Queens of the Stone Age - Villains |OT| One Last Feel-Good Hit of the Summer

Do It Again deserves a lot more love.

i saw this yesterday and just disagree with most. Queens has very few songs i don't like, so i'm not going to argue too much but songs like Avon, song for the dead, i'm designer, auto pilot.... the list goes on. it'd be tough to come up with a top 10 and i would suspect most fans top 10 might change from week to week
Yeah this is true, it stung hitting post and then remembering I love I'm Designer, Sick, Sick, Sick, I Sat By the Ocean, Song for the Dead, etc. These guys got a deep catalog.
Speaking of under rated, Kalopsia is as well.
It's a weird song. Not unlike the other Trent featuring song, Era Vulgaris, it's a bit of a stomper but it's got a lot of strange shit going on with it. I dig the quiet bits into Trents parts but I don't know if I actually care too much for when Josh comes back in. By now that song dynamic is cemented but I remember hearing it the first time and thinking "awh man, I wanted to hear more of Trent yelling and screaming" lmao.
Villains is No.1 in the UK this week. It sold 32000 copies (along with the usual bullshit streaming metrics) to keeping the bafflingly popular cock-womble Ed Sheeran from the top spot.

However the BBC really wants to repeatedly hit you around the face with pictures of Taylor Swift because her garbage single is obviously of more significance, so beware of that.



Given this more listens, a step down from Like Clockwork.

This is their weakest album. Maybe I'm wrong and I'll love it in a few years. shrug

They need to shitcan Eagles of Death Metal and hit pause on all side projects and just fucken do Desert Sessions 11 + 12 already.
I find it pretty funny that some people aren't recognizing this album musically. It is undoubtedly a QOTSA album. Nearly every song on the album can be compared to some of their previous work. Much of Villains can be found somewhere on the spectrum between Lullabies to Paradise and Era Vulgaris. The music is heavily layered rock and roll, just like Queens has always been. I realize some people may have been looking for a "heavier" album but great artists don't just make the same album over and over again, they push themselves into new territory which is what Queens has done here. I would expect their next album to be a bit heavier but it's obvious that they wanted to make an up-tempo rock and roll album that people could dance and have a good time to and they definitely succeeded, while still maintaining the QOTSA sound.

If there's one thing that I'm surprised hasn't received more criticism on the album it's the lyrical content. Josh usually writes very insightful and clever lyrics but Villains is a little more straight forward, lyrically. It makes sense that it is given the overall vibe of the album but I thought more people would be taking note of it.
Given this more listens, a step down from Like Clockwork.

This is their weakest album. Maybe I'm wrong and I'll love it in a few years. shrug

They need to shitcan Eagles of Death Metal and hit pause on all side projects and just fucken do Desert Sessions 11 + 12 already.

You really don't want another Desert Sessions, unless guests like Arctic Monkeys, Florence Welch, Lady Gaga and Mark Ronson are your bag.
The other thing that I forgot to mention is that Queens has almost always made songs with this kind of swing and dance like vibe. They just never made an entire album focused on it. Songs like Broken Box, Smooth Sailing, I'm Designer Fun Machine and The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret to name a few.

I think complaints about the guitar tone on the album are lessened when you hear them live. Songs like TWYUTD and Domesticated Animals sound much beefier and full.
I can't do a top 10. SfDead (oh my god that song), Smooth Sailing and Never Say Never def there though.

Me neither, but all of your suggestions would be in contention for my list if forced to make one.

I don't think Auto Pilot gets anywhere near enough love but that's probably because it's an Oliveri joint.


Welp super spur of the moment but I'm now going to see them in Colorado in a little over a month.

Finally get to check them off my bucket list.


You really don't want another Desert Sessions, unless guests like Arctic Monkeys, Florence Welch, Lady Gaga and Mark Ronson are your bag.

Well fuck me that's a fair point.

DS11&12 would have been amazing if Josh did it when he originally promised he would.


Just wanted to share this link. This is a studio recording of the album. Strange thing is that I find the store album to sound a bit empty, clinical even, missing drum power and guitar riffs, but this version of the album actually sounds like classic QOTSA. It puts their recent repertoire into a different perspective for me, loving it now:


Edit - with different perspective I mean there are now kickass drums and riffs. Hell yeah
Just wanted to share this link. This is a studio recording of the album. Strange thing is that I find the store album to sound a bit empty, clinical even, missing drum power and guitar riffs, but this version of the album actually sounds like classic QOTSA. It puts their recent repertoire into a different perspective for me, loving it now:


Edit - with different perspective I mean there are now kickass drums and riffs. Hell yeah

Just wanted to share this link. This is a studio recording of the album. Strange thing is that I find the store album to sound a bit empty, clinical even, missing drum power and guitar riffs, but this version of the album actually sounds like classic QOTSA. It puts their recent repertoire into a different perspective for me, loving it now:


Edit - with different perspective I mean there are now kickass drums and riffs. Hell yeah

Ungghhh Smooth Sailing melta me oh my god.

That does sound more like it to me. Funny how it happens sometimes. Radiohead's TKOL has a similar album>studio bump in quality.


Just wanted to share this link. This is a studio recording of the album. Strange thing is that I find the store album to sound a bit empty, clinical even, missing drum power and guitar riffs, but this version of the album actually sounds like classic QOTSA. It puts their recent repertoire into a different perspective for me, loving it now:


Edit - with different perspective I mean there are now kickass drums and riffs. Hell yeah
That was pretty darn great. Domesticated Animals sounded amazing.

I know when I see them it's going to be a heavy dosage of LC and Villains, but I would love for them to play Mexicola.
Just wanted to share this link. This is a studio recording of the album. Strange thing is that I find the store album to sound a bit empty, clinical even, missing drum power and guitar riffs, but this version of the album actually sounds like classic QOTSA. It puts their recent repertoire into a different perspective for me, loving it now:


Edit - with different perspective I mean there are now kickass drums and riffs. Hell yeah

ugh... now I'm REALLY indifferent to Ronson's mix :(


He wasn't alone.
Just wanted to share this link. This is a studio recording of the album. Strange thing is that I find the store album to sound a bit empty, clinical even, missing drum power and guitar riffs, but this version of the album actually sounds like classic QOTSA. It puts their recent repertoire into a different perspective for me, loving it now:


Edit - with different perspective I mean there are now kickass drums and riffs. Hell yeah

50 minutes sure does go by fast. Thanks for this.


Can't wait to listen to that live play through, but, man, I love this album.

Like people are saying above, Domesticated Animals is an instant classic.

Ric Flair

Wish the whole album sounded like that live performance, the album was always missing something very key for me, and I found it in that live recording. The album sounds overly produced, and the songs lost their punch in the process.


A month old and loving it more than ever. A rare masterpiece. God bless you Josh!
Definitely a great album, no bad song IMO and some really, really strong ones.

Wish the whole album sounded like that live performance, the album was always missing something very key for me, and I found it in that live recording. The album sounds overly produced, and the songs lost their punch in the process.
I couldn't agree more. It sounds too "perfect" and sterile. It's a bit of a shame because it might have been QOTSA's best album (if it isn't).
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