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Quentin Tarantino Thread of- Foot Fetishes, Tipping and Ezekiel 25:17

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harSon said:
You thought the writing was good in Vol. 1 but not in 2? :lol

Yeah, thats an odd criticism. Akin to saying "I liked the writing in the first half of IB, but not the second!"


Lorr said:
1) Pulp Fiction
2) Inglourious Basterds
3) Kill Bill
4) Reservoir Dogs
5) Death Proof

Haven't seen Jackie Brown yet... maybe tonight.

Updated list. Might change after seeing Inglourious Basterds and Jackie Brown again, but Pulp Fiction is still #1.

1) Pulp Fiction
2) Inglourious Basterds
3) Jackie Brown
4) Kill Bill
5) Reservoir Dogs
6) Death Proof


My list then ;).

1. Pulp Fiction
2. Kill Bill
3. Reservoir Dogs
4. Inglorious Basterds
5. Jackie Brown
6. Death Proof


Costanza said:
Don't you dislike season 5 of LOST?

Lost is a television series spread out over several years between different writers, Kill Bill was written by a single person as a single movie...


I posted my rankings before but they'd be:

Tarantino Directed:
1. Pulp Fiction 10/10
2. Jackie Brown 10/10
3. Reservoir Dogs 9.5/10
4. Kill Bill Volume 1 and 2 (Preferred volume two to one) Vol. 1 = 9.0 Vol 2 = 9.5 Together = 9.5/10
5. Inglorious Basterds 9.5/10
6. Death Proof 8.5/10

Tarantino Involved:
1. Pulp Fiction 10/10
2. Jackie Brown 10/10
3. Reservoir Dogs 9.5/10
4. Kill Bill Volume 1 and 2 (Preferred volume two to one) Vol. 1 = 9.0 Vol 2 = 9.5 Together = 9.5/10
5. Inglorious Basterds 9.5/10
6. True Romance (Original cut = 8.5/10, Tarantino Cut 9.0/10)
7. Death Proof 8.5/10
8. From Dusk Till Dawn 7.5/10 (Beginning was infinitely better than the second half)
9. Natural Born Killers 5.0/10 (Stone ruined a decent script, first half was nearly unwatchable, second half was decent but not enough to salvage the film)

Edit: Oh shit Jibril, I forgot all about you, lets get cracking on that Spaghetti Western thread sometime soon?


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Yeah, cool. Whenever you want to start.

Voting so far.

1. 13- for PULP FICTION
3. 6- for KILL BILL

Please correct me if I forgot your vote.

@Existor, your vote is now counted.


Cool, we're doing lists? I haven't seen Inglourious Basterds yet and I have high hopes for that after hearing all the positive reports.

Tarantino-directed only:

1: Pulp Fiction-Tarantino will never top this, which is ok because it will go down in history as an all-time great. 10/10

2: Reservoir Dogs-Just an absolutely amazing film and shows how often a lower budget will force a director to be creative with his films. Give them a big budget and watch the quality drop (see also: Robert Rodriguez) 9.5/10

3: Jackie Brown-I wasn't a fan the first time I saw it (was expecting something more Pulp-ish I suppose). Subsequent viewings cemented as a firm favorite. Great stuff. 9/10

4: Kill Bill Vol 1. Loved it, doesn't compare to the above 3, but it's a lot of fun. The main problem I had was in the dialogues. I know it's a different kind of film, but it felt like Tarantino really phoned those in this time around. 8.5/10

5: Kill Bill Vol 2. Another great film, but this was the first one where Tarantino actually had boring scenes in the film that didn;t work at all. Overall still great fun. 8/10

6: Death Proof-Definitely his weakest. The first half was pure brilliance. Some of the best work Tarantino has ever done imo. Then that boring-ass second half kicked in. Save for the final chase, I can't believe Tarantino thought he was onto a winner with that part. Dialogues were very stilted for anyone. 7/10

I just noticed that I liked every subsequent film of his less than his previous. The only exception being Pulp Fiction, which I prefer over RD.


Costanza said:
Don't you dislike season 5 of LOST?

I hate it, but whats your point? Kill Bill is a single screenplay, written by the same guy, at the same time. A single season of Lost is written by a bunch of different people, at different times, let alone the entire series.

Anyways, revised list after some reflection and a second IB viewing:

1. Jackie Brown
2. Inglourious Basterds
3. Pulp Fiction
4. Reservoir Dogs
5. Death Proof
6. Kill Bill


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I dunno, writer/directors mucking up film's tone midway through isn't so hard to believe IMO.

Danny Boyle


might as well:

1-Pulp Fiction
2-Inglourious Basterds
3-Death Proof
4-Reservoir Dogs
5-Jackie Brown
6-Kill Bill 2
7-Kill Bill 1


Junior Member
kill bill
jackie brown
pulp fiction
reservior dogs
julie and julia
transformers 2
death proof


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Voting so far.

1. 14- for PULP FICTION
3. 6- for KILL BILL

Please correct me if I forgot your vote.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Yeah, they made that deal, but they don't give a fuck about him. They need Boyle.

Utivich, take Garland's scalp.


Im just sayin'.... Boyle's 3 movies that take drastically different courses in the third act (The Beach, 28 Days Later, Sunshine) were all penned by Garland.

I expect Halo to turn into a romantic comedy in the final act.
harSon said:
Those types of movies are timeless, anything that isn't reliant on special effects will age well :p

I meant more that I've grown to love it more and more as I grow older, though I communicated that in the worst fucking way possible. :lol


permutated said:
I meant more that I've grown to love it more and more as I grow older, though I communicated that in the worst fucking way possible. :lol

I get you, Tarantino films tend to have that effect. It's cheesy to say but they're like a fine wine :p


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
harSon said:
I get you, Tarantino films tend to have that effect. It's cheesy to say but they're like a fine wine :p

Fine wine with pinch of awesome.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
I was 5 when Pulp Fiction was released and 3 years when Reservoir dogs was released.
I also watched The Good The Bad and The Ugly when I was 4.

I want to join OG GAF, but I'm too young. :(


Ok let's do this.

1) Pulp Fiction
1) Inglourious Basterds
1) Kill Bill (Counted as 1 movie but Volume 2 is better than 1 if you have to count them as 2)
1) Reservoir Dogs
1) Death Proof
1) Jackie Brown

Those are all my favorites, but I guess you can count them in that order right there. That was way too hard.
I really have always been confused about the Reservoir Dogs' love. I love QT, and I love everything else he has done, but I can't stand RD.


permutated said:
Watching Pulp Fiction right now.

It's aged really really well.

Yeah, I watched a few days ago for the first time in years and was amazed by how good it looks. Somehow I completely forgot what a great film it is.
So I had the radio on in the background Friday, and he was being interviewed by Terry Gross. He told some story about how Ezekiel 25:17 is completely different in the bible than what Sam Jackson says, and I think he explained why or how it happened that way... but I really just caught the end of it. Does anybody know what the story is?


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Duane Cunningham said:
So I had the radio on in the background Friday, and he was being interviewed by Terry Gross. He told some story about how Ezekiel 25:17 is completely different in the bible than what Sam Jackson says, and I think he explained why or how it happened that way... but I really just caught the end of it. Does anybody know what the story is?

This site says:
This is actually not directly from Ezekiel 25:17 and in fact, only the last sentence and part of the second last sentence will be found there.

Marsellus' soul. This theory is used more than any other, considering the visuals and plot line. Marsellus wears a bandage in the back of his head, perhaps to cover an incision which The Devil made to take the soul. Jules and Vincent experience "Divine Intervention" in getting the briefcase, and Jules' Ezekiel 25:17 speech talks about evil and all that other biblical stuff.

4. The two times Jules quotes Ezekiel 25:17, he quotes it slightly differently.
5. Jules must have been reading one weird Bible, because the verse he quotes isn't like any version in print.


Neo Member
So I had the radio on in the background Friday, and he was being interviewed by Terry Gross. He told some story about how Ezekiel 25:17 is completely different in the bible than what Sam Jackson says, and I think he explained why or how it happened that way... but I really just caught the end of it. Does anybody know what the story is?

I seem to remember that one of the quotes comes from the beginning from one of the Sonny Chiba Street Fighter movies, but I could be wrong.


templeusox said:
I really have always been confused about the Reservoir Dogs' love. I love QT, and I love everything else he has done, but I can't stand RD.

For me, it's all about the third act. The first time I saw the movie I was pretty bored by it in the beginning, but once
Madsen gets shot
it really took off for me.


MrOctober said:
Ok let's do this.

1) Pulp Fiction
1) Inglourious Basterds
1) Kill Bill (Counted as 1 movie but Volume 2 is better than 1 if you have to count them as 2)
1) Reservoir Dogs
1) Death Proof
1) Jackie Brown

Those are all my favorites, but I guess you can count them in that order right there. That was way too hard.

My man.


I don't remember doing this yet, so here goes.

1) Kill Bill
2) Pulp Fiction
3) Inglourious Basterds
4) Reservoir Dogs
5) Jackie Brown
6) Death Proof

It doesn't feel right to see any of these titles at the bottom of a list. Each is a pleasure to think about, discuss and rewatch. I couldn't do without any of them.

Now that I think about it, I might have posted a similar list in the Inglourious Basterds thread. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be slightly different than the one above. Kill Bill (I consider both volumes one film) and Pulp Fiction would certainly still be at the top, though. They distinguish themselves as gems even among the rest of QT's brilliant work.


sparkle this bitch
My list...
1. Reservoir Dogs
2. Jackie Brown
3. Inglorious Bastards
4. Kill Bill Vol 1
5. Pulp Fiction

With Death Proof and Kill Bill Vol 2 not even ranking. Did not like either of them.

I also have to give special love to Dusk to Dawn, One of the most ridiculously entertaining movies I've ever seen. :lol


i won't comment about his other movies but i watched Inglorious Bastards, and I think thats a movie of a perfection touch. everything about it was right.

I just loved the 'Jew Hunter's acting. superb just superb


Cool I also want to vote!

1) Reservoir Dogs
2) Inglourious Basterds
3) Kill Bill
4) Pulp Fiction
5) Death Proof
I didn't see it posted anywhere, so I thought I'd post it. And I assume everyone knows that the quote doesn't actually exist. Parts of it are from Ezeikel 25:17, but only a few words here and there. The rest, one can onlye assume, was written by the Quentin.

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequeties of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and goodwill, shepherds the weak through the valley o darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destry my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee."


Neo Member
I watched From Dusk Till Dawn again lastnight & I finally realised that the Texas Ranger is the same character from Kill Bill, Death Proof & Planet Terror!
Earl McGraw played by Michael Parks!

I love all the connections in the QT universe! :D

Lee Donowitz (True Romance) is realted to Sgt Donny Donowitz (Inglorious Basterds)

Vincent Vega (Pulp Fiction) is Vic Vega (Reservoir Dogs)'s brother

& I'm sure there are more that I can't remember right now :lol


DieselRainbow said:
I watched From Dusk Till Dawn again lastnight & I finally realised that the Texas Ranger is the same character from Kill Bill, Death Proof & Planet Terror!
Earl McGraw played by Michael Parks!

I love all the connections in the QT universe! :D

Lee Donowitz (True Romance) is realted to Sgt Donny Donowitz (Inglorious Basterds)
Vincent Vega (Pulp Fiction) is Vic Vega (Reservoir Dogs)'s brother

& I'm sure there are more that I can't remember right now :lol
I remember seeing some show where a guy had put together all the connections between his movies, Sam Jackson's character in Kill Bill with his Pulp Fiction character, Madsen in Reservoir Dogs being Travolta's brother in Pulp fiction(something about From Dusk til Dawn as well) and how there is some overarching themes and stories between all his movies and how you could consider some of them to be a loosely tied together into a larger movie or universe by the connections and themes. It was kinda neat.

Man I wish I could find it again.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Voting so far.

1. 17- for PULP FICTION
2. 8- for KILL BILL

Please correct me if I forgot your vote.


1)Kill Bill
2)Inglorious Basterds
3)Resevoir Dogs
4)Pulp Fiction
5)Death Proof

I really don't care for JB at all.
DieselRainbow said:
I watched From Dusk Till Dawn again lastnight & I finally realised that the Texas Ranger is the same character from Kill Bill, Death Proof & Planet Terror!
Earl McGraw played by Michael Parks!
What's funny is that Michael Parks played another character in Kill Bill. It was Esteban, in Vol. 2.
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