch the game would be over immediately. Going off of this it's also safe to assume Kark MUST infect someone tonight so the team can grow...meaning if we are to believe what he has said so far, he MUST become a Level 2 Infected, aka incurable, in order for the game to work.

SO, considering all of that I have a couple conclusions.

1. Kark is telling the truth, he is the lone Scum and truly believed he could be cured. Balance-wise I don't think he can be.
2. He's a Tanner. He wins when we kill him.
3. He's Town and is doing who knows what

Despite any of these scenarios ( even the Tanner one ) I think we need to lynch Kark the next Day Phase. I have a terrible feeling he is being honest but even the small part of me that says he could be lying ( aka he is the Tanner and not Scum ) isn't strong enough to keep off his lynch. He's either Scum or a Tanner and I'd rather risk lynching a Tanner than let potential Scum go.


I don't think this game has a tanner, unless we are truly going to bastard land.

If Kark is town, he would be doing some absurd-level karkadorian claim (Which after love boat... well it's not impossible). But in this case he would be essentially wasting town's time for multiple day phases.


Can I ask what a Tanner is?

And if his aim is to get lynched to win does that end the game?

Tanner is a neutral role. They win if they get lynched.

It's a role that is usually not favored in games, mostly due to it's very disruptive nature to the flow of the game.


Now that I'm done being 100% rational, let me break out my crazy plan. Now before you go 'that's a stupid idea' hear me out.

Let's nominate Kark as Director.

...still with me? Okay, good.

A few of us seem to be in agreement that if the Director lives long enough they will become detrimental to Town. As time goes on the likelihood of them become Infected and turning into Scum increases and as the Player List dwindles their vote holds more power. Many have already said if the Director lives past a certain point they will be a policy lynch just so that person does not make it to the End Game because of the power they will have. I agree, whether that person is Town or Scum if they have 3 votes that is far too much power for only one person to have in a game where lynches are incredibly important.

So what if we hit two birds with one stone? Kark's claim, whether you believe him or not, will make him a large question that will persist throughout the entire game until he flips. He already seems to be on the chopping block for tomorrow and I doubt that will change, so what if we combined our efforts and not only kill Kark but take out the Director as well?

IF we do decide to do this we all need to be in agreement. Director Kark would have 3 votes, meaning a good amount of us will need to be on him so we don't split the vote and cause a tie/push someone else into the lynch.

What do you guys think?


I don't see any reason to vote Kark Director.

He's already likely lynched tomorrow, better to examine a different person.
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